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Aerospike Managed Service for Pivotal Cloud Foundry

This project implements a managed service tile which can be installed into Pivotal Cloud Foundry. The tile will manage the creation of an Aerospike database cluster and also handle creating/binding services to applications.


The project depends on the Aerospike Service Broker project. Additionally, it requires a binary install version of the Aerospike DB (community or enterprise) along with the Aerospike tools. It also requires the Pivotal Tile Generator project.


The project currently supports either a bosh-lite or vSphere deploy. Follow these steps to build the tile:

  1. Install tile-generator

  2. Download the aerospike enterprise tgz file and add them into the resources/aerospike_server directory

  3. Run bosh add-blob name-of-ee-aerospike.tgz name-of-ee-aerospike.tgz From the resources/aerospike_server directory.

  4. run from the resources/aerospike_server/scripts directory. This will generate a file named aerospike_server-#.#.#.tgz

  5. Clone the Aerospike Service Broker project and follow the instructions on building the Service Broker. Copy the service broker Spring Boot jar file to the resources directory

  6. Edit the tile.yml file to point to the correct versions of the server release and service broker jar

  7. Run tile build from the root directory of this project

  8. This will create an aerospike-enterprise-edition-X.X.X.pivotal file in the product directory. This is the service broker tile that can be imported into Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

Example Application

There is an example application which demonstrates how to get the database parameters from the Service Broker.