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Document Safe

The document safe (docusafe) is a framework used to securely manage (read, write, update and delete) data on the top of a blob storage. This version contains the following features

  • Multiple DFS Connections

    The underlying DFSConnection is explained in The docusafe by defaults works with one DFS. It contains all data of all user. Though the data is encrypted individually and thus can not be hacked it is vulnerable as once the dfs connection credentials are known, all data can be deleted. To avoid this, it is possible to give each user its own dfs connection. By that the data is no more stored in one place, but in different places and for that much less vulnerable. Of course this feature can be used for clustering too.

  • Encryption done with CMSEnvelopeData

    The en- and decryption of the data is done by the bouncy castle classes provided with the CMSEnvelope. The cryptographic message syntax (CMS) is a standard. Thus the encrypted data can be read by other systems if the private keys are available.

  • individual BucketPath encryption

    Each users documents are not only en- and decrypted individually, but the names of the files are encrypted individually too. So access to the DFS connection gives the hacker only a chance to see completly encrypted data. No readable filenames and of course no readable content can be seen.

  • Persistence en- and decrypted via fixed byte array or streams

    Last but not least, even big data streams (> 1GB) can be securely stored with the provide stream functionality.


The docusafe framework is a layer based software. Each layer depends on its underlying layer. The underlying layer does not have any dependencies to the layers above. The layers will be explained from bottom to top.

layer 0: docusafe-service (internal)

This layer does the encryption stuff. It is not to be uses by the clients. It provides a service to create a keystore, to en- and decrypt a bucket path and to en- and decrypt a blob. These services should be regarded as internal/private.

layer 1: docusafe-business

This layer provides the main functionality of the document safe framework. Users can be created. With these users documents can be created and stored. The documents can be saved as blobs or streams. The interface of this layer is DocumentSafeService. Just to give you an idea how easy it is to store and read a document here a simple tiny main.


import de.adorsys.common.exceptions.BaseException;
import de.adorsys.dfs.connection.impl.factory.DFSConnectionFactory;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.keystore.types.ReadKeyPassword;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.DocumentContent;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.UserID;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.UserIDAuth;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Created by peter on 19.02.19 09:45.
public class ReadMeMDFileTestCode {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // create service
        DocumentSafeService documentSafeService = new DocumentSafeServiceImpl(DFSConnectionFactory.get());

        // create user
        UserIDAuth userIDAuth = new UserIDAuth(new UserID("peter"), new ReadKeyPassword("passwordOfPeter"));

        // create document
        DocumentFQN documentFQN = new DocumentFQN("first/document.txt");
        DocumentContent documentContent = new DocumentContent(("programming is the mirror of your mind").getBytes());
        DSDocument dsDocument = new DSDocument(documentFQN, documentContent);
        documentSafeService.storeDocument(userIDAuth, dsDocument);

        // read the document again
        DSDocument dsDocumentRead = documentSafeService.readDocument(userIDAuth, documentFQN);
        if (Arrays.equals(dsDocument.getDocumentContent().getValue(), dsDocumentRead.getDocumentContent().getValue()) == true) {
            System.out.println("read the following content from " + documentFQN + ":" + new String(dsDocumentRead.getDocumentContent().getValue()));
        } else {
            throw new BaseException("This will never happen :-)");

layer 2: docusafe-transactional (internal)

This layer provides the functionality to group actions that will be commited all together, or none of them. Now guess, you want store two documents and you get an exception for what every reason after storing the first but before storing the second document. The exception will raise and prevent the mandatory endTransaction(). So none of the documents will be stored at all. This layer gives you a handle to store your documents all the time consistently matching to each other. This layer must not be used with layer1 (docusafe-business) at the same time! Documents stored with the services of layer1 can not be seen in layer2. If you use this layer, do not use services of layer1. The interface of this layer is TransactionalDocumentSafeService.

layer 3: docusafe-cached-transactional

This is a thin layer based upon the previous which prevents unneccesary payload when the same document is written or read more than one time. The interface of this layer is CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService. And again, here a tiny how to use example

package de.adorsys.docusafe.transactional;

import de.adorsys.common.exceptions.BaseException;
import de.adorsys.dfs.connection.impl.factory.DFSConnectionFactory;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.keystore.types.ReadKeyPassword;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.DocumentContent;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.UserID;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.transactional.impl.TransactionalDocumentSafeServiceImpl;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.cached.transactional.CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.cached.transactional.impl.CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeServiceImpl;
import de.adorsys.docusafe.service.api.types.UserIDAuth;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;

 * Created by peter on 19.02.19 09:45.
public class ReadMeMDFileTestCode {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         // create service
        CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService cachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService;
            de.adorsys.docusafe.cached.transactional.impl.SimpleRequestMemoryContextImpl simpleRequestMemoryContext = new de.adorsys.docusafe.cached.transactional.impl.SimpleRequestMemoryContextImpl();
            DocumentSafeService documentSafeService = new DocumentSafeServiceImpl(DFSConnectionFactory.get());
            TransactionalDocumentSafeService transactionalDocumentSafeService = new TransactionalDocumentSafeServiceImpl(simpleRequestMemoryContext, documentSafeService);
            cachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService = new CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeServiceImpl(simpleRequestMemoryContext, transactionalDocumentSafeService, documentSafeService);

        // create user
        UserIDAuth userIDAuth = new UserIDAuth(new UserID("peter"), new ReadKeyPassword("passwordOfPeter"));

        // begin Transaction

        // create document
        DocumentFQN documentFQN = new DocumentFQN("first/document.txt");
        DocumentContent documentContent = new DocumentContent(("programming is the mirror of your mind").getBytes());
        DSDocument dsDocument = new DSDocument(documentFQN, documentContent);
        cachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService.txStoreDocument(userIDAuth, dsDocument);

        // read the document again
        DSDocument dsDocumentRead = cachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService.txReadDocument(userIDAuth, documentFQN);
        if (Arrays.equals(dsDocument.getDocumentContent().getValue(), dsDocumentRead.getDocumentContent().getValue()) == true) {
            System.out.println("read the following content from " + documentFQN + ":" + new String(dsDocumentRead.getDocumentContent().getValue()));
        } else {
            throw new BaseException("This will never happen :-)");

        // end Transaction

    public static class SimpleRequestMemoryContextImpl extends HashMap<Object, Object> {

layer 4: docusafe-spring

The layers 0-3 have to be used as direct services. This means, the classes have to be instantiated with new x-serviceImpl(). Specially the layer 2 and 3 need a MemoryContext object to store temporary information in memory rather than the DFS. As most server based architectures run with spring or ee context, there is no need to create your own implementation of a MemoryContext.

As the name of the layer implies, the docusafe instances can be injected with spring. This can be achieved by simply using the @UseDocusafeSpringConfiguration annotation. Then the DFSConnection or the CachedTransactionalDocumentSafeService can be injected as autowired beans. Or, for more detailed access to the services, the SpringDFSConnectionFactory or SpringCachedTransactionalDocusafeServiceFactory can be autowired.


If you are missing a REST layer, this is not provided by this framework. But in you can find a REST layer for the docusafe framework.

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