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Changed fixity of _∎/finally, added parentheses.
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Reason: A long-standing bug in Agda's operator parser has been fixed,
and some code relied on the previous behaviour.
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nad committed Feb 7, 2015
1 parent a0a4124 commit 4c8d3ae
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Showing 16 changed files with 52 additions and 47 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
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Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ Important changes since 0.9:
Data.AVL, Data.AVL.IndexedMap and Data.AVL.Sets), reduce in a
different way than they used to.

* The fixity of all _∎ and finally operators was changed from infix 2

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asr Feb 10, 2015


@nad See 144d730.

to infix 3.

-- Release notes for Agda standard library version 0.9
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Algebra/FunctionProperties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Zero : A → Op₂ A → Set _
Zero z ∙ = LeftZero z ∙ × RightZero z ∙

LeftInverse : A Op₁ A Op₂ A Set _
LeftInverse e _⁻¹ _∙_ = x (x ⁻¹ ∙ x) ≈ e
LeftInverse e _⁻¹ _∙_ = x ((x ⁻¹) ∙ x) ≈ e

RightInverse : A Op₁ A Op₂ A Set _
RightInverse e _⁻¹ _∙_ = x (x ∙ (x ⁻¹)) ≈ e
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Algebra/Morphism.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Definitions {f t ℓ}
Homomorphic₀ ⟦_⟧ ∙ ∘ = ⟦ ∙ ⟧ ≈ ∘

Homomorphic₁ : Morphism Fun₁ From Op₁ To Set _
Homomorphic₁ ⟦_⟧ ∙_ ∘_ = x ⟦ ∙ x ⟧ ≈ ∘ ⟦ x ⟧
Homomorphic₁ ⟦_⟧ ∙_ ∘_ = x ⟦ ∙ x ⟧ ≈ (∘ ⟦ x ⟧)

Homomorphic₂ : Morphism Fun₂ From Op₂ To Set _
Homomorphic₂ ⟦_⟧ _∙_ _∘_ =
Expand Down
36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions src/Algebra/Structures.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,27 +308,27 @@ record IsRing

zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# _*_
zeroˡ x = begin
0# * x ≈⟨ sym $ proj₂ +-identity _ ⟩
(0# * x) + 0# ≈⟨ refl ⟨ +-cong ⟩ sym (proj₂ -‿inverse _) ⟩
(0# * x) + ((0# * x) + - (0# * x)) ≈⟨ sym $ +-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((0# * x) + (0# * x)) + - (0# * x) ≈⟨ sym (proj₂ distrib _ _ _) ⟨ +-cong ⟩ refl ⟩
((0# + 0#) * x) + - (0# * x) ≈⟨ (proj₂ +-identity _ ⟨ *-cong ⟩ refl)
⟨ +-cong ⟩
refl ⟩
(0# * x) + - (0# * x) ≈⟨ proj₂ -‿inverse _ ⟩
0# ∎
0# * x ≈⟨ sym $ proj₂ +-identity _ ⟩
(0# * x) + 0# ≈⟨ refl ⟨ +-cong ⟩ sym (proj₂ -‿inverse _) ⟩
(0# * x) + ((0# * x) + (- (0# * x))) ≈⟨ sym $ +-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((0# * x) + (0# * x)) + (- (0# * x)) ≈⟨ sym (proj₂ distrib _ _ _) ⟨ +-cong ⟩ refl ⟩
((0# + 0#) * x) + (- (0# * x)) ≈⟨ (proj₂ +-identity _ ⟨ *-cong ⟩ refl)
⟨ +-cong ⟩
refl ⟩
(0# * x) + (- (0# * x)) ≈⟨ proj₂ -‿inverse _ ⟩

zeroʳ : RightZero 0# _*_
zeroʳ x = begin
x * 0# ≈⟨ sym $ proj₂ +-identity _ ⟩
(x * 0#) + 0# ≈⟨ refl ⟨ +-cong ⟩ sym (proj₂ -‿inverse _) ⟩
(x * 0#) + ((x * 0#) + - (x * 0#)) ≈⟨ sym $ +-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((x * 0#) + (x * 0#)) + - (x * 0#) ≈⟨ sym (proj₁ distrib _ _ _) ⟨ +-cong ⟩ refl ⟩
(x * (0# + 0#)) + - (x * 0#) ≈⟨ (refl ⟨ *-cong ⟩ proj₂ +-identity _)
⟨ +-cong ⟩
refl ⟩
(x * 0#) + - (x * 0#) ≈⟨ proj₂ -‿inverse _ ⟩
0# ∎
x * 0# ≈⟨ sym $ proj₂ +-identity _ ⟩
(x * 0#) + 0# ≈⟨ refl ⟨ +-cong ⟩ sym (proj₂ -‿inverse _) ⟩
(x * 0#) + ((x * 0#) + (- (x * 0#))) ≈⟨ sym $ +-assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((x * 0#) + (x * 0#)) + (- (x * 0#)) ≈⟨ sym (proj₁ distrib _ _ _) ⟨ +-cong ⟩ refl ⟩
(x * (0# + 0#)) + (- (x * 0#)) ≈⟨ (refl ⟨ *-cong ⟩ proj₂ +-identity _)
⟨ +-cong ⟩
refl ⟩
(x * 0#) + (- (x * 0#)) ≈⟨ proj₂ -‿inverse _ ⟩

: IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero ≈ _+_ _*_ 0# 1#
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Category/Monad/Partiality.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ module _ {a ℓ} {A : Set a} {_∼_ : A → A → Set ℓ} where
module Pre {k} = Preorder (preorder′ isEquivalence k)
module S {k eq} = Setoid (setoid isEquivalence k {eq})

infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎
infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_ _≅⟨_⟩_ _≳⟨_⟩_ _≈⟨_⟩_

_≡⟨_⟩_ : {k} x {y z : A ⊥} x ≡ y Rel k y z Rel k x z
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ module AlternativeEquality {a ℓ} where
open Equality.Rel

infix 4 _∣_≅P_ _∣_≳P_ _∣_≈P_
infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎
infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_ _≅⟨_⟩_ _≳⟨_⟩_ _≳⟨_⟩≅_ _≳⟨_⟩≈_ _≈⟨_⟩≅_ _≈⟨_⟩≲_
infixl 1 _>>=_

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Category/Monad/Partiality/All.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module Reasoning {a p ℓ}
{_∼_ : A A Set ℓ}
(resp : P Respects flip _∼_) where

infix 2 finally
infix 3 finally
infixr 2 _≡⟨_⟩_ _∼⟨_⟩_

_≡⟨_⟩_ : x {y} x ≡ y All P y All P x
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Data/Container/Indexed/FreeMonad.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ leaf (c , k) = do (c , return? ∘ k)
open RawPMonad rawPMonad

generic : {ℓ} {O : Set ℓ} {C : Container O O ℓ ℓ} {o}
(c : Command C o) o ∈ C ⋆ ⋃[ r ∶ Response C c ] { next C c r }
(c : Command C o)
o ∈ C ⋆ (⋃[ r ∶ Response C c ] { next C c r })
generic c = do (c , λ r return? (r , refl))
open RawPMonad rawPMonad
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/List/All/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ private
-- Three lemmas relating Any, All and negation.

¬Any↠All¬ : {a p} {A : Set a} {P : A Set p} {xs}
¬ Any P xs ↠ All (¬_ ∘ P) xs
(¬ Any P xs) ↠ All (¬_ ∘ P) xs
¬Any↠All¬ {P = P} = record
{ to = P.→-to-⟶ (to _)
; surjective = record
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Any¬→¬All (here ¬p) = ¬p ∘ All.head
Any¬→¬All (there ¬p) = Any¬→¬All ¬p ∘ All.tail

Any¬⇔¬All : {a p} {A : Set a} {P : A Set p} {xs}
Decidable P Any (¬_ ∘ P) xs ⇔ ¬ All P xs
Decidable P Any (¬_ ∘ P) xs ⇔ (¬ All P xs)
Any¬⇔¬All {P = P} dec = record
{ to = P.→-to-⟶ Any¬→¬All
; from = P.→-to-⟶ (from _)
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/List/Any/BagAndSetEquality.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ concat-cong {a} {xss₁ = xss₁} {xss₂} xss₁≈xss₂ {x} =
-- _⊛_ is a congruence.

⊛-cong : {ℓ k} {A B : Set ℓ} {fs₁ fs₂ : List (A B)} {xs₁ xs₂}
fs₁ ∼[ k ] fs₂ xs₁ ∼[ k ] xs₂ fs₁ ⊛ xs₁ ∼[ k ] fs₂ ⊛ xs₂
fs₁ ∼[ k ] fs₂ xs₁ ∼[ k ] xs₂
(fs₁ ⊛ xs₁) ∼[ k ] (fs₂ ⊛ xs₂)
⊛-cong fs₁≈fs₂ xs₁≈xs₂ =
>>=-cong fs₁≈fs₂ λ f
>>=-cong xs₁≈xs₂ λ x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ empty-unique {xs = _ ∷ _} ∷∼[] with ⇒→ ∷∼[] (here P.refl)

⊛-left-distributive :
{ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs : List (A B)) xs₁ xs₂
fs ⊛ (xs₁ ++ xs₂) ∼[ bag ] (fs ⊛ xs₁) ++ (fs ⊛ xs₂)
(fs ⊛ (xs₁ ++ xs₂)) ∼[ bag ] (fs ⊛ xs₁) ++ (fs ⊛ xs₂)
⊛-left-distributive {B = B} fs xs₁ xs₂ = begin
fs ⊛ (xs₁ ++ xs₂) ≡⟨ P.refl ⟩
(fs >>= λ f xs₁ ++ xs₂ >>= return ∘ f) ≡⟨ (LP.Monad.cong (P.refl {x = fs}) λ f
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Data/List/Any/Membership.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ concat-∈↔ {a} {x = x} {xss} =
where open Related.EquationalReasoning

⊛-∈↔ : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs : List (A B)) {xs y}
(∃₂ λ f x f ∈ fs × x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ↔ y ∈ fs ⊛ xs
(∃₂ λ f x f ∈ fs × x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ↔ y ∈ (fs ⊛ xs)
⊛-∈↔ {ℓ} fs {xs} {y} =
(∃₂ λ f x f ∈ fs × x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ↔⟨ Σ.cong {a₁ = ℓ} {b₁ = ℓ} {b₂ = ℓ} (∃∃↔∃∃ {a = ℓ} {b = ℓ} {p = ℓ} _) ⟩
(∃ λ f f ∈ fs × ∃ λ x x ∈ xs × y ≡ f x) ↔⟨ Σ.cong {a₁ = ℓ} {b₁ = ℓ} {b₂ = ℓ} ((_ ∎) ⟨ ×⊎.*-cong {ℓ = ℓ} ⟩ Any↔ {a = ℓ} {p = ℓ}) ⟩
(∃ λ f f ∈ fs × Any (_≡_ y ∘ f) xs) ↔⟨ Any↔ {a = ℓ} {p = ℓ} ⟩
Any (λ f Any (_≡_ y ∘ f) xs) fs ↔⟨ ⊛↔ ⟩
y ∈ fs ⊛ xs
y ∈ (fs ⊛ xs)
where open Related.EquationalReasoning

⊗-∈↔ : {A B : Set} {xs ys} {x : A} {y : B}
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions src/Data/List/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -414,9 +414,9 @@ module Monad where
(xs ∣ ys >>= f) ≡ ((xs >>= f) ∣ (ys >>= f))
right-distributive [] ys f = refl
right-distributive (x ∷ xs) ys f = begin
f x ∣ (xs ∣ ys >>= f) ≡⟨ P.cong (_∣_ (f x)) $ right-distributive xs ys f ⟩
f x ∣ ((xs >>= f) ∣ (ys >>= f)) ≡⟨ P.sym $ LM.assoc (f x) _ _ ⟩
(f x ∣ (xs >>= f)) ∣ (ys >>= f) ∎
f x ∣ (xs ∣ ys >>= f) ≡⟨ P.cong (_∣_ (f x)) $ right-distributive xs ys f ⟩
f x ∣ ((xs >>= f) ∣ (ys >>= f)) ≡⟨ P.sym $ LM.assoc (f x) _ _ ⟩
((f x ∣ (xs >>= f)) ∣ (ys >>= f)) ∎
where open P.≡-Reasoning

left-identity : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (x : A) (f : A List B)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -461,15 +461,15 @@ module Applicative where

-- ∅ is a left zero for _⊛_.

left-zero : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (xs : List A) ∅ ⊛ xs ≡ ∅ {A = B}
left-zero : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (xs : List A) (∅ ⊛ xs) ≡ ∅ {A = B}
left-zero xs = begin
∅ ⊛ xs ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(∅ >>= pam xs) ≡⟨ Monad.left-zero (pam xs) ⟩
∅ ∎

-- ∅ is a right zero for _⊛_.

right-zero : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs : List (A B)) fs ⊛ ∅ ≡ ∅
right-zero : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs : List (A B)) (fs ⊛ ∅) ≡ ∅
right-zero {ℓ} fs = begin
fs ⊛ ∅ ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(fs >>= pam ∅) ≡⟨ (Monad.cong (refl {x = fs}) λ f
Expand All @@ -481,25 +481,25 @@ module Applicative where

right-distributive :
{ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs₁ fs₂ : List (A B)) xs
(fs₁ ∣ fs₂) ⊛ xs ≡ (fs₁ ⊛ xs ∣ fs₂ ⊛ xs)
((fs₁ ∣ fs₂) ⊛ xs) ≡ (fs₁ ⊛ xs ∣ fs₂ ⊛ xs)
right-distributive fs₁ fs₂ xs = begin
(fs₁ ∣ fs₂) ⊛ xs ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(fs₁ ∣ fs₂ >>= pam xs) ≡⟨ Monad.right-distributive fs₁ fs₂ (pam xs) ⟩
(fs₁ >>= pam xs) ∣ (fs₂ >>= pam xs) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
fs₁ ⊛ xs ∣ fs₂ ⊛ xs
(fs₁ ⊛ xs ∣ fs₂ ⊛ xs)

-- _⊛_ does not distribute over _∣_ from the left.


not-left-distributive :
let fs = id ∷ id ∷ []; xs₁ = true ∷ []; xs₂ = true ∷ false ∷ [] in
fs ⊛ (xs₁ ∣ xs₂) ≢ (fs ⊛ xs₁ ∣ fs ⊛ xs₂)
(fs ⊛ (xs₁ ∣ xs₂)) ≢ (fs ⊛ xs₁ ∣ fs ⊛ xs₂)
not-left-distributive ()

-- Applicative functor laws.

identity : {a} {A : Set a} (xs : List A) return id ⊛ xs ≡ xs
identity : {a} {A : Set a} (xs : List A) (return id ⊛ xs) ≡ xs
identity xs = begin
return id ⊛ xs ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(return id >>= pam xs) ≡⟨ Monad.left-identity id (pam xs) ⟩
Expand All @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ module Applicative where
composition :
{ℓ} {A B C : Set ℓ}
(fs : List (B C)) (gs : List (A B)) xs
return _∘′_ ⊛ fs ⊛ gs ⊛ xs ≡ fs ⊛ (gs ⊛ xs)
(return _∘′_ ⊛ fs ⊛ gs ⊛ xs)(fs ⊛ (gs ⊛ xs))
composition {ℓ} fs gs xs = begin
return _∘′_ ⊛ fs ⊛ gs ⊛ xs ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(return _∘′_ >>= pam fs >>= pam gs >>= pam xs) ≡⟨ Monad.cong (Monad.cong (Monad.left-identity _∘′_ (pam fs))
Expand All @@ -538,15 +538,15 @@ module Applicative where
fs ⊛ (gs ⊛ xs) ∎

homomorphism : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (f : A B) x
return f ⊛ return x ≡ return (f x)
(return f ⊛ return x) ≡ return (f x)
homomorphism f x = begin
return f ⊛ return x ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(return f >>= pam (return x)) ≡⟨ Monad.left-identity f (pam (return x)) ⟩
pam (return x) f ≡⟨ Monad.left-identity x (return ∘ f) ⟩
return (f x) ∎

interchange : {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} (fs : List (A B)) {x}
fs ⊛ return x ≡ return (λ f f x) ⊛ fs
(fs ⊛ return x)(return (λ f f x) ⊛ fs)
interchange fs {x} = begin
fs ⊛ return x ≡⟨ refl ⟩
(fs >>= pam (return x)) ≡⟨ (Monad.cong (refl {x = fs}) λ f
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Data/Plus.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ finally _ _ = id
syntax finally x y x∼⁺y = x ∼⁺⟨ x∼⁺y ⟩∎ y ∎

infixr 2 _∼⁺⟨_⟩_
infix 2 finally
infix 3 finally

-- Map.

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Function/Related.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ module EquationalReasoning where
sym {equivalence} = Eq.sym
sym {bijection} = Inv.sym

infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎
infixr 2 _∼⟨_⟩_ _↔⟨_⟩_ _↔⟨⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩_

_∼⟨_⟩_ : {k x y z} (X : Set x) {Y : Set y} {Z : Set z}
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Relation/Binary/HeterogeneousEquality.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ module ≅-Reasoning where
-- heterogeneous equalities, hence the code duplication here.

infix 4 _IsRelatedTo_
infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎
infixr 2 _≅⟨_⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩_ _≡⟨⟩_
infix 1 begin_

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Relation/Binary/PreorderReasoning.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning
open Preorder P

infix 4 _IsRelatedTo_
infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎
infixr 2 _∼⟨_⟩_ _≈⟨_⟩_ _≈⟨⟩_
infix 1 begin_

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Relation/Binary/SetoidReasoning.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Relation.Binary.SetoidReasoning where

infix 1 begin⟨_⟩_
infixr 2 _≈⟨_⟩_ _≡⟨_⟩_
infix 2 _∎
infix 3 _∎

begin⟨_⟩_ : {c l} (S : Setoid c l) {x y : Carrier S} _IsRelatedTo_ S x y _≈_ S x y
begin⟨_⟩_ S p = EqR.begin_ S p
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10 comments on commit 4c8d3ae

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 9, 2015

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Is there a link to the "long-standing bug in Agda's operator parser" and/or the commit which fixed it?

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@nad nad commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015 via email

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015

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Why this commit wasn't pushed in the maintenance branch?

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@nad nad commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015 via email

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015

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Because the corresponding change of Agda was only pushed to Agda's master branch.

I wasn't clear. I was talking about the change in Agda.

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@nad nad commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015 via email

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015

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This bug-fix might break a number of programs, so I don't think we should put it on the maintenance branch.

I disagree. The Agda maintenance branch is a bug-fix branch.

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@nad nad commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015 via email

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 10, 2015

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If you want to continue discussion about this, please use agda-dev.

Good idea.

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@asr asr commented on 4c8d3ae Feb 21, 2015

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I suppose that this change could be applied to the maintenance branch as well.

Yes. I cherry picked this commit (and other commits related to the new parsing rules and the new default fixity) in the branch (see f98638d, 5a92142 and 22f0f9d).

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