If you are interested in this project, please check webaudio-controls by @g200kg as well. webaudio-controls has a fork of this project + slider, switch and even keyboard. Touch enabled too!
- load polymer.js
- link to webaudio-knob component
<script src="http://www.polymer-project.org/polymer-all/polymer/polymer.js">
<link rel="import" href="https://raw.github.com/agektmr/webaudio-knob/master/components/knob.html">
- insert
<webaudio-knob src="img/MiniBrute.png" min="-127" max="127" value="0" step="3" diameter="" sprites="100"></webaudio-knob>
- create imperatively
var knob = document.createElement('webaudio-knob');
- value can be changed by simply dragging up and down
- with 'shift' key pressed, value changes by 1 (otherwise per
description: min value of the knob
default: 0
description: max value of the knob
default: 127
description: value of the knob
default: 0
description: value change steps by moving mouse
default: 3
description: number of sprites your knob image has
default: 30
description: diameter of single knob
default: 64
description: path to knob image resource (relative from where you are refering)
default: 'img/org_amp.png'
description: 'change' event emitted everytime value changes
var knobs = document.getElementsByTagName('webaudio-knob');
for (var i = 0; i < knobs.length; i++) {
var knob = knobs[i];
knob.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
- Go to WebKnobMan
- Find your favorite knob design and click 'Open with WebKnobMan'
- Click on 'Export' to download
file - Of course, you can create your own!
Note: comply with license requirements