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Global Variables

Akram El Assas edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 1 revision

Global variables are declared by default in the file C:\Wexflow\GlobalVariables.xml

The path of this file can be edited from the configuration file C:\Wexflow\Wexflow.xml

Here is an example of GlobalVariables.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <Variable name="file1" value="C:\WexflowTesting\file1.txt" />
  <Variable name="file2" value="C:\WexflowTesting\file2.txt" />
  <Variable name="file3" value="C:\WexflowTesting\file3.txt" />

The variables can then be used in workflow files as follow:

<Workflow xmlns="urn:wexflow-schema" id="114" name="Workflow_FilesLoaderGlobalVariables" description="Workflow_FilesLoaderGlobalVariables">
		<Setting name="launchType" value="trigger" /> 
		<Setting name="enabled" value="true" />
		<Task id="1" name="FilesLoader" description="Loading files" enabled="true">
			<Setting name="file" value="$file1" />
			<Setting name="file" value="$file2" />
			<Setting name="file" value="$file3" />
		<Task id="2" name="ListFiles" description="Listing files" enabled="true">

When Wexflow server loads the workflow file, the workflow file is parsed so that the global variables are replaced by their values.

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