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Thumbkit provides a unified API for generating thumbnail images from image, audio, and text sources. It plays nicely with Carrierwave out of the box, but doesn't require it.

it's like quicklook for carrierwave :)

-- Emmanuel Gomez

Synopsis'path/to/audio.mp3').write_thumbnail # => 'path/to/audio.png''path/to/text.txt').write_thumbnail  # => 'path/to/text.png''path/to/image.jpg').write_thumbnail # => 'path/to/image.jpg'

See Usage below for more examples


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'thumbkit'
gem 'mini_magick' # For text or image thumbnails
gem 'waveform' # For audio thumbnails
gem 'oily_png' # Optional, for presumably faster audio thumbnails

And then execute:

$ bundle

Please see Requirements for more information about each thumbnail type.


Image thumbnails

Thumbkit uses MiniMagick to resize and crop images.

If you plan to support thumbnails raw files, imagemagick delegate raw processing to ufraw.

On OS X:

$ brew install ufraw # Optional, for processing cr2, raw, etc
$ brew install imagemagick
$ gem install mini_magick

Text thumbnails

Thumbkit uses MiniMagick to render text files, and depends on both Ghostscript and ImageMagick

On OS X:

$ brew install ghostscript
$ brew install imagemagick
$ gem install mini_magick

HTML thumbnails

HTML thumbnails are not yet supported, but the plan is to use phantomjs to render html files.

Audio thumbnails

Thumbkit uses the waveform gem to render audio files. waveform depends on libsndfile. ffmpeg is required in order to generate thumbnails from anything other than .wav files.

See for more on requirements.

$ brew install ffmpeg # Optional for mp3
$ brew install libsndfile

NOTE: As of 0.0.3 waveform fails on mono files (benalavi/waveform#4, benalavi/waveform#5). I've forked and fixed the issue (see benalavi/waveform#6). Until my fix gets merged in you can use Like so:

gem 'thumbkit'
gem 'waveform', git: '', branch: 'thumbkit'
gem 'oily_png' # Optional, for presumably faster audio thumbnails


Thumbkit takes a path to a file, and saves a thumbnail for that file regardless of type. Certain types require different gems, but none are dependencies so you'll have to install them yourself.

Image thumbnails'path/to/image.jpg').write_thumbnail # => 'path/to/image.jpg'

Will write a 200x200 cropped image to path/to/image.jpg.

To get an image resized to fit instead of cropped:'path/to/image.jpg', crop: false).write_thumbnail

The format of the output file will depend on the extension of the output path and defaults to the same as the input file.

Text thumbnails

  text ='path/to/text_file.txt')

  text.write_thumbnail(nil, {
    width: 160, height: 160,
    colors: { foreground: '#663854' },
    font: { pointsize: '18' },
  }) # => 'path/to/text_file.png'

Will write a 160x160 cropped image to path/to/text_file.png.

The format of output will depend on the extension of the output path provided but defaults to .png.

RTL support

  text ='path/to/text_file.txt')
  text.write_thumbnail(nil, font: { direction: 'right-to-left' }) # Force RTL

direction options:

  • nil: don't specify the option to imagemagick (OS default)
  • :auto: try to detect. Currently, this switches to 'right-to-left' if there are any RTL characters in the input. This is the default.
  • 'right-to-left', 'left-to-right': force LTR or RTL

Audio thumbnails

  audio ='path/to/audio.mp3')
  audio.write_thumbnail('path/to/ouput.png', {
    colors: { foreground: '#ffffff', background: '#000000' },
  }) # => 'path/to/output.png'

Will write a 200x200 cropped image to path/to/output.png.

Note that while imagemagick supports most color specification formats, waveform only takes 6 digit hex values. However, there is one special case for the symbol :transparent.

Audio thumbnails only support PNG output. A png file will be created regardless of the extension of the output file provided.

Composite thumbnails

  composite =['path/to/audio.mp3', 'path/to/text_file.txt'])

CarrierWave usage

  class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
    include Thumbkit::Adapters::CarrierWave

    version :thumbnail do
      # See Configuration below for more about options.
      process thumbkit: [200, 200, { colors: { foreground: '#cccccc' } }]

      # This tells CarrierWave where the version file can be found since
      # thumbkit can write a to a file with a different extension than the
      # original.
      # See
      # for more about
      def full_filename(for_file = model.file.file)
        [version_name, thumbkit_filename(for_file)].join('_')


All settings can be set globally. These are the defaults:

  Thumbkit.defaults = {
    width: 200, height: 200,
    gravity: 'Center',
    crop: true,
    colors: { foreground: '#888888', background: '#eeeeee' },
    font: {
      family: 'Arial-Regular',
      pointsize: '18',
      direction: :auto,

Setting Thumbkit.defaults= will deep merge. So setting one option is possible with:

  Thumbkit.defaults = { colors: { foreground: '#FF69B4' } } # HOT PINK

Font options

The list of fonts available to imagemagick can be found with identify -list Font

Gravity Options

A list of gravity options can be found with identify -list Gravity

See for more information.


Built-in processors can be found in lib/thumbkit/processor.

Adding a processor mapping:

Thumbkit.processors['jpeg'] = 'Image'
Custom processors
class Thumbkit::Processor::Doc < Thumbkit::Processor
  def write
    # use `path` to generate `outfile`

    # always return the generated filename

Thumbkit.processors['doc'] = 'Doc'

Other plans

  • Optionally accept a StringIO instead of a pathname
  • Maybe use filemagic/mime-type if available
  • Paperclip processor
  • Processors:
    • HTML
    • PDF
    • Video

Known Issues

  • If the output file has an uppercase extension, image processing may break. This will not be an issue if you are not supplying the output filename as Thumbkit::Image will always pick a lowercase extension by default.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Run the test suite to make sure all tests pass before you start (guard)
  4. Make your changes
  5. Run the test suite again to make sure you didn't break anything existing (guard)
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create new Pull Request


Tests run in guard. If you don't like guard, a pull request on Rakefile would be welcome.

Output files are placed in spec/tmp which is created automatically before each test run and deleted automatically afterward unless spec/tmp/.keep exists. If you would like to inspect the generated output files, create a file at spec/tmp/.keep:

$ mkdir spec/tmp; touch spec/tmp/.keep

Many of the tests just verify that an image was created of the right type and size, but do not actually verify that they have the correct content so it is good to inspect the generated files.


Thumbkit makes thumbnails from a variety of media types.







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