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Incorrect form used for 父 in TW #376

NightFurySL2001 opened this issue Jan 20, 2023 · 10 comments

Incorrect form used for 父 in TW #376

NightFurySL2001 opened this issue Jan 20, 2023 · 10 comments


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NightFurySL2001 commented Jan 20, 2023

According to 國字標準字體, the top part of 父 should not be connected to the bottom part.



The three characters (斧爸釜) currently using the CN form should be remapped to the JP form. A new glyph might be required for 斧. The same modification was already done to HK except 斧 for consistency (#202 (comment)).

Remap TW & HK: 爸釜, New glyph: 斧


For best consistency, it is probably better to abandon the CN 父 for the three characters (斧爸釜). The CN glyph for 爹爺 is not connected too (notice the 多 and 耳). Also, all reference forms provided officially has the stroke disconnected.
Reference from Unicode and official documents/compliant fonts:

Remap and remove TW, HK & CN: 爸釜, Edit CN glyph: 斧爷

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celleo commented Feb 2, 2023

I'm no professional, just bumped into this discussion. So I'd share my absurd thoughts here: most Chinese writings are not fixed to one dedicated presentation style. Spaces between radicals in Chinese writings are most from aesthetic consideration. So you can find many characters in ancient Chinese handwritings are not fixed to one dedicated presentation style. I read somewhere before that some font strokes in design are deliberately connected to save occupied space and/or beautify the looking of the whole character. So I'd suggest, connect the strokes when the character is used as radical for small sized displays, disconnect the strokes for large sized cases. Otherwise if technically difficult, adopt the simplified CN connected implementation, especially for a Gothic font (simplified font style vs. traditional classical styles), for easier user reading experience without creating more spaces and small strokes.

And, I don't suggest font designers stick too much to the TW 國字標準字體:

反对意见 (quoted from Baidu Baike)
如,教育部推行之国字标准字体,只能说是取其某片段文字而非整体文字之综观,就如“月”的肉字偏旁在书法上以楷书写为“月”字,但是行楷及行草才是采用上点下勾。而“充”字上部却书写为“一+ㄙ”而非“ˋ+一+ㄙ”,不符合历朝多数楷书古帖写法。 (国字标准字体采用前者写法原因是因为《康熙字典]》等字书多以三笔计算“充”字上部,而《康熙字典》以三笔计算的原因则是因为“充”字上部在篆体是“子”的颠倒,而“子”字三笔。国字标准字体制定时,大部分的文字有去考量笔画数应与《康熙字典》等字书一致。)

More please refer to Zhihu topic

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hfhchan commented Feb 2, 2023

I will strongly suggest that Source Han Sans do not join the strokes for 父 under any circumstances. This will make all the glyphs consistent with the existing JP glyphs, comply with the mandatory PRC standard, and be consistent with the Taiwan MOE standard.

Whether or not the Taiwan MOE standard is controversial should not be a concern here. The CN forms have compulsory standards which they need to adhere to, and the Taiwan MOE standard is consistent with it. There are no grounds for including extra glyphs that deviate from the Taiwan MOE standard.

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celleo commented Feb 3, 2023

I will strongly suggest that Source Han Sans do not join the strokes for 父 under any circumstances. This will make all the glyphs consistent with the existing JP glyphs, comply with the mandatory PRC standard, and be consistent with the Taiwan MOE standard.

Whether or not the Taiwan MOE standard is controversial should not be a concern here. The CN forms have compulsory standards which they need to adhere to, and the Taiwan MOE standard is consistent with it. There are no grounds for including extra glyphs that deviate from the Taiwan MOE standard.

Please read this Zhihu topic. Taiwan MOE standard is consistent with others??? And except the recommended standard "GB/T 14245.2-2008" 64x64 dot-matrix glyphs (refer to the picture posted below), I can find nowhere the PRC mandatory standard of Hei (Gothic) font... As far as I know, latest Chinese glyph related mandatory standard GB 18030-2022 standard only uses Song.

And, please be awared that the glyphs/writing of Kai or Hei has never been consistent with each other besides Song. I believe, during the long evolution of printing glyphs, the basic and top priority rule of a font should be from aesthetic point and main stream usage (considering major parts of most characters have been fixed and stable during long history of usage), instead of rigidly sticking to the "source" of glyphs (if archeologic sourcing is the rule, all Chinese characters should be restored back to original Shang Dynasty shell-bone glyphs or even earlier Neolithic glyphs, without evolving to later Zhuan/Li/Kai/Xing/Cao, not mentioning Song/Ming fonts invented for printing usage). Below picture is part of the evoliton of "父". Which one should we adopt, connected or disconnected?

With glyph stroke complexity grows, the spaces are compressed and finally connected. (GB/T 14245.2-2008 64x64 dot-matrix Heiti)

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hfhchan commented Feb 3, 2023

Taiwan MOE standard is consistent with others???

As far as this issue is concerned, the request by the MOE standard to use the unjoined form of 父 is consistent with the GB standards.

Latest Chinese glyph related mandatory standard GB 18030-2022

GB 18030-2022 is a character set standard, not a glyph standard. The only glyph standard in force now is 《通用規範漢字表》 which supersedes all previous glyph and orthographic standards.

The basic and top priority rule of a font should be from aesthetic point and main stream usage.

The designers of Source Han Sans have chosen to use the non-joined form in the JP region, which is also consistent with the JIS standards.

I do not understand what your proposal is. Are you suggesting that the JP forms should be modified to use the joined form for characters where 父 is compressed? There does not seem to be a strong argument for having the CN region and/or TW, HK regions to be supplied with extra glyphs which use a joined form, in violation of the CN mandatory standards and TW standards.

some font strokes in design are deliberately connected to save occupied space and/or beautify the looking of the whole character.

That is definitely true but note currently the joined forms are used for characters which have plenty of space, while the more compressed ones use the separated forms. This is directly contrary to what you suggest here.

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NightFurySL2001 commented Feb 3, 2023

@celleo Notice the top row of these glyphs: all CN glyphs are specially made for CN (爹 has difference in 多; 爺 has difference in 耳; a new CN glyph with minor difference was used for 父). Characters with more condensed stroke used separate 父, while those with more space used combined 父.
This is indication that the font designers at Changzhou SinoType probably did not have an idea on which form to use.

Here are some points as to why we should use the JP separated 父 design:

  1. If we are to follow the original design of the Source Han Sans design, the form with 父 separated is the form that should be used.

  2. Song/Hei difference is insignificant here so it is better to take the standard Song and carry it over to Hei.

  3. All official standard featuring Hei (showin in picture is GB/T 13848-1992 《图形信息交换用矢量汉字黑体字模集及数据集》) shows a separated form, as well as Microsoft YaHei as approved by the government agencies.

  4. TW MOE form suggest to use the separated 父 design too. The current form is wrong in terms of this.

  5. Current HK switched from CN to JP design due to aesthetics.

  6. Unifying this design difference between CN and JP to JP is the least minimal work: remapping CN, TW and HK to JP, and adjusting two glyphs (爷斧(CN)). It also frees up 2 glyphs. [using CN form will require adjusting 5 glyphs: 斧(JP)爹(JP)爺(JP)爹(CN)爺(CN), while using the inferior design of 爸 and 釜 for JP and KR]

What should be done:

  1. Remap 爸釜 of CN and TW to JP. (or at least remap it for TW first)
  2. Remove CN 爸釜.
  3. Redesign 爷斧 of CN and use it for TW and HK. (cannot use JP 斧 due to difference in 斤)

P/S: I am not advocating the use of TW MOE 國字標準字體 in this font. It is way better to use a region-agnostic form such as Kangxi dictionary or the Inherited Forms Component Checklist. This issue is already discussed in #6 with a worse outcome.

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celleo commented Mar 26, 2023

@NightFurySL2001 I surely agree with changing if it's based on aesthetic point, with space tuning by sizes/points instead of simply unifying all characters to use the same radical forms. This should be left to judgement of seasoned font designers, because I'm no designer, qualified with neither font expertise nor art education (so please don't ask me to give solutions)... If there should be any solution, I'd suggest turning to the real origin & standard of modern CN Hei font 印研黑一体. BTW, I disagree rooting the change to inappropriate standards or misunderstandings to standards:

  1. There is no official standard for CN Hei except "GB/T 14245.2-2008" as I mentioned before (on my short-time unprofessional investigation). GB/T 13848-1992 is older and revoked. All other standards including GB18030 use either Song or Kai. I guess the reason of lacking Hei in character related standards is, it's too detailed & rigid to allow the maturity of this young font, considering its short evolving history comparing to Kai's over thousand & Song's hundreds of years.
  2. GB 18030-2022 is the latest CN standard, for both character encoding and Song glyphs (included in its Appendix). 通用汉字规范表 is a 2013 standard which aims to regulate the essential Chinese radicals and strokes, not trivial details such as spacing or sizing of them. Please be aware we can always see this kind of keeping certain flexibility against rigid essential rules on official GB standards (mindset might be to avoid frequent changes introduced by later evolution during usage), which created some inconveniences like the famous half/full width confusion of the U+2018/U+2019 quotation marks.
  3. Don't simply copy from JP fonts. CN fonts have a different evolution route and mindset than JP ones, although Japan and Korea shared a long history using traditional Chinese characters till mid 20th century. I learned from this topic, 黑体字: Song, instead of JP Gothic, is the major contributor during the evolution of Hei, carrying different formation traits from Japan gothic fonts (although it did inspire Hei a lot).

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NightFurySL2001 commented Mar 27, 2023

  1. As I do not have access to GB/T 14245.2-2008 (and 印研黑一体), the shown glyph is GB/T 13848-1992. However, both standards are/were considered official even though one is revoked, and both show the same glyph (as shown in your comment): 父 is disconnected. There should be no issues here using an outdated standard when it is showing the same glyph.
  2. GB 18030-2022 does not determine the glyph standard of Chinese characters. 通用汉字规范表 is the only standard that China is using for glyph standard; GB 18030 did not specify any official status of the reference glyph it provides.

Quote from GB 18030:

字符 character:供组织、控制或表示数据用的元素集合中的一个元素。

It does not specify the glyphs provided are normative, the glyphs are only for reference. As the name of GB 18030 suggest: Information Technology—Chinese coded character set, it only deals with encoding, not presentation (fonts).

Quote from official announcement of 通用汉字规范表:


Quote from 百度百科 规范汉字:


百度百科 通用规范汉字表:

体现着现代通用汉字在字量字级字形 等方面的规范。



This means that 通用汉字规范表 is a main reference of glyph (字形) standard, including the connection/disconnection of strokes.

Anyway, even if you want to think that GB 18030 is a glyph standard (instead of its original purpose of encoding standard), it still show 父 is disconnected in most characters.

  1. If you didn't notice, Source Han is based on Japanese Kozuka fonts. It definitely is a reason for the CN (and TW/HK) version of Source Han to reference the original JP design of Source Han. Also, there is a contradiction with the statement Song is major inspiration of Hei: if that is the case, then Hei is also standardized by Song, which as above mentioned is covered by 通用规范汉字表 (which shows 父 is disconnected).

Additional: even if not considering CN standard (as mentioned in the first comment in this issue), TW and HK still require modification on 父 component based on their own standards. Modifying CN is just an additional step that can be taken to free up CIDs and make 父 more consistent (as shown in picture: 父 in tight space like 爹爺 is disconnected but connected in 爷斧爸) with 通用汉字规范表 and GB 18030 (although not a glyph standard).

Unless you have anything more to provide regarding 父 component in Source Han (like glyph remapping/redrawing), any debates on which standard is appropriate and not appropriate is useless and just wasting our time: 通用汉字规范表 is the main glyph standard for China, GB 18030 only gives additional reference glyphs in place where 通用汉字规范表 doesn't cover (such as 繁体字 and 异体字) and the glyphs are not mandatory.

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celleo commented Mar 29, 2023

I guess there was some misunderstandings & confusions in previous discussions. It might be brought by my poor expression in English (I was afraid of being accused by polluting Github with Chinese only text with limited audience). To be accurate and save time, Chinese wording might be appropriate:
首先,我并不反对做字形改变, 实际上我觉得指出这种不一致是一个很好的视角。考虑到我也不是字体相关的设计师或者工作者,所以我的观点也并不一定正确,也不是适合争论该怎么做的决策者。我只是从个人有限的认知出发,觉得这种修改应该是基于每个字的美感,由实际使用地区中有经验的设计师们参考资料和各方意见来做决定(可能应该分开,也可能应该全部相交,应当是主流人群使用和书写风格来决定的事情)。在汉字的书写中,笔画是否相接,只取决于字体风格、空间美观,只要大的笔画和构成原则没有被破坏从而造成疑义都是允许的。事实上即便不考虑有论文考据到的黑体和篆书的渊源,“父”作为部首在空间受限时上下相接可能是更美观的选项,因为更紧凑,少了一些空间的割裂感。(但我不是设计师,仅为个人审美的一家之言。)



最后,说到援引标准,我觉得一定是先找最新的,然后再追溯旧标准,因为其可能因谬误而有变化和修订。有一定年头的标准不仅受限于起草人的认知和水平,还可能因不能及时更新而适应时代的变化:标准的更新可能要么不迫切,要么已经部分被别的新标准内容所涵盖。更重要的是,标准的应用领域往往也不一样,不可不察。通用汉字规范表是对文字使用的通用规范,事实上也说明了其引用的是GB13000-2010《信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集(UCS)》(=ISO 10646:2003,该标准主要目的是将GBK字符对应到Unicode编码表)。具体到信息技术领域内的字体(宋体),GB18030-2022《信息技术 中文编码字符集》才是适当的参考标准(GB2312->GBK->GB18030才是主要的标准制定和演进路径)。GB18030-2022同时也对GB13000-2010中没有的字符,指定了相应的Unicode编码,实际上是对GB13000-2010的内容进行增补(修订)。至于18030-2022是否对字形做出规定,请参考下列文本:

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NightFurySL2001 commented Mar 30, 2023

TL;DR: SC and TW in this font has lots of problem and thus JP/KR form is better for Source Han. 通用规范汉字表 is the current glyph standard and not GB18030-2022. The connection/separation of CN 父 cannot be reasoned as purely aesthetical or due to standards.


针对最后一点做出纠正:《通用规范字形表》才是中国汉字字形标注的唯一标准,GB18030-2022前言里面并未针对“字形”做出定义(而是提供“字符” character的定义,如我上一个comment截图),这代表GB18030-2022并不规定“字形”。附录前言定义的仍旧是“字符”,它只是给出了一个“参考”字形和代码,不代表字形是强制性部分。中国汉字字形标注如下追溯历史:


** 2009的征求意见稿参考《印刷通用汉字字形表》调整了44字的字形,也间接证明《通用规范汉字表》通过《印刷通用汉字字形表》定义汉字字形。附图如下。
** GB18030-2022里面援引《通用规范汉字表》(附录 E),而《通用规范汉字表》引用的GB13000.1《....汉字字序(笔画序)规范》只是定义了按照笔画排字序,不是字形,所以《通用规范汉字表》引用GB13000.1不是GB18030-2022定义字形的基础。
** GB18030-2022即使援引《通用规范汉字表》也仍旧有诸多问题,包括错误的《通用规范汉字表》字形


目前已经公认中国的“规范汉字”字形是由《通用规范汉字表》定义,GB18030-2022 不定义字形,请详细查阅“规范汉字”的定义



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Marcus98T commented Mar 30, 2023

With that, I request this issue be locked temporarily, but keep it open. Nobody wishes to see heated back-and-forth discussions debating the nitty-gritty details of standards and aesthetics, even in Chinese where the maintainers will not understand.

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