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Repository files navigation -- High-level overview of the 128-bit timing generator

Architectural description

Conceptually, the operation of the timing device is simple: it has a memory programmed with a sequence of (pattern, delay-to-next-step) tuples, and when triggered it steps through the sequence outputting each pattern and then waiting until the delay expires. However, this simple vision of operation is somewhat complicated by the required access speed: in order to process 5 32-bit words (4 words of pattern + 1 word of delay) every 50 ns, the memory must be clocked at 100 MHz. This is achieved by using a simple single-port memory, which is connected to the PCI bus and clock when the device is in SETUP mode, but is then disconnected from the PCI bus and switched to a 100 MHz clock as part of the arming sequence.

With the memory running at 100 MHz, there is very little setup slack time to use the word fetched on the cycle it is available, so a buffer register is used to improve pipelining and then a FIFO (in the FetchEngine) is kept full to hide the 2-cycle latency between requesting a memory fetch and that data being available. The TimingCore pulls words from the FIFO as it needs them to parse and prepare the next instruction.

Major blocks

The top-level diagram in TimingGenerator128b.bdf consists purely of large blocks and I/O pins, connected by conduit wires: there is no explicit logic at the top level.


The Clocks.bdf block encapsulates the logic and megafunctions which produce the various clock signals for the device. In particular, it contains the (reprogrammable) PLL which generates the 100 MHz MasterClk frequency from either the 80 MHz RefClk on-board oscillator or the 10MHz PXI 10 MHz reference. It also buffers the PCIClock input pin onto the global timing net of the FPGA.


The Registers.bdf block contains the register interface for the board. The registers themselves are always on the PCI clock; signals from the MasterClk domain must be synchronized down and control bits from the registers are synchronized up.


The SystemController.bdf block maintains the large scale state of the device, e.g. SETUP, ARMING, RUN, PAUSED, etc. Changes in the user-visible state are triggered by signals from the CommandDecoder, but the SystemController implements the invisible sequencing required to move between the states.

System_State state machine

This state machine sequences the transitions between user-visible states. It uses request/acknowledge protocols to properly switch the clock for the SequenceBuffer, to pre-fill the TimingCore during the arming sequence, and to wait for the TimingCore to complete the run through an entire sequence.


The CommandDecoder.bdf block implements the parsing of the CMD register. The parsing and validation logic runs in the PCI clock domain and then the command pulses are synchronized up to the MasterClk domain before they exit the block (and are ultimately fed to the SystemController).


The SequenceBuffer.bdf block contains the main RAM block which holds the sequence instructions, and its switchable interface between the PCI bus and clock domain versus the internal MasterClk domain.

RAM_Clock_Switch state machine

The transfer between clock domains is sequenced by the state machine in RAM_Clock_Switch.smf, which acts as a request/acknowledge controller: changes to PCI_Allowed request a switch of to which clock domain the RAM is connected, and the change is complete when PCI_Enabled changes to follow the former's value. Both of these signals have synchronizers so that their I/O pins from the block are in the MasterClk clock domain.


The FetchEngine.bdf block exists to hide the address-to-data pipeline latency of the RAM. It contains a FIFO fed on one side by a read engine which simply serially reads through all of RAM (subject to enable and reset signals) and the read side of the FIFO is then provided to the TimingCore block for the latter to pull instruction words as needed with single-cycle latency.


The TimingCore.bdf block implements the execution of a sequence: the instruction decoding, the time delay, and the latching of the port values out to the Output_Driver block.

Core_Timing_Loop state machine

The instruction decoding cycle is implemented by the state machine in Core_Timing_Loop.smf. The minimum possible delay is 50 ns, limited by the 5 cycles needed to

  1. fetch and decode the delay instruction
  2. calculate (either fetch or retain) the new port A value
  3. calculate (either fetch or retain) the new port B value
  4. calculate (either fetch or retain) the new port C value
  5. calculate (either fetch or retain) the new port D value

If the specified delay is non-zero, the state machine then holds in DELAY state until the timer expires; if the delay is zero, the state machine short-circuits after calculating the port D value to immediately begin a new decode cycle.

Core_Timing_Loop.v hand edits

In order to export the Core_FState bits from the Core_Timing_Loop.smf state machine, it is necessary to hand edit the Core_Timing_Loop.v Verilog file every time it is recreated from the .smf file. The edits consist of adding core_state[3:0] to the end of the parameter list, adding output [3:0] core_state; and reg [3:0] core_state; to the appropriate declaration lists, and adding core_state <= reg_fstate; to the first always @(posedge MasterClk)..if (MasterClk) begin block.


The Output_Drive.bdf module defines the output drivers for both the ports and the port bits which are echoed out through the PXI trigger lines.

Utility blocks


FFSynchronizer.bdf implements a basic flip-flop synchronizer. Note that if the input clock is faster than the output clock it requires multi-cycle setup times.


CaptureSynchronizer.bdf implements a synchronous approximation of a "capture synchronizer". Rather than aynchronously trap a rising edge by using the input signal as the clock on a flip-flop (which Quartus intensely dislikes!), it synchronously detects the rising edge and uses it to trigger a 4-cycle pulse which is then transferred to the second clock domain and edge-detected down to a single-cycle pulse.

The pulse duration is chosen as 4 cycles because 4 cycles at 100 MHz ensures greater than 1 cycle at 33 MHz.


SamplingSynchronizer.bdf implements a bus-sampling synchronizer: it uses a capture synchronizer to synchronously capture a sample from a multi-wire bus, and then synchronizes the sampled values down to the lower-frequency output clock.

Note: the SamplingSynchronizer does not actually guarantee bus integrity! It will get it right most of the time, which is enough for the debug registers, but not all of the time.

Various *.qip files

These are the various Altera Megafunction blocks used in the .bdf files; their names and symbols are reasonably self-explanatory.

Other documentation : A textual description of the core decode, delay, and output loop : Documentation of the register interface for the device : Documentatoin of the memory format for uploaded sequences

How To Build/Install

These are very simple instructions to use Altera Quartus to build the bit-code for the timing generator.

  1. Start Altera Quartus (command line: quartus)
  • Load the timing generator project: TimingGenerator128b.qpf

  • Select from the menu "Processing->Start Compliation"

  • Wait a while for compilation to complete. This generates a (.svf) file that can be used to directly load the volatile memory of the FPGA. We also want to generate a Raw Programming Data file (.rpd) next...

  • Generate the (.rpd) file:

    1. Select "File->Convert Programming Files..."
    • Select Raw Programming Data File (.rpd) as the Programming file type
    • Specify "output_files/TimingGenerator128b.rpd" as the output file
    • Select the "POF Data" line in the bottom box
    • Select "Add File" and select output_files/TimingGenerator128b.pof
    • Click on the "Generate" button.
  • Copy the two output files

    • output_files/TimingGenerator128b.svf
    • output_files/TimingGenerator128b.rpd

    to the target computer.

  • Do either of these:

    1. Copy the output_files/TimingGenerator128b.rpd program to the FPGA eeprom for permanent storage

      1. Do the copying using this python code:
        import marvin.fpga

        use lspci to identify PCI slot address

        f = marvin.fpga.Board(0x020b) # for pci slot 02:0b
        f.load_program('/path/to/TimingGenerator128b.rpd', target='eeprom')
      • Configure the GX3500 to autoload the volatile memory upon boot from eeprom by soldering a shunt on jumper JP7
    • Copy the `output_files/TimingGenerator128b.svf' program to the FPGA volatile memory for immediate execution

      Do the copying using this python code:
      import marvin.fpga
      # use lspci to identify PCI slot address
      f = marvin.fpga.Board(0x020b) # for pci slot 02:0b