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Performance: Instantiated meta-variables in interface files #5731

nad opened this issue Jan 11, 2022 · 30 comments

Performance: Instantiated meta-variables in interface files #5731

nad opened this issue Jan 11, 2022 · 30 comments
documented-in-changelog Issues already documented in the CHANGELOG meta Metavariables, insertion of implicit arguments, etc performance Slow type checking, interaction, compilation or execution of Agda programs type: enhancement Issues and pull requests about possible improvements


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nad commented Jan 11, 2022

I'm currently working on some code for which Agda fails to create the interface. I think my code should be optimised, but I want to document the problem. Agda spends a lot of time instantiating meta-variables when eliminating dead code, before running out of memory:

-- | Run before serialisation to remove any definitions that are not reachable
-- from the public interface to the module.
eliminateDeadCode :: DisplayForms -> Signature -> TCM (DisplayForms, Signature)
eliminateDeadCode disp sig = Bench.billTo [Bench.DeadCode] $ do
patsyn <- getPatternSyns
public <- Set.mapMonotonic anameName . publicNames <$> getScope
defs <- traverse instantiateFull $ sig ^. sigDefinitions

Note that meta-variables are also instantiated before the interface is stored (presumably this piece of code could be optimised):

reportSLn "import.iface" 7 " instantiating all meta variables"
i <- instantiateFull Interface
{ iSourceHash = hashText source

Would it make sense to have instantiated meta-variables in interfaces? Could this lead to any problems? I can imagine that the problem with the freezing code (#5388) could be made worse.

@nad nad added meta Metavariables, insertion of implicit arguments, etc performance Slow type checking, interaction, compilation or execution of Agda programs type: discussion Discussions about Agda's design and implementation labels Jan 11, 2022
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nad commented Jan 12, 2022

Note that meta-variables are also instantiated before the interface is stored (presumably this piece of code could be optimised):

I have optimised this piece of code. However, the main problem remains.

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nad commented Jan 12, 2022

Would it make sense to have instantiated meta-variables in interfaces? Could this lead to any problems?

One should at least also include bindings for the instantiated meta-variables in the interfaces.

Are meta-variable identifiers only unique within a single module? In that case that should also be addressed in some way.

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Yes, metavariables are currently only unique within the same top-level module, so they should be qualified properly.

One more advantage of allowing metas in interfaces would be that it would allow us to get rid of the current ugly hack in the implementation of --allow-unsolved-metas, which is turning unsolved metavariables into postulates.

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nad commented Jan 12, 2022

I was wondering how much of the MetaStore we need to include in the interfaces. If we restrict ourselves to instantiated meta-variables, then I guess it would suffice to have only the instantiations:

= InstV [Arg String] Term -- ^ solved by term (abstracted over some free variables)

A MetaStore contains a number of other things:

data MetaVariable =
MetaVar { mvInfo :: MetaInfo
, mvPriority :: MetaPriority -- ^ some metavariables are more eager to be instantiated
, mvPermutation :: Permutation
-- ^ a metavariable doesn't have to depend on all variables
-- in the context, this "permutation" will throw away the
-- ones it does not depend on
, mvJudgement :: Judgement MetaId
, mvInstantiation :: MetaInstantiation
, mvListeners :: Set Listener -- ^ meta variables scheduled for eta-expansion but blocked by this one
, mvFrozen :: Frozen -- ^ are we past the point where we can instantiate this meta variable?
, mvTwin :: Maybe MetaId -- ^ @Just m@ means this meta will be equated to @m@ when the latter is unblocked. See @blockedTermOnProblem@.

Do we need any of this, except for the instantiation, for instantiated meta-variables from other modules? Such meta-variables could be seen as shorthand notation for their instantiations, and the code that replaces instantiated meta-variables with their instantiations only uses mvInstantiation:

instance Instantiate Term where
instantiate' t@(MetaV x es) = do
blocking <- view stInstantiateBlocking <$> getTCState
mv <- lookupMeta x
let mi = mvInstantiation mv
case mi of
InstV tel v -> instantiate' inst
-- A slight complication here is that the meta might be underapplied,
-- in which case we have to build the lambda abstraction before
-- applying the substitution, or overapplied in which case we need to
-- fall back to applyE.
(es1, es2) = splitAt (length tel) es
vs1 = reverse $ map unArg $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ allApplyElims es1
rho = vs1 ++# wkS (length vs1) idS
-- really should be .. ++# emptyS but using wkS makes it reduce to idS
-- when applicable
-- specification: inst == foldr mkLam v tel `applyE` es
inst = applySubst rho (foldr mkLam v $ drop (length es1) tel) `applyE` es2
_ | Just m' <- mvTwin mv, blocking -> do
instantiate' (MetaV m' es)
Open -> return t
OpenInstance -> return t
BlockedConst u | blocking -> instantiate' . unBrave $ BraveTerm u `applyE` es
| otherwise -> return t
PostponedTypeCheckingProblem _ -> return t
instantiate' (Level l) = levelTm <$> instantiate' l
instantiate' (Sort s) = Sort <$> instantiate' s
instantiate' t = return t

It might be easier to just store the entire MetaStore in the interface, but from a performance perspective that could be suboptimal. Furthermore I guess that meta-variables from other modules should be treated differently from meta-variables from the current module. For instance, the following code in createInterface should presumably not unfreeze meta-variables from other modules (I don't know if this would have any effect, but with the current implementation of unfreezeMetas it could be costly):

An alternative might be to treat instantiated meta-variables differently from other ones.

nad added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 13, 2022
Some optimisations. Partly related to issues #5731 and #5388.
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nad commented Jan 13, 2022

I located some pieces of code that are at least linear in the size of the meta-store (if everything is evaluated strictly).

  • The following four pieces could be improved by having separate meta-stores for open and closed meta-variables:

    typesOfHiddenMetas :: Rewrite -> TCM [OutputConstraint Expr NamedMeta]
    typesOfHiddenMetas norm = liftTCM $ do
    is <- getInteractionMetas
    store <- IntMap.filterWithKey (openAndImplicit is . MetaId) <$> getMetaStore

    openMetasToPostulates :: TCM ()
    openMetasToPostulates = do
    m <- asksTC envCurrentModule
    -- Go through all open metas.
    ms <- IntMap.assocs <$> useTC stMetaStore
    forM_ ms $ \ (x, mv) -> do
    when (isOpenMeta $ mvInstantiation mv) $ do

    getMetaVariables :: ReadTCState m => (MetaVariable -> Bool) -> m [MetaId]
    getMetaVariables p = do
    store <- getMetaStore
    return [ MetaId i | (i, mv) <- IntMap.assocs store, p mv ]
    getOpenMetas :: ReadTCState m => m [MetaId]
    getOpenMetas = getMetaVariables (isOpenMeta . mvInstantiation)

    Note that getMetaVariables is now only used by getOpenMetas.

    unfreezeMetas :: TCM ()
    unfreezeMetas = modifyMetaStore $ unfreeze

    I guess there is no point in unfreezing instantiated meta-variables.

  • I wonder if it would suffice for metasCreatedBy to return open metas:

    -- | Run a computation and record which new metas it created.
    metasCreatedBy :: ReadTCState m => m a -> m (a, IntSet)
    metasCreatedBy m = do
    before <- IntMap.keysSet <$> useTC stMetaStore
    a <- m
    after <- IntMap.keysSet <$> useTC stMetaStore
    return (a, after IntSet.\\ before)

    I think the answer is yes if it suffices to have open metas in the argument allmetas to computeGeneralization:

    -- | Compute the generalized telescope from metas created when checking the type/telescope to be
    -- generalized. Called in the context extended with the telescope record variable (whose type is
    -- the first argument). Returns the telescope of generalized variables and a substitution from
    -- this telescope to the current context.
    computeGeneralization :: Type -> Map MetaId name -> IntSet -> TCM (Telescope, [Maybe name], Substitution)
    computeGeneralization genRecMeta nameMap allmetas = postponeInstanceConstraints $ do

    @UlfNorell, @jespercockx: Does that suffice?

  • The following piece of code could be removed (note that conversion of a map to a set takes time):

    getMetaVariableSet :: ReadTCState m => m IntSet
    getMetaVariableSet = IntMap.keysSet <$> getMetaStore

@nad nad added this to the 2.6.3 milestone Jan 13, 2022
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 13, 2022
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I think the answer is yes if it suffices to have open metas in the argument allmetas to computeGeneralization: [...]
@UlfNorell, @jespercockx: Does that suffice?

In general, no: the closed metas are used in that function (grep for generalizableClosed) for finding metavariables that should be transitively generalized because they occur in the solution of a generalizable meta. However, perhaps this could be done more eagerly by marking all metas in the solution of a generalizable meta as being generalizable when solving that meta. But I'm not 100% that this wouldn't have unintended side effects.

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nad commented Jan 13, 2022

OK, perhaps one could replace (the relevant instance of) metasCreatedBy by a mechanism that records created meta-variables as they are created. Then one could perhaps also address the following TODO note:

-- Issue 4727: filter out metavariables that were created before the
-- current checkpoint, since they are too old to be generalized.
-- TODO: make metasCreatedBy smarter so it doesn't see pruned
-- versions of old metas as new metas.

Do you know if createMetasAndTypeCheck is ever invoked recursively?

-- | Create metas for the generalizable variables and run the type check action.
createMetasAndTypeCheck :: Set QName -> TCM a -> TCM (a, Map MetaId QName, IntSet)
createMetasAndTypeCheck s typecheckAction = do
((namedMetas, x), allmetas) <- metasCreatedBy $ do
(metamap, genvals) <- createGenValues s
x <- locallyTC eGeneralizedVars (const genvals) typecheckAction
return (metamap, x)
return (x, namedMetas, allmetas)

Given code like the following (inside isType_) the answer might be yes (the argument to generalizeType s is supplied as part of the typecheckAction argument to createMetasAndTypeCheck):

A.Generalized s e -> do
(_, t') <- generalizeType s $ isType_ e

Another question: Is all the information in MetaVariable needed for instantiated meta-variables, or would it suffice with only the instantiation?

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nad commented Jan 13, 2022

OK, perhaps one could replace (the relevant instance of) metasCreatedBy by a mechanism that records created meta-variables as they are created.

I found a simple way to optimise metasCreatedBy, making use of the fact that MetaIds are always increasing (as long as they do not wrap around).

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Don't forget to add a test case to test what happens when they wrap around!

nad added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 13, 2022
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nad commented Jan 13, 2022

Some things that remain to be done:

  • Have a separate meta-store for closed meta-variables.
  • Optimise the pieces of code listed above. (One could also add openMetasCreatedBy, and use that in some cases.)
  • Make it possible to refer to meta-variables from other modules without ambiguity.
  • Store meta-variables in interfaces.
  • Stop using instantiateFull when eliminating dead code, and when creating interfaces.

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nad commented Jan 19, 2022

Another question: Is all the information in MetaVariable needed for instantiated meta-variables, or would it suffice with only the instantiation?

Sometimes there are interaction points corresponding to solved meta-variables. I guess that getInteractionScope can be invoked for such meta-variables.

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nad commented Jan 19, 2022

Make it possible to refer to meta-variables from other modules without ambiguity.

I'm thinking of changing the representation of MetaId so that it contains two Word64 values, like NameId:

-- | The unique identifier of a name. Second argument is the top-level module
-- identifier.
data NameId = NameId {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !ModuleNameHash

What promises do we make about the results of the following functions?

primShowMeta : Meta String
primMetaToNat : Meta Nat

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nad commented Jan 21, 2022

@jespercockx, @UlfNorell: Do we not make any promises (other than injectivity)?

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I think the "promise" (if you want to call it that) is that the TC primitives do roughly the same as the actual Agda typechecker itself, so the numbers/names ought to correspond to what the user sees in error messages and such. I am not sure how important it is to keep this promise, though.

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I think it would be good if you could still use those functions to implement a pretty printer for Term that matches (more or less) how Agda prints terms.

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nad commented Jan 25, 2022

I suppose that the implementations should match the implementations in Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives (but I don't know if you can construct a Meta that can be used at runtime without using the FFI).

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Well, about that...

open import Agda.Builtin.IO
open import Agda.Builtin.List
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection renaming (bindTC to _>>=_)
open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit

  getMeta : Term  TC ⊤
  getMeta hole@(meta m _) = quoteTC m >>= unify hole
  getMeta _ = typeError []

myMeta : Meta
myMeta = getMeta

postulate putStrLn : String  IO ⊤
{-# FOREIGN GHC import qualified Data.Text as T #-}

main : IO ⊤
main = putStrLn (primShowMeta myMeta)

Trying to compile this with the GHC backend this produces an internal error:

An internal error has occurred. Please report this as a bug.
Location of the error: __IMPOSSIBLE__, called at src/full/Agda/Compiler/MAlonzo/Compiler.hs:1097:18 in Agda-2.6.3-2GgStRv6exQAe2hnultIdP:Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Compiler

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nad commented Jan 25, 2022

Please open a separate issue for that bug.

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nad commented Jan 25, 2022

Is it a problem if the numbers created by primMetaToNat are large (2^64 times the module name hash plus the sequential meta-variable number)? Are there any reasonable tactics that do something recursive with the natural numbers that you obtain from this function? Using the equality and ordering tests from Agda.Builtin.Nat should be fine.

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Are there any reasonable tactics that do something recursive with the natural numbers that you obtain from this function?

I think they're just meant to be unique identifiers, so I would really hope no-one ever recurses on them.

nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 2, 2022
I do not know if the calls to lookupLocalMeta in Agda.Auto.Auto and
Agda.Auto.Convert are "safe" in the sense that they will never be
performed for a remote meta-variable.

I received some help from Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx and Ulf Norell.
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 2, 2022
And changed the type of the field metaId from Nat to Word64.

When a MetaId is converted to JSON the metaModule field is included in
the output.
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 2, 2022
I do not know if the calls to lookupLocalMeta in Agda.Auto.Auto and
Agda.Auto.Convert are "safe" in the sense that they will never be
performed for a remote meta-variable.

I received some help from Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx and Ulf Norell.
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 2, 2022
I received some help from Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx and Ulf Norell.
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nad commented Feb 2, 2022

  • I am especially uncertain about the code under Agda.Auto, which I have mostly ignored, and which we have few tests for.

I can add some comments to the relevant files.

I opted to replace the calls to lookupLocalMeta with a variant that notes that the auto command does not support remote meta-variables, and that suggests the use of --no-save-metas.

I can add a note to the documentation of lookupMeta.


@nad nad mentioned this issue Feb 2, 2022
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2022
I received some help from Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx and Ulf Norell.
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2022
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2022
And changed the type of the field metaId from Nat to Word64.

When a MetaId is converted to JSON the metaModule field is included in
the output.
nad added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 4, 2022
I received some help from Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx and Ulf Norell.
@nad nad added type: enhancement Issues and pull requests about possible improvements and removed type: discussion Discussions about Agda's design and implementation labels Feb 4, 2022
@nad nad self-assigned this Feb 4, 2022
@nad nad closed this as completed Feb 4, 2022
@andreasabel andreasabel modified the milestones: 2.6.3, Mar 14, 2022
andreasabel pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
andreasabel pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2022
andreasabel pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 16, 2022
andreasabel pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 16, 2022
@andreasabel andreasabel changed the title Instantiated meta-variables in interfaces? Performance: Instantiated meta-variables in interface files Oct 25, 2022
@nad nad added the documented-in-changelog Issues already documented in the CHANGELOG label Oct 25, 2022
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AIMXXXVII: @AndrasKovacs is working on sharing metas and, to this end, printing of interfaces, and noticed that there are no metas in definitions even with --save-metas. Maybe not surprising because the clauses are fully instantiated:

cs <- instantiateFull {- =<< mapM rebindClause -} cs
-- Andreas, 2010-11-12
-- rebindClause is the identity, and instantiateFull eta-contracts
-- removing this eta-contraction fixes issue 361
-- however, Data.Star.Decoration.gmapAll no longer type-checks
-- possibly due to missing eta-contraction!?

The absence of metas would explain the lack of performance gain by --save-metas, and the slight increase of the size of the interface files. Meta solutions are then stored, taking some space, but since no meta solutions are reused, there are no savings.

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nad commented Nov 22, 2023

AIMXXXVII: @AndrasKovacs is working on sharing metas and, to this end, printing of interfaces, and noticed that there are no metas in definitions even with --save-metas. Maybe not surprising because the clauses are fully instantiated:

@UlfNorell and I added that call to instantiateFull in 2010. The commit message contains some motivation: d6d50f4.

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documented-in-changelog Issues already documented in the CHANGELOG meta Metavariables, insertion of implicit arguments, etc performance Slow type checking, interaction, compilation or execution of Agda programs type: enhancement Issues and pull requests about possible improvements
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