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Pacific Salmon Knowledge Graph Initiative - Proof of Concept


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Proof of Concept

Pacific Salmon Knowledge Graph Initiative

A. Overview

DFO’s Pacific Salmon Strategy (PSS) is a multi-branch initiative that seeks to transform the governance, management and assessment of salmon in the Pacific Region. Those leading this initiative, which is anticipated to begin in earnest in 2021, recognize the potential of applying Knowledge Graph (KG) (or labelled property graph, e.g. technology to assist in the assembly, storage and interpretation of complex salmon-related data and information.

One focus of the initiative is on information pertaining to current salmon rebuilding activities, building upon earlier KG work, including some that focused on southern BC Chinook salmon.

This Proof of Concept (PoC) is intended to demonstrate the value of KG technology as a means of helping to achieve the overall goals of the PSS by showcasing data processing procedures for assembly, cleaning, transformation (standardization), loading, and linking of data from text sources (e.g. reports, Word documents and Excel spreadsheets) into nodes and links in a Salmon Knowledge Graph.

B. Quick-start

1. Prerequisite

Following software are required, please install their latest versions:

  • Docker Desktop/Docker Engine
  • Docker Compose
  • Python 3.8+
  • git
  • pskgi_poc (this repository)
Click for details!
Step 1 - Install Docker Desktop/Docker Engine

For macOS or Windows install Docker Desktop.

For people who know what WSL is: Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux 2, a.k.a WSL2 is highly recommended before installing Docker Desktop.

For Linux, install Docker Engine.

Important: it is recommended that at least 6GB memory and 10GB disk space allowed for Docker Desktop. Check the Preferences, and then Resources menu-item of the Docker top menu icon to adjust them.

Step 2 - Install Docker Compose

For all system, install Docker Compose.

Step 3 - Install git

Make sure that you have git install on your system.

  • For Windows: Download Git for Windows and install it.

  • For macOS: install homebrew, and then in Terminal:

    brew install git
  • For Debian-based Linux:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt install git
  • For RPM-based Linux:

    sudo yum upgrade
    sudo yum install git

For Ubuntu: in case permission error is encountered at the first run of docker-compose, try to create the docker user group and add yourself to it

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
Step 4 - Install Python

Follow instructions this guide.

Step 5 - Install pskgi_poc (this repository):

Check out the repo by opening a Terminal or Command Prompt on your system, go to a directory where you want to place this repository, and type:

git clone
cd pskgi_poc

Collect addtional libraries for neo4j:

2. Shortcut to demo:

Assume that you are in pskgi_poc directory:


Wait until you see the following line, it would mean all three docker containers (nlp, neo4j, show) are running.

neo4j    | 2021-01-27 23:37:39.305+0000 INFO  Started.

Open the browser, go to http://localhost:7474, enter username (neo4j) and password (pskgi), type the below and press [Ctrl/Cmd]+Enter:

  :play http://localhost:8001/html/show.html

and follow the instructions on the screen.

3. Setting up the Dockers:

The dockers can be managed via several steps:

  • Obtain the dockers by pulling the docker images from Docker Hub.
  • Stop the running containers
  • Removing unused images
Click for details!

Make sure that all requirements in 1. Prerequisite are satisfied. It it important to note that all docker and docker-compose command must be execute inside the pskgi_poc repo directory, where the docker-compose.yml is present.

a. Obtain the dockers by pulling the built docker images from repositories on Docker Hub, create the containers, and run them
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --no-build

Note: it will takes sometimes to download about 2GB image.

Add a -d option if you want them run in the background

docker-compose up -d --no-build

[Optional]: Build the docker images, create the containers, and run them

Rebuild the image:

docker-compose up --build

Note: it will takes sometimes to download PyTorch (700MB), and neural English language models for stanza.

Add a -d option if you want them run in the background

docker-compose up -d --build

Later invocations:

docker-compose up
b. Stop the running containers

If they are running on the console (i.e. without -d option). Press Ctrl+C to gracefully shutdow.

You can also stop it from the other Terminal (in pskgi_poc directory):

docker-compose down
c. Removing unused images
docker image prune

Note: it is worth to run because it can remove over 3.5GB temporary data produced during the build of the docker image

4. Using the Dockers:

Instructions to use and/or monitor following dockers:

  • nlp
  • neo4j
  • show
Click for details!
a. nlp:

Assume that you are in pskgi_poc directory, check if it's running:

cd test

For macOS, Linux


For Windows

Assume that you are in pskgi_poc directory, check if it's running:


If the script prints "OK", the service is ready, then test it with proper input. You should see json output on the console.

For macOS, Linux

./ nlp_input.txt

For Windows

test_nlp.bat nlp_input.txt

Note 1: the nlp docker is accessible from anywhere if the host's IP and port 8000 is reachable.

Note 2: see the Input and Output sections of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) micro service for more details

b. neo4j:

Assume that you are in pskgi_poc directory, check if it's running:

cd test

For macOS, Linux

./ t neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687/

For all OS

You can start a browser and points it at http://localhost:7474/.

Note 1: the neo4j docker is accessible from anywhere if the host's IP and port 7474 is reachable.

Create a new set of unique constraints and indexes defined in a Cypher Query Language (cql) script, which is placed in the local cql/ directory.

./ a neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687 cql/nlp_schema.cql

Import data from a xlsx formatted data file, placed in import/ directory, for example input.xlsx. There is no need for prefix import/ since neo4j will see it at the mounted volume inside the container.

./ j neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687 /input.xlsx psf_news\!A1:B6 http://nlp:8000/process/

Open the browser, go to http://localhost:7474, enter username (neo4j) and password (pskgi), type the below and press [Ctrl/Cmd]+Enter:

MATCH (e:NE)-[:E_IN_S]->(s)<-[:E_IN_S]-(loc:LOC)-[:W_IN_E]-(w:LW)
  WHERE e.c IN ["Coho", "Chinook", "Chum", "Sockeye"] AND w.l = "river"
WITH e, loc
  MATCH (e)-[:E_IN_D]->(d)<-[:K_IN_D]-(k:KP)-[:W_IN_K]-(w:LW)
    WHERE w.l IN ["habitat", "project", "grant"]
RETURN DISTINCT(e) AS species, COLLECT([d, oc, kc]) AS mentioned_locations;

Match locations, key phrases related to salmons in projects or grants

c. show:

A simple docker, to host the interactive slideshow.

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up --no-build

To build this docker:

docker-compose up --build show

Open the brower, go to http://localhost:7474, enter username (neo4j) and password (pskgi), type the below and press [Ctrl/Cmd]+Enter:

:play http://localhost:8001/html/show.html

and follow the instructions on the screen.

C. Micro Service Architecture

Docker services

D. Services

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) as micro service

This NLP micro service (nlp) is to provide an internal feature that:

  • accept human language text in plain textual Unicode format with UTF-8 encoding.
  • convert given text into lists of sentences and words, to generate base forms of those words, their parts of speech and morphological features, to give a syntactic structure dependency parse, and to recognize named entities.
  • assemble extracted key phrases (based on customizable syntactic treebank annotations), named entities, and sentiment score into json objects as result.

The back-end of nlp incorporates Stanza, a Python natural language analysis package, which is built with highly accurate neural network components that also enable efficient training and evaluation with your own annotated data. The modules are built on top of the PyTorch library. Stanza also provides the official Python wrapper for accessing the Java Stanford CoreNLP package.

The front-end of nlp is a lightweight web server based on Uvicorn, a fast ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface). It accepts HTTP requests, forwards them to the back-end, and returns responses coming back from the back-end to the caller.


How input is submitted to nlp:

  • a HTTP POST request to http://HOST_NAME:8000/process/
  • A json document formatted as below must be sent in the request's body
Click for details!
  # Define the document model that the webapp receives from submission:
  # It is a json format:
  # {
  #   "u": the uid of the document, the webapp retains and returns it
  #   "c": the textual content of the document.
  # }

nlp processes the document and extracts for each sentence:

  • sentiment score
  • named entities (18 named entity types described here).
  • noun phrases based on given treebank annotations that is configurable in conf/nlp.ini, section key_phrase, entry grammar.
Click for details!

Output is a json document in following format:

      'u': the uid of the document
      'p': the processed content, see PostProcessor for more information

Processed document is represented by a list of sentences, each is a dictionary:

      't': the original text of the sentence,
      's': the sentiment score (0, 1, 2), as a string,
      'e': list of extracted entities (see below),
      'k': list of extracted key phrases, for format see below

Extracted entities of a document is a list of dictionaries:

      't': the entity type, one of the 18 named entity types, e.g. PERSON,
      'c': the textual content, for example `First Nations`,
      'w': list of words, each is a dictionary, see below

Extracted key phrases of a sentence is a list of dictionaries:

      'c': the textual content, e.g. `restoration stock assessment activities`
      'w': list of words, each is a dictionary, see below

Extracted word in format of {'c': word text, 'l': lemmatized form}

*Note: a key phrase is collected from a sentence by using treebank-specific grammar on the `xpos` property of each word in a sentence:*

  JJ? ((VB[G|N|D]|NN[P]?[S]?) (HYPH|IN|POS)*)* NN[P]?[S]?
Sample input & output:
Sample input, click for more!

Sample input from PSF, this can be located at test/nlp_input.txt

      "c":"The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) announces grants for 16 projects in the South Vancouver Island region, totalling $238,056 through the PSF Community Salmon Program (CSP). The total value of the projects, which includes community fundraising, contributions and volunteer time, is $1,488,711 and is focused on the rehabilitation of key Pacific salmon habitats and stock enhancement in the South Vancouver Island area."
Sample output, click for more!

Sample output from processing of the above input.

        "p": [
                "c": "The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) announces grants for 16 projects in the South Vancouver Island region, totalling $238,056 through the PSF Community Salmon Program (CSP).",
                "e": [
                        "c": "The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "Pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                                "c": "Salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "Foundation",
                                "l": "foundation"
                                "c": "(",
                                "l": "("
                                "c": "PSF",
                                "l": "psf"
                                "c": ")",
                                "l": ")"
                        "c": "16",
                        "t": "CARDINAL",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "16",
                                "l": "16"
                        "c": "South Vancouver Island",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "South",
                                "l": "south"
                                "c": "Vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                                "c": "Island",
                                "l": "island"
                        "c": "238,056",
                        "t": "MONEY",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "238,056",
                                "l": "238,056"
                        "c": "PSF Community Salmon Program",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "PSF",
                                "l": "psf"
                                "c": "Community",
                                "l": "community"
                                "c": "Salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "Program",
                                "l": "program"
                        "c": "CSP",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "CSP",
                                "l": "csp"
                        "c": "1,488,711",
                        "t": "MONEY",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "1,488,711",
                                "l": "1,488,711"
                        "c": "Pacific",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "Pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                        "c": "South Vancouver Island",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "South",
                                "l": "south"
                                "c": "Vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                                "c": "Island",
                                "l": "island"
                "k": [
                        "c": "pacific",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                        "c": "salmon",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                        "c": "foundation",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "foundation",
                                "l": "foundation"
                        "c": "psf",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "psf",
                                "l": "psf"
                        "c": "grants",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "grants",
                                "l": "grant"
                        "c": "projects",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "projects",
                                "l": "project"
                        "c": "south",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "south",
                                "l": "south"
                        "c": "vancouver",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                        "c": "island",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "island",
                                "l": "island"
                        "c": "region",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "region",
                                "l": "region"
                        "c": "psf community salmon program",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "psf",
                                "l": "psf"
                                "c": "community",
                                "l": "community"
                                "c": "salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "program",
                                "l": "program"
                        "c": "csp",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "csp",
                                "l": "csp"
                "s": 1
                "c": "The total value of the projects, which includes community fundraising, contributions and volunteer time, is $1,488,711 and is focused on the rehabilitation of key Pacific salmon habitats and stock enhancement in the South Vancouver Island area.",
                "e": [
                        "c": "The Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF)",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "Pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                                "c": "Salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "Foundation",
                                "l": "foundation"
                                "c": "(",
                                "l": "("
                                "c": "PSF",
                                "l": "psf"
                                "c": ")",
                                "l": ")"
                        "c": "16",
                        "t": "CARDINAL",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "16",
                                "l": "16"
                        "c": "South Vancouver Island",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "South",
                                "l": "south"
                                "c": "Vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                                "c": "Island",
                                "l": "island"
                        "c": "238,056",
                        "t": "MONEY",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "238,056",
                                "l": "238,056"
                        "c": "PSF Community Salmon Program",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "PSF",
                                "l": "psf"
                                "c": "Community",
                                "l": "community"
                                "c": "Salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "Program",
                                "l": "program"
                        "c": "CSP",
                        "t": "ORG",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "CSP",
                                "l": "csp"
                        "c": "1,488,711",
                        "t": "MONEY",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "1,488,711",
                                "l": "1,488,711"
                        "c": "Pacific",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "Pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                        "c": "South Vancouver Island",
                        "t": "LOC",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "South",
                                "l": "south"
                                "c": "Vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                                "c": "Island",
                                "l": "island"
                "k": [
                        "c": "total value",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "total",
                                "l": "total"
                                "c": "value",
                                "l": "value"
                        "c": "projects",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "projects",
                                "l": "project"
                        "c": "community fundraising",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "community",
                                "l": "community"
                                "c": "fundraising",
                                "l": "fundraising"
                        "c": "contributions",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "contributions",
                                "l": "contribution"
                        "c": "volunteer time",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "volunteer",
                                "l": "volunteer"
                                "c": "time",
                                "l": "time"
                        "c": "rehabilitation",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "rehabilitation",
                                "l": "rehabilitation"
                        "c": "key pacific",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "key",
                                "l": "key"
                                "c": "pacific",
                                "l": "pacific"
                        "c": "salmon habitats",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "salmon",
                                "l": "salmon"
                                "c": "habitats",
                                "l": "habitat"
                        "c": "stock enhancement",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "stock",
                                "l": "stock"
                                "c": "enhancement",
                                "l": "enhancement"
                        "c": "south",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "south",
                                "l": "south"
                        "c": "vancouver",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "vancouver",
                                "l": "vancouver"
                        "c": "island",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "island",
                                "l": "island"
                        "c": "area",
                        "w": [
                                "c": "area",
                                "l": "area"
                "s": 2
        "u": "123"

Following features are not included:

  1. Multiple language support (only English at the moment).
  2. Dynamic treebank annotations parsing (to obtain key phrases with different grammatical compositions)
  3. Dependency-parsing (that builds a tree structure of words from the input sentence, which represents the syntactic dependency relations between words)
  4. Enabling GPU usage inside container for better ML performance.
  5. Configurable parallel processing and throughput for higher performance.

2. Neo4j graph database as micro service

Neo4j Graph Database CE (Community Edition), 4.2.2 is assembled inside docker-compose.yml. Following additional features are added

  • Graph Data Science (GPS) library, version 1.4.1.
  • Awesome Procedures On Cypher (APOC) library, version
  • A set of Apache POI and dependency for importing Excel spreadsheets in both xls and xlsx format.

All required libraries must be downloaded prior to start the neo4j docker by running:


The libraries are placed in the local plugins/ directory, which will be mounted as a local folder for neo4j docker.

  • neo4j docker image based on neo4j:4.2.2 in Docker Hub and configured:
    • automatically accept user license
    • use max 2GB memory for heap, 1GB for page cache
    • import files from the mounted local import/ directory
    • load additional libraries from the mounted local plugins/ directory
    • keeps the physical database files in the mounted local data/ directory
    • generates log entires in the debug.log file in the mounted local logs/ directory
Running tasks

Several tasks can be executed with neo4j service, to see what you can do, try:


You should see the following print out:

      a: add new schema (unique constraints & indexes)
      j: nlp and import json file (inside import/ directory)
      x: nlp and import data xls(x) file (inside import/ directory)
      c: clean up by remove all nodes and relationships
      r: remove schema
      s: print database statistics
      t: test if database ready
      ./ t: test if database ready
      ./ a: add new schema
      ./ j: nlp and import json file
      ./ x: nlp and import data xls(x) file
      ./ c: clear database
      ./ r: remove schema
      ./ cr: run an c -> r pipeline
      ./ s: print database statistics
  NEO4J_CONTAINER: the name of the running container, e.g. neo4j
  USER_NAME: username to access neo4j database, e.g neo4j
  PASSWORD: password to access neo4j database, e.g pskgi
  BOLT_URL: Bolt-based URL to access neo4j database, e.g bolt://localhost:7687
      ./ t neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687
Click for details!

Test if neo4j docker container is running:

./ t neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687

[Optional] Clear - remove all nodes and relationships from - the database (note that this might slow down for large database):

./ c neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687

[Optional] Remove all unique constraints and indexes from the database :

./ r neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687

[Optional] Create a new set of unique constraints and indexes defined in a Cypher Query Language (cql) script, which is placed in the local cql/ directory. Note that this needs to be done only once and before any data import

./ a neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687 cql/nlp_schema.cql

Import data from a json formatted data file, placed in import/ directory, for example input.json. There is no need for prefix import/ since neo4j will see it at the mounted volume inside the container. Note that the nlp service is access at the URL http://nlp:8000/process/. neo4j and nlp services communicate via a private network backend, which is not exposed outside, so neo4j sees nlp by its own hostname nlp.

./ j neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687 input.json http://nlp:8000/process/

Import data from a xlsx formatted data file, placed in import/ directory, for example input.xlsx. There is no need for prefix import/ since neo4j will see it at the mounted volume inside the container. Note that the nlp service is access at the URL http://nlp:8000/process/. neo4j and nlp services communicate via a private network backend, which is not exposed outside, so neo4j sees nlp by its own hostname nlp.

./ j neo4j neo4j pskgi bolt://localhost:7687 /input.xlsx psf_news\!A1:B6 http://nlp:8000/process/

Important: the slash / in /input.xlsx is mandatory. The ! in psf_news\!A1:B6 is to escape the special character ! in shell command. Note that the psf_news\!A1:B6 is considered as a input sheet. Line numbers starts at 0, so psf_news\!A1:B6 means to use cells from the region A2:B6 in the Excel file.