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miguelsousa committed Apr 12, 2016
1 parent 31c0fdb commit 830e514
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# Support module for FontLab scripts.
__copyright__ = """
Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated ( All Rights Reserved.
This software is licensed as OpenSource, under the Apache License, Version 2.0. This license is available at:
__doc__ = """
AdobeFontLabUtils v1.5 Feb 09 2009.
Support module for FontLab scripts.
Defines commonly used functions and globals.

import sys
import os
import string
import re
import time
import plistlib
import StringIO
from FL import *

kGlyphOrderAndAliasDBName = "GlyphOrderAndAliasDB"
kSharedDataName = "SharedData"

# Routines for managing a directory tree of font files,
# and for exporting/importing ata between the font files
# and a master dictionary file

def setFDKToolsPath(toolName):
""" On Mac, add std FDK path to sys.environ PATH.
On all, check if tool is available.
toolPath = 0
if sys.platform == "darwin":
paths = os.environ["PATH"]
if "FDK/Tools/osx" not in paths:
home = os.environ["HOME"]
fdkPath = ":%s/bin/FDK/Tools/osx" % (home)
os.environ["PATH"] = paths + fdkPath

if == "nt":
p = os.popen("for %%i in (%s) do @echo. %%~$PATH:i" % (toolName))
log =
log = log.strip()
if log:
toolPath = log
p = os.popen("which %s" % (toolName))
log =
log = log.strip()
if log:
toolPath = log

if not toolPath:
print """
The script cannot run the command-line program '%s'. Please make sure the AFDKO is installed, and the system environment variable PATH
contains the path the to FDK sub-directory containing '%s'.""" % (toolName, toolName)

return toolPath # get reid of new-line

def checkControlKeyPress():
notPressed = 1
if == "nt":
import win32api
import win32con
keyState = win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(win32con.VK_CONTROL)
if keyState < 0:
notPressed = 0
except ImportError:
print "Note: to be able to set options for this script, you must install"
print "win32all Python module from Mark Hammond. This can be found at:"
print ""
print "or, and search for 'Python Windows Extensions."
import Carbon.Evt
import Carbon.Events
modifiers = Carbon.Evt.GetCurrentKeyModifiers()
if modifiers & Carbon.Events.controlKey:
notPressed = 0
return notPressed

def checkShiftKeyPress():
notPressed = 1
if == "nt":
import win32api
import win32con
keyState = win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(win32con.VK_SHIFT)
if keyState < 0:
notPressed = 0
except ImportError:
print "Note: to be able to set options for this script, you must install"
print "win32all Python module from Mark Hammond. This can be found at:"
print ""
print "or, and search for 'Python Windows Extensions."
import Carbon.Evt
import Carbon.Events
modifiers = Carbon.Evt.GetCurrentKeyModifiers()
if modifiers & Carbon.Events.shiftKey:
notPressed = 0
return notPressed

def checkAltKeyPress():
notPressed = 1
if == "nt":
import win32api
import win32con
keyState = win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(win32con.VK_SHIFT)
if keyState < 0:
notPressed = 0
except ImportError:
print "Note: to be able to set options for this script, you must install"
print "win32all Python module from Mark Hammond. This can be found at:"
print ""
print "or, and search for 'Python Windows Extensions."
import Carbon.Evt
import Carbon.Events
modifiers = Carbon.Evt.GetCurrentKeyModifiers()
if modifiers & Carbon.Events.optionKey:
notPressed = 0
return notPressed

def GetSharedDataPath():
sdPath = ""
for path in sys.path:
if not"FDK/Tools", path):
m =, path)
if not m:
sdPath = path[:m.end()]

if not sdPath:
print "Error. The path to ",kSharedDataName," is not in the sys.path list."
elif not os.path.exists(sdPath):
print "Error.", sdPath,"does not exist."
sdPath = ""

return sdPath

# fontDirPath is an absolute path to the font dir, supplied by FontLab
# fontPSName is used to get the top family directory from the font library DB file.
# so as to look back up the family tree for the GOASDB.
def GetGOADBPath(fontDirPath, fontPSName):
goadbPath = ""
dirPath = fontDirPath
trys = 3 # look first in the font's dir, then up to two levels up.
while trys:
goadbPath = os.path.join(dirPath, kGlyphOrderAndAliasDBName)
if (goadbPath and os.path.exists(goadbPath)):
dirPath = os.path.dirname(dirPath)
trys -= 1

if (goadbPath and os.path.exists(goadbPath)):
return goadbPath

# default to the global FDK GOADB.
goadbPath = ""
sharedDataDir = GetSharedDataPath()
if sharedDataDir:
goadbPath = os.path.join(sharedDataDir, kGlyphOrderAndAliasDBName )
if (goadbPath and os.path.exists(goadbPath)):
return goadbPath

print "Error. Could not find", kGlyphOrderAndAliasDBName,", even in FDK Shared Data Dir."
goadbPath = ""

return goadbPath

def SplitGOADBEntries(line):
global goadbIndex

entry = string.split(line)
if (len(entry) < 2) or (len(entry) > 3):
print "Error in GOADB: bad entry - too many or two few columns <" + line + ">"
entry = None
if len(entry) == 3:
if entry[2][0] != "u":
print "Error in GOADB: 3rd column must be a uni or u Unicode name <" + line + ">"
entry = None
if len(entry) == 2:

# Add GOADB index value
if entry:
goadbIndex = goadbIndex + 1
return entry

# Misc utilities

def RemoveComment(line):
index = string.index(line, "#")
line = line[:index]
return line

#return list of lines with comments and blank lines removed.
def CleanLines(lineList):
lineList = map(lambda line: RemoveComment(line) , lineList)
lineList = filter(lambda line: string.strip(line), lineList)
return lineList

#split out lines from a stream of file data.
def SplitLines(data):
lineList = re.findall(r"([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]", data)
return lineList

def LoadGOADB(filePath):
""" Read a glyph alias file for makeOTF into a dict."""
global goadbIndex

finalNameDict = {}
productionNameDict = {}
goadbIndex = 0

gfile = open(filePath,"rb")
data =

glyphEntryList = SplitLines(data)
glyphEntryList = CleanLines(glyphEntryList)
glyphEntryList = map(SplitGOADBEntries, glyphEntryList)
glyphEntryList = filter(lambda entry: entry, glyphEntryList) # drop out any entry == None
for entry in glyphEntryList:
finalNameDict[entry[0]] = [ entry[1], entry[2], entry[3] ]
if productionNameDict.has_key(entry[1]):
print "Error in GOADB: more than one final name for a production name!"
print "\tfinal name 1:", productionNameDict[entry[1]], "Final name 2:", entry[0], "Production name:", entry[1]
print "\tUsing Final name 2."
productionNameDict[entry[1]] = [ entry[0], entry[2], entry[3] ]

return finalNameDict, productionNameDict

kDefaultReportExtension = "log"
kDefaultLogSubdirectory = "logs"
kDefaultVersionDigits = 3
kWriteBoth = 3
kWriteStdOut = 1
kWriteFile = 2

class Reporter:
""" Logging class to let me echo output to both/either screen and a log file.
Makes log files with same base name as font file, and special extension.
Default extension is supplied, can be overridden.
Trys to put log file in subdirectory under font file home directory."""

def __init__(self, fileOrPath, extension = kDefaultReportExtension):
self.file = None
self.fileName = None
self.state = kWriteBoth
if type(fileOrPath) == type(" "):

# try to find or make log directory for report file.
dir,name = os.path.split(fileOrPath)
logDir = os.path.join(dir, kDefaultLogSubdirectory)
if not os.path.exists(logDir):
except IOError:
print "Failed to make log file subdir:", logDir

if os.path.exists(logDir):
fileOrPath = os.path.join(logDir, name)

basePath, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileOrPath)
self.fileName = self.makeSafeReportName(basePath, extension)
self.file = open(self.fileName, "wt")
except IOError:
print "Failed to open file", self.fileName
self.fileName = None
self.file = fileOrPath

def makeSafeReportName(self, baseFilePath, extension):
global kDefaultVersionDigits

""" make a report file name with a number 1 greater than any
existing report file name with the same extension. We know the
baseFilePath exists, as it comes from an open font file. We will
not worry about 32 char name limits -> Mac OS X and Windows 2000
n = 1
dir, file = os.path.split(baseFilePath)
numPattern = re.compile(file + "." + extension + r"v0*(\d+)$")
fileList = os.listdir(dir)
for file in fileList:
match = numPattern.match(file)
if match:
num =
num = eval(num)
if num >= n:
n = num + 1

if n > (10**kDefaultVersionDigits - 1):
kDefaultVersionDigits = kDefaultVersionDigits +1
filePath = baseFilePath + "." + extension + "v" + str(n).zfill(kDefaultVersionDigits)
return filePath

def write(*args):
self = args[0]
text = []
for arg in args[1:]:
text = " ".join(text)

if (self.state == kWriteBoth):
print text
if (self.file != sys.stdout):
self.file.write(text + os.linesep)
elif (self.state == kWriteFile):
self.file.write(text + os.linesep)
elif (self.state == kWriteStdOut):
print text

def set_state(self, state):
self.state = state

def close(self):
if self.file and (self.file != sys.stdout):
if self.fileName:
print "Log saved to ", self.fileName

def read(*args): # added to make this class look more like a file.

def getLatestReport(baseFilePath, extension=kDefaultReportExtension):
""" FInd the latest report matching the path and extension.
Assume that the highest number is the most recent.
n = 1
dir, file = os.path.split(baseFilePath)
logsDir = os.path.join(dir, kDefaultLogSubdirectory)
matchString = r"%s.%sv0*(\d+)$" % (file, extension)
print matchString
numPattern = re.compile(matchString)
fileList = os.listdir(logsDir)
print fileList
latestFile = ""
for file in fileList:
match = numPattern.match(file)
if match:
num =
num = eval(num)
if num >= n:
n = num
latestFile = file
if latestFile:
filePath = os.path.join(logsDir, latestFile)
filePath = ""

return filePath

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