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Flickerlessly is a tiny JavaScript library that helps detecting any specified HTML element as soon as it appears on the page. It is one of the most performant ways for DOM element detection thanks to the keyframes animation technique. This approach successfully replaces the DOM polling with setTimeout/setInterval that drains device resources or MutationObserver that has browser limitations and may be a less performant solution.

How Flickerlessly Works

Behind the scenes, Flickerlessly is subscribing to DOM animationstart events. During initialization all specified CSS selectors are assigned to keyframes animation rules. Once specified elements appear in the DOM, animation is triggered and JavaScript event listener receives a notification to trigger a specified callback function for particular selectors.

Example of Usage

    selector: '.a, .b', 
    success: function(el, log){
        log("Detected element", el);
    {selector: '.c', 
    success: myCallbackFn, 
    persist: true 


Flickerlessly.onReady([object1, object2, objectN]) is the only available initializer method.

The object in the Array list of arguments has the following structure:

Name Type Required Default Description
selector String Yes None CSS selector(s) to be detected
success Function Yes None Callback to execute after element detected
persist Bool No false Executes the callback again if true

selector can be any CSS selector or list of selectors: .myClass or body > p, #myElement, etc.

success is a custom callback function. It passes detected element and custom logger in the arguments:

success: function(el, log){
    log("Detected element", el);

persist is a Boolean that indicates whether the above callback function needs to be executed again, when set to true, or suppressed for every following new keyframe animation. Why would animation occur more than once? Since we are using keyframe animations for specified elements, animations are triggered every time this element is is touched by DOM tree (for example, child is appended inside).

Why Flickerlessly?

Creation of Flickerlessly was inspired to find a better DOM polling solution to be used in Adobe Target HTML offers where detection of elements is required to perform any DOM manipulations. But Flickerlessly can be used for any scenarios where DOM detection is needed.


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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