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Converts beanvalidation-annotations to JSON to be used for client-side validation.

This class:

package de.adorsys.beanval2json.test.model;

public class Person implements Serializable {

    @Pattern(regexp = "[a-zA-Z]+", message = "Please enter only letters")
    private String name;

    @Min(value = 500)
    @Max(value = 5000)
    private BigDecimal salary;


will be converted to:

  "": {
    "pattern": {
      "regexp": "[a-zA-Z]+",
      "message": "Please enter only letters"
  "de.adorsys.beanval2json.test.model.Person.salary": {
    "min": {
      "value": "500"
    "max": {
      "value": "5000"

A working example can be found in the beanval2json-generator-test module.


Use the de.adorsys.beanval2json.BeanvalAnnotationProcessor e.g. via Maven:

                <!-- disable annotation-processing - we will use the bsc-processor-plugin -->
                    <!-- no release by now -->


  • mappingFile: Path to a properties-file with full-qualified property-names as key. The annotation-processor uses the full qualified names as key in the generated JSON-Object. The crux of the matter is how to map the values to the input-fields. One way could be to use e.g. the input-ids and overwrite the mapping in this property-file.
  • messagesFile: Path to a properties-file with error-messages. If the messages defined in the annotations start and end with a curley bracket like {javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message} the processor will use the defined message from this file.
  • ignoreFile: Path to a line-separted file with Classes or Properties which should not be converted to JSON.


Beanval2Json converts beanvalidation values to JSON to be used for client-side validation. This project does no validation. Most projects have their validation-plugins anyway which could use the generated JSON. You can find a html5-validation example and an AngularJS example in the test-project.