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20121009 team mtg agenda

Glen Daniels edited this page Oct 9, 2012 · 2 revisions

aerogear team meeting

Status Report


  • tons of documentation updates
  • UUID stuff and tracking data synchonization states
  • some naming changes, same APIs
  • probably releases 23rd, JS M1 aligned with M6
  • fix component versioning


  • Glen split the projects into library and TODO
  • APIs are more streamlined
  • right now callback-based APIs are being implemented
  • TODO app got more impromevents from Passos
  • UI refactor to align android version w/ iOS version, without losing the android-y feel.
  • M1 is synced up M6
  • Marko wants to see another alternative to http/rest adapter (to validate the pipes/pipeline abstraction)
  • maybe using netflix OData endpoint as a starting point? websockets?


  • Roadmap implemented
  • TODO app is awesome, courtesy of Christos :)
  • next steps are security-concerned
  • CocoaPods published
  • following CoreData integration for the persistence efforts
  • websockets later (socketrocket lib)
  • push notifications as a plus, if time is available


  • The J1 demo went well
  • Following picket-* activities closely
  • We have a very thin shim over picket-*, sugar coated :)
  • Bruno is talking closely to picket-* and trying to upstream improvements as much as possible


  • Dan is doing an awesome job
  • exception handling via routing
  • javadoc work
  • we'll talk about RESTEasy integration this week
  • Security is looking good, Bruno is integrating it


  • Luke has been talking with Sande to get some changes fixed
  • sync with Rafael Benevides

Release Packaging

  • having a big package
  • linking to zipballs from github?
  • quickstart packages for final releases, by OS
  • provide on-premise demos to deploy on openshift


  • is live!
  • fails, qmx will follow up
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