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A benchmark dataset in Realistic Urban settings for Multi-Agent Anomaly Detection. Including code for the dataset, the baseline models and the evaluation.


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A Benchmark for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Multi-Agent Trajectories

This is the official repository including the paper, code, baseline models and the R-U-MAAD dataset. Follow the README to set-up the project or jump to the section of interest with the Table of Contents.

A Benchmark for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Multi-Agent Trajectories
Julian Wiederer, Julian Schmidt, Ulrich Kressel, Klaus Dietmayer and Vasileios Belagiannis
Accepted at ITSC 2022 in Macau, China.

Table of Contents

At this point, we would like to thank the authors of the paper Learning Lane Graph Representations for Motion Forecasting for their great work and for making their code publicly available. This project makes use of parts of the source code. We mark the files which include code from the original LaneGCN repository by a statement in the file header.


Install Anaconda as described on the following page:

Create the conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate the environment

conda activate r_u_maad

Install the Argoverse API

pip install git+

R-U-MAAD Dataset

The R-U-MAAD dataset is composed of our R-U-MAAD test set and the Argoverse train and val sets. The following gives details on the license, access request, download, pre-processing and the final file structure.


Creative Commons License
R-U-MAAD dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Requesting Access to the R-U-MAAD test data

To optain the R-U-MAAD test set (around 3 MB), please send an email to with subject matter '[ITSC2022] R-U-MAAD Dataset - Access Request' stating the following:

       Your name, title and affiliation
       Your intended use of the data
       The following license statement:
       With this e-mail I agree that I will use the R-U-MAAD dataset following the Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

We will promptly reply with a download link. Download the .tar.gz file and copy it into /datasets/r_u_maad.

Download the Argoverse dataset

Download the argoverse train and val set (this might take a while depending on your internet connection):


(You might need to run chmod +x scripts/* before)

Extract train, val and test



to extract the train, val and test sets.

Preprocess the Dataset

To pre-process the train, val and test set for using it with our models run

bash scripts/

Note, especially the pre-processing of the train and val files might take a couple of hours. In addition, >32 GB RAM is required.

The pre-preprocessing extracts a random clip for train and val and uses a sliding window approach with stride 1 for test. The resulting .csv files are stored in the sliding_window directory. In the second pre-processing step, each, train, val and test files are combined in one pickle file stored in the preprocess directory for accelerated data loading.

Filesystem Tree

Target file structure:

   |   forecasting_train_v1.1.tar.gz
   |   forecasting_val_v1.1.tar.gz
   |   r_u_maad_test_v_1.0.tar.gz
   |    │  data
   |    │  data
   |    │  data
   |    |  train
   |    |  val
   |    |  test
        |  train
        |  val
        |  test

train, val and test contain the raw .csv files wiht train and val from Argoverse and our test files. The train and val .csv files consist of the same columns as described in the Argoverse datset. The test data has additional columns including the behavior and sub-behavior labels:

  • a VALID tag, with 0=invalid, 1=valid, 2=ignore,
  • the BEHAVIOR labels, with 0=normal and 1=abnormal,
  • the SUBCLASS indices the sub-behavior depending given the BEHAVIOR label,
  • the FRAME_ID is used in the pre-processing.

Baseline Models

Donwload the baseline models and

mv experiments
cd experiments


You can use the provided baseline models for inference directly, or train from scratch.


Set the model you would like to train in the /config/default_train.yaml config and run

python --config default_train.yaml


Test the linear models or the reconstruction models:

  • /config/default_test.yaml: Set model to one of {cvm, lti, seq2seq, stgae, lanegcn_ae},
  • /config/testing/default.yaml: Set run to the corresponding model (wich selects the correct experiment folder),
  • Finally, run
python3 --config=default_test.yaml

This will create a test directory in the corresponding run directory, e.g. 020_seq2seq/test_xyz. It evaluates both the results on the major class, i.e. abnormal vs. normal, and on the minor class labels for the abnormal cases.

If you would like to test your own model, you need to parameterize as follows:

  • /config/default_test.yaml: Set model to your_model_name,
  • /config/testing/default.yaml: Add your your_model_name to the runs list with corresponding folder in the experiments directory,
  • The model configuration file needs to be stored in /config/model/your_model_name.yaml


If you use our source code, please cite:

  author={Julian Wiederer and Julian Schmidt and Ulrich Kressel and Klaus Dietmayer and Vasileios Belagiannis},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE International Conference Intelligent Transportation Systems}, 
  title={A Benchmark for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Multi-Agent Trajectories}, 


The research leading to these results is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the project “KI Delta Learning" (Förderkennzeichen 19A19013A). The authors would like to thank the consortium for the successful cooperation.


A benchmark dataset in Realistic Urban settings for Multi-Agent Anomaly Detection. Including code for the dataset, the baseline models and the evaluation.







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