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20130610 team mtg agenda

Daniel Passos edited this page Jun 11, 2013 · 1 revision

20130610 team mtg agenda

20130610 team mtg agenda

JBoss World / RHT Summit

  • Luke and Jay are kicking butts!


  • HTTP Basic/Digest: discussion, see ML (currently on pause)
  • GenericViewController Support AGIOS-8
  • Testing/Stubs: Two proposals, see ML
  • Christos helping out on iOS SDK polish AGIOS-26


  • 1.1.0
    • Move Basic/Digest Auth to 1.2? :(
      • Maybe decide next week after Bruno can investigate alternative to the blocker
        • +1 for move to 1.2. We have a lot of unstable dependencies. Probably it will be avaible for testing before 1.1.0
      • Relevant JIRAs - AGJS-18 and AGJS-23
    • Notifier
      • Tests
        • Unit
        • Integration for each adapter (SockJS, STOMP, vert.x)
      • Clean up code and address any TODOs
      • Documentation
    • Mostly blocked this week by conferences (Summit, jQuery Portland)


  • Sync up today after team meeting

Unified Push

  • Server: closing more JIRAs...
  • Client spec posted. Please review!
  • iOS: polishing of SDK
  • Demos...

AeroGear Controller aka Live or let die

  • RESTful parts, leave as is or remove?
    • Are we going to reimplement the REST bits at our demos with RESTEasy? I don't think we have time.
  • Maybe make them more 1:1 with client APIS (Pipes, et al)

New Github repos:

  • Do we agree on these repo names? see ML


  • Twitter feed


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