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Troubleshooting Guide

Marshall Peterson edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 2 revisions



@parcel/core: Failed to load ... from ...

react-spectrum-charts uses exports in it's package.json. In order to take advantage of libraries that use exports in Parcel, you need to enable this in you app's package.json (v2.9.0 announcement).

To resolve this issue, add the following to your app's package.json:

    "@parcel/resolver-default": {
        "packageExports": true

Reference Error: $... is not defined

react-spectrum-charts uses vega-embed which has a dependency on fast-json-patch. fast-json-patch has a known issue where it does not get hoisted correctly by parcel. There is an issue logged to remove our dependency on vega-embed. In the mean time, an alias can be used to point to the index.js file instead of the index.mjs file in fast-json-patch.

To resolve this issue, add the following to your app's package.json:

    "alias": {
        "fast-json-patch": "fast-json-patch/index.js"

Workaround credit @kylekarpack.



Chart Components

Supplemental Chart Components

Layout Components




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