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NFX - .NET Standard Unistack Framework


The current development of NFX HAS MOVED HERE is moving. This repository contains the current NFX (v5) project which targets .NET 4.7.1 and Net Stadard 2/ Core 2. We have moved from legacy NFX v3 repository

NFX(v5 and beyond) is based on .Net Standard 2, having all of cli tools targeting both .NET FX 4.7.1+ and .NET Core 2+. Future NFX will not officially support targets below .NET 4.7.1 (though possible) and .NET Core 2.

The legacy NFXv3* repo will continue to target .NET 4.5/Mono and may be supported for major bug fixes however all new feature development is going to happen here in NFXv5+.


Server UNISTACK (unified full software stack avoiding dependencies on 3rd party libs) framework.

License: Apache 2.0 Runs: .NET 4.7.1+, Core 2+

Project Badge


Framework/Platform Support

NFX is now based on .NET Standard which works on different runtimes. Officially we support .NET Core and .NET Framework:

  • .NET Standard 2 - supported
  • .NET Core 2 - supported
  • .NET Framework 4.7.1 - supports classic .NET Framework 4.7.1+

NFX supports cross-platform development and is tested on:

  • Windows Win 2010 Core 2 and Net Fx
  • Linux Ubuntu 16 LTS using Core 2
  • Mac OS 14 using Core 2

NFX Builds on:

  • Windows / MSBuild 15 / VS 2017
  • in process - *nix (need scripts and build process refinements)

NFX abstacts platform-specific functions via PAL (Platform Abstraction Layer) which implements features such as: 2D graphics (drawing and image compression), CPU/RAM performance counters acquisition, Security functions (EnsureAccessibleDirectory etc.). PAL is implemented for every runtime differently and gets injected into NFX at process entry point.

All tools get compiled in .NET Core (out/{Config}/run-core) and .NET Framework (out/{Config}/run-netf) variants all targeting the same NFX.dll which is linked against .NET Standard 2.

About NFX

NFX is a modern .NET full stack framework designed for building cloud and on-premises apps. It is written in C# and runs on a CLR machine linking against .NET Stadard 2. NFX supports app containers, configuration, big memory heaps, IPC, and functions that significantly simplify the development of large distributed systems. It boosts performance and simplifies the development (such as services/web). The majority of the achievements are possible because of the following key features:


  • Distributed systems: clusters/hierarchies
  • IPC - contract-based object-oriented high performance services
  • Stateful/stateless programming (web/service)
  • Full utilization of big RAM capacities in-proc (i.e. 128 Gb resident) without GC stalls

good for:

  • Linux-style prоgramming in .NET. Minimalistic, elegant.
  • Vendor de-coupling
  • General Scalability (i.e. hybrid DataStores with virtual queries and CQRS)
  • Distributed Macro/micro/nano services, REST or RPC
  • Actor-model systems with message passing and supervisors
  • In-memory processing, for hundreds of millions of objects in-RAM with full GC < 20ms
  • Supercomputer/Cluster/Farm applications (i.e. bulk rendering cluster, social graphs etc.)
  • High-performance business apps (i.e. serving 50,000+ BUSINESS WEB requests a second (with logic) on a general server looking up data in a 300,000,000 business object cache in-RAM)
  • non-trivial CLR cases like: structs with read-only fields, arrays of structs of structs, custom streamers like Dictionary<> with comparers etc. In the past 7 years, teleportation mechanism has moved trillions of various CLR object instances


All Guides and Docs/Samples/Tutorials are on the NFXLIB site

NFXLIB - Documentation/Guides/Tutorials


UNDER CONSTRUCTION As of 2018-01-14 you can use NFXv5 only if you get it here and build it. We are still working on publishing Nuget packages


Older (NFXv3) Package home:

cmd Description
pm> install-package NFX NFX Core Package (App, Pile, Glue, Log, Instr etc.)
pm> install-package NFX.Web NFX Web (Amazon S3, Google Drive, SVN, Stripe, Braintree, PPal, FB, Twtr etc.)
pm> install-package NFX.Wave NFX Wave Server + MVC
pm> install-package NFX.MsSQL NFX Microsoft SQL Server Provider
pm> install-package NFX.MySQL NFX MySQL RDBMS Provider (CRUD etc.)
pm> install-package NFX.MongoDB NFX MongoDB Proivder (CRUD etc.) + Native Client
pm> install-package NFX.WinForms NFX WinForms (for legacy)
pm> install-package NFX.Azure NFX Azure IaaS Provider WIP/pre-release
pm> install-package NFX.Erlang NFX Erlang Language + OTP Node


Big Memory Object Pile + Cache


Various Demo Projects

NFX Provides

  • Unified App Container

    • Unified app models: console, web, service, all have: user, session, security, volatile state
    • Configuration: file, memory, db, vars, macros, structural merges, overrides, scripting
    • Dep injection: inject dependencies
    • Logger: async file, debug, db destinations with graphs, SLA rules, filtering and routing
    • Security: declr and/or imperative permission model, strong password manager, virtual credentials
  • Big Memory Pile

    • Pile memory manager: keeps hundreds of millions of CLR objects in memory without GC pauses
    • Distributed Pile (objects stored on cluster nodes)
    • Pile Cache: materialize 2,000,000 CLR objects/sec in-memory on a 4 core machine
  • Full Web Stack

    • Web server
    • Rule-based network Gate (business firewall)
    • MVC: filters, attributes, complex model binding, security, web API, MVVM binding
    • Template
    • Client JS lib + MVVM
  • Hybrid data access layer

    • RDBMS (we use: MySQL, MsSQL)
    • NoSQL (we use: MongoDB, Elastic search, Erlang OTP)
    • Native ultra-fast MongoDB driver (socket based achieving 200K+reads/sec)
  • Full Instrumentation Suite

    • Gauges and Events keyed on business enities
    • Instrumentation buffers
    • Injectable instrumentation sinks (i.e. telemetry receiver)
    • Cluster real-time map:reduce on zones and regions
  • High-level service oriented stack "Glue"

    • Contract based design with security
    • Injectable bindings: i.e. "Async TCP"
    • 150,000 ops/sec two-way calls using business objects (not byte array) on a 4 core machine
    • Unistack payload teleportation (no need to decorate various classes, teleport as-is)
  • Serialization Suite

    • Slim: the fastest general purpose CLR serializer, very well tested and proven processing
    • Teleportation: moving CLR objects as-is without any extra metadata between processes
    • BSON: an efficient BSON implementation
    • JSON: includes multi-language selective serialization of large graphs
  • Erlang Support: including types, serialization and full OTP node

  • Virtual File Systems: Amazon S3, SVN, Local, (Google Drive and DropBox created by others)

  • Virtual payment processing: Braintree, Stripe, PayPal

  • Code Analysis (building lexers/parsers)

  • Type Conversion Accessors (i.e. object.AsInt(dflt)....)


NFX uses the very Base-Class-Lib of .NET:

  • Basic/primitive types: string, ints, doubles, decimal, dates, +Math
  • Parallel task library: 25% of features - create, run, wait for completion, Task, Parallel.For/Each
  • Collections: List, Dictionary, ConcurrentDictionary, HashSet, Queue
  • Threading: Thread, lock()/Monitor, Interlocked*, AutoresetEvent
  • Various: Stopwatch, Console, WinForms is used for SOME interactive tests(not needed for operation)
  • Some ADO references (Reader/SQLStatement) in segregated data-access components
  • Reflection API
  • Drawing 2D (Graphics)

NFX does not use any 3rd party components. (with the exception of system packages which are not in the CLR/sys "core" yet, such as System.Buffers, ValueTask(T) etc...)