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Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in...

Moderate severity Unreviewed Published May 14, 2022 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated Feb 2, 2023


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Multiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in the Report Viewer in Ericsson Drutt Mobile Service Delivery Platform (MSDP) 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) portal, (2) fromDate, (3) toDate, (4) fromTime, (5) toTime, (6) kword, (7) uname, (8) pname, (9) sname, (10) atype, or (11) atitle parameter to top-links.jsp; (12) portal or (13) uid parameter to (a) page-summary.jsp or (b) service-summary.jsp; (14) portal, (15) fromDate, (16) toDate, (17) fromTime, (18) toTime, (19) sortDirection, (20) kword, (21) uname, (22) pname, (23) sname, (24) file, (25) atype, or (26) atitle parameter to (c) top-useragent-devices.jsp or (d) top-interest-areas.jsp; (27) fromDate, (28) toDate, (29) fromTime, (30) toTime, (31) sortDirection, (32) kword, (33) uname, (34) pname, (35) sname, (36) file, (37) atype, or (38) atitle parameter to top-message-services.jsp; (39) portal, (40) fromDate, (41) toDate, (42) fromTime, (43) toTime, (44) orderBy, (45) sortDirection, (46) kword, (47) uname, (48) pname, (49) sname, (50) file, (51) atype, or (52) atitle parameter to (e) user-statistics.jsp, (f) top-web-pages.jsp, (g) top-devices.jsp, (h) top-pages.jsp, (i) session-summary.jsp, (j) top-providers.jsp, (k) top-modules.jsp, or (l) top-services.jsp; (53) fromDate, (54) toDate, (55) fromTime, (56) toTime, (57) orderBy, (58) sortDirection, (59) uid, (60) uid2, (61) kword, (62) uname, (63) pname, (64) sname, (65) file, (66) atype, or (67) atitle parameter to message-shortcode-summary.jsp; (68) fromDate, (69) toDate, (70) fromTime, (71) toTime, (72) orderBy, (73) sortDirection, (74) uid, (75) kword, (76) uname, (77) pname, (78) sname, (79) file, (80) atype, or (81) atitle parameter to (m) message-providers-summary.jsp or (n) message-services-summary.jsp; (82) kword, (83) uname, (84) pname, (85) sname, (86) file, (87) atype, or (88) atitle parameter to license-summary.jsp; (89) portal, (90) fromDate, (91) toDate, (92) fromTime, (93) toTime, (94) orderBy, (95) sortDirection, (96) uid, (97) uid2, (98) kword, (99) uname, (100) pname, (101) sname, (102) file, (103) atype, or (104) atitle parameter to useragent-device-summary.jsp; (105) fromDate, (106) toDate, (107) fromTime, (108) toTime, (109) orderBy, (110) sortDirection, (111) kword, (112) uname, (113) pname, (114) sname, (115) file, (116) atype, or (117) atitle parameter to (o) top-message-providers.jsp, (p) top-message-devices.jsp, (q) top-message-assets.jsp, (r) top-message-downloads.jsp, or (s) top-message-shortcode.jsp; (118) fromDate, (119) toDate, (120) fromTime, (121) toTime, (122) kword, (123) uname, (124) pname, (125) sname, (126) file, (127) atype, or (128) atitle parameter to request-summary.jsp; (129) portal parameter to link-summary-select.jsp, (130) provider-summary-select.jsp, or (131) module-summary-select.jsp; (132) portal, (133) uid, (134) kword, (135) uname, (136) pname, (137) sname, (138) file, (139) atype, or (140) atitle parameter to link-summary.jsp; (141) portal, (142) fromDate, (143) toDate, (144) fromTime, (145) toTime, (146) orderBy, (147) sortDirection, (148) uid, (149) kword, (150) uname, (151) pname, (152) sname, (153) file, (154) atype, or (155) atitle parameter to (t) provider-summary.jsp or (u) module-summary.jsp in reports/pages/.


Published by the National Vulnerability Database Apr 6, 2015
Published to the GitHub Advisory Database May 14, 2022
Last updated Feb 2, 2023








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