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Tesis de grado de para la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación de Agustín Daniel Márquez Braconi

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Design and architecture

In this document I describe the architecture of the framework. First I raise the decisions regarding the specificity or generality of the software. Then I will describe the flow of the framework and its hotspots. Finally, I give the detail of the different components.

Finding the midpoint of specificity and generality

Too specific problem

A too specific Framework has the advantage of leaving less implementation work to the programmer user. In this way, with little effort you can be applying Active Learning on your data. But this gain in effort is a consequence of decisions already made when implementing the Framework. These decisions limit the possibilities of the user programmer to adapt the Framework to his particular case. For this reason a Framework of these characteristics will only be useful and convenient to use in specific projects where the decisions taken at the time of design and implementation coincide with the needs of the particular project of the programmer user.

Problem of too generic

An overly generic Framework will have the advantage of adapting to more use cases. Making it more attractive to learn and use because it is more versatile. But this generalization is accompanied by many design and implementation decisions left in the hands of the user programmer. For this reason, you must first make these decisions before you can create an instance of the Framework. If these design and / or implementation decisions require a lot of effort, they will discourage the programmer user from using the framework in the first instance. Since an Ad-hoc solution probably entails a similar effort but works better.


My proposal is to develop a framework that allows the programmer user to implement instances of annotation projects based on Automatic Learning with the minimum programming without losing generality. That is, achieve a framework which can be instantiated with a minimum of effort but also facilitating the possibility for the user programmer to adapt the same to their particular project. For this, the framework will provide an already established workflow and pre-programmed modules that allow choosing different methods for its hotspots. At the same time, interfaces will be provided so that the user can create their own instances of the hotspots to adjust the framework even more to their particular project.

Design of the proposed framework

It is a framework architecture, with frozen spots and hotspots. The hotspots indicate the parametrizable points of the framework, where the user programmer will provide the required functionalities: Oracle, Selector, Model and Dataset.

The interfaces are abstract classes with unimplemented methods and / or attributes, therefore they require that a class be implemented that implements the methods required by the interface.

alt text

Framework Flow

For the architecture of the Framework, the architecture developed by for its case study was taken as a basis. From its architecture a similar one was thought that admits modifications to be able to adapt it to other projects.

In the flow diagram we can distinguish between blue and red figures being these the frozen spots and hotspots respectively. The workflow determined by the Framework can be observed as the loop formed by the frozen spots (blue figures) in said figure. It begins by training a model from an algorithm and tagged data . This model, once trained, will be evaluated with a part of the tagged data that will be separated for this purpose, making them not participate in the training of the model. Then we proceed to predict about untagged dataits possible labels. They will be sent to the selector which will select a certain number of instances to be sent to the oracle . Then this will ask the labeling user to enter the labels of each of these instances. Once the tags have been obtained, the main loop will be started again, this time using the original tagged data and the manually tagged data to train the model.


As we can see in Figure [fig: flow_diagram] the main loop is already determined by the framework. But it is the user programmer who decides how these components behave in the loop. It must always provide tagged and untagged data, but you can also adjust this loop to your needs. For example, the user programmer can choose which algorithm the model will be trained on , or which selection method it will use over the automatically labeled instances. For this, you can use the instances already implemented in the framework, or implement their own version of them. So you can also do it with the oracle , thus personalizing the user experience tagger.

System Components


This class is in charge of showing the oracle (labeling person) the instances that the selector selects to label, obtain the label and return it to the ActiveLearner to save the new instances labeled.

It is an abstract class, so the user must implement a class that meets this interface and instantiate it. This new class should at least define an attribute target_names. The same will be explained below together with the rest of the methods of this class:

  • target_namesAttribute that will contain a list with the name of each target class. It must correspond in order with the values ​​of ythe Dataset attribute .

  • ask(readable_X, recoms)Method which will be called by the ActiveLearner in each iteration of the main loop to obtain new labels. It receives the following parameters:

    1. readable_XIt is a list that contains, for each element that you want to label, the output of get_unlabeled_readable() the Dataset method .

    2. recoms It is a list with the labels predicted by the model to use as a label recommendation to the oracle.

    This method will call for each element that is passed to the other methods of this class to process the elements to be displayed and validate the labels.

  • ask_for_element(x, recom)This method is called internally by each element that is passed to the ask()previously described method to process each element individually. Its parameters are:

    1. xElement information obtained by the method get_unlabeled_readable()of Dataset .

    2. recom The label predicted by the model to use as a recommendation for oracle.

  • show_options() Print the possible labels, with their names and numbers that represent them for each one.

  • show_element(x, recom)This method shows the data with a simple screen printing and its predicted label. It is recommended to reimplement this method to customize the oracle's user experience.

    1. xElement information obtained by the method get_unlabeled_readable()of Dataset .

    2. recom The label predicted by the model to use as a recommendation for oracle.

  • validate_answer(answer) This method controls that the oracle has entered a valid label.

The programmer user is encouraged to reimplement methods show_element()and show_options()in conjunction with the method get_unlabeled_readable()of Dataset to adapt the display of labels and instances the context of particular labeling of each project.

put the gui, triangulation, and I do not know more, I'll go scoring here ...


Although it is a simple module, it is the heart of Active Learning . It is an interface that specifies the requirements for the functionality that selects the instances that are going to be sent to the Oracle for labeling, based on the information provided by the model on a dataset. This interface requires only the following method:

  • select(model, data, n)This method receives the trained model, the data on which to select and the amount of data to be selected. Returns a list with the indexes of the selected elements.

    1. modelIt is an instance that satisfies the interest of Model, which has already been trained (the method has already been called fit()).

    2. dataAre the data returned by the method get_unlabeled() of Dataset .

    3. n It is an integer number specifying the amount of data to be selected.

The user programmer can instantiate selectors whenever he implements this interface. However, the framework provides selectors already implemented, ready to be instantiated in this hotspot, they are described below:

UncertaintySelector: Selects the instances over which the model has less security. That is, for which the highest probability log is low. It serves for when the nuclei are already well defined, to deillimitate the edges.

CertaintySelector: Selects the instances on which the model has greater security. That is, those with the high probability log is higher. It is very useful for the first iterations since, as he explains PAPER OF WHO HE EXPLAINS, he better characterizes the nuclei of the classes.

MinDiffSelector: select the ones with the smallest difference between the class with the highest probability and the second class with the highest probability

EntropySelector: based on theory of Shanon information. select the instances with the most entropy. the formula: - Sum (ci * log (ci)) becomes 0 for labeled classes and becomes larger the more similar the probabilities of each class are.

CommitteeSelector: It is used in conjunction with the CommitteeModel which contains a list of models, for average operations the average of the labels is calculated, and for the selector in question the data of each of the models is passed.

ClusteringSelector: Implement

RandomSelector: Select instances randomly, this is to compare the effectiveness of Active Learning using different selectors, against this method that would be not to do Active Learning, since when choosing randomly the instances to label it is as if we were simply labeling instances to improve the learning the model.

, section 4.2 summarizes Settles ... how to explain this here?

this paper tmb is good


This module is an interface that specifies the requirements for the machine learning algorithm that will be used to train a prediction model from the training dataset. It will run at the beginning of each loop of the main loop to train a new model. And then it will be called again to predict the labels on the untrained data. This module has been designed in such a way that an already trained instance of it can be passed as an argument to ActiveLearner. In this way we can train on a server where the time of use has a high cost, and can be labeled locally to avoid using it. This also allows us to use pre-trained instances which are increasingly common.

To instantiate an object of this class it is necessary that the programming user implements the methods described in the interface. They are:

  • fit(X, y) Adjust the model to the training data.

    1. XIt is the training data, which is returned by the get_X()Dataset method .

    2. yThe objectives of the training data, which it returns get_y()from the Dataset.

    This method returns nothing.

  • predict(X)It predicts the kinds of data it receives as input. Returns a list with the predicted class for each element.

  • predict_proba(X)Predicts the probabilities of each class of the data it receives. Returns for each element in X a list of n-uplas where n is the number of target classes in the project and where each value n is the probability that the element is of that class.

  • score(X, y)Returns the average precision on the data Xwith the objectives y. Xand ymust have the same type that Xand ytraining.

These methods are equivalent to those used by the scikit-learn library, mostly classifiers. For this reason, in this hotspot these methods can be used by directly invoking them with those provided by the scikit-learn classifiers or by implementing their own following the interface described above.

Training is always done in batch, not incremental, because there are very few algorithms that have their incremental training version and also because in this way we allow the portion of the corpus that is used for evaluation to be changed.


This module will contain the data labeled to train, and the non-tagged data on which to apply active learning.

It is the only class that needs at least that the user programmer initialize, passing as parameters the tagged and untagged data. In turn, the user programmer can inherit from this class to reimplement some of the same methods.

To improve the efficiency of this class, it was decided to internally store the variables Xand X_unlabeledin the same variable, called X. Since these must be of the same type, and contain information of the same type as well (the characteristics of each instance) this is not a problem, and in turn makes us gain a lot of time, since otherwise, every time an instance is tagged (or a selection of instances) they must be removed from X_unlabeledand added to X.But this generates a large overhead, since these data are immutable so you have to create new instances each time. With this implementation we solve this problem by keeping the data in the same variable, and accessing them using masks, one to access the X original and another to access theX_unlabeled we managed to label a new instance as easy as changing the masks.

In the same way, the yone stored in this class not only contains the labels of the tagged data, but also functions as a mask. In it a value is stored for each element in X, this value can be the label of that data (to be a value between 0 and n-1 with n the number of classes) or it can be -1 indicating that the label is not contained of that data, or -2 indicating that this data has already been shown to label but the oracle has not been able to determine exactly the label of the same, ignoring it.

Therefore the correct form of accder to X(tagged data used to train) already X_unlabeled(data on which to select) is through the methods get_X()and get_unlabeled(). In this way, the data is saved internally outside this module.

  • __init__(X, y, X_unlabeled)this function is executed when a new instance of the class is created. It requires 4 mandatory parameters and two optional ones. They are described below:

    1. XIt contains the data on which the label is held. It must be a ndarray instance of the numpy or csr_matrix library of the scipy library.

    2. yIt contains, in the same order as X,the labels of said data. It must be a ndarray instance of the numpy library.

    3. X_unlabeledIt contains the data of which the label is not possessed and on which it is desired to select to label. It must be an instance of the same type as X.

    4. test_sizeOptional parameter. Determines the percentage of training data that will be separated to be used as model evaluation. They will be snapped when the class is intact and will not be used for training at any time.

    5. random_stateOptional parameter. It is the seed that is used to divide the training data leaving a percentage of them to evaluate.

  • _split_X(X, y, test_size, random_state)This method must be called only internally and in the initialization of the class. It is the one that performs the separation of the data of training in two, to train and to evaluate. The same to do it uses the train_test_split()sklearn function .

  • get_X() Method to access the training data from outside, using the mask described in the introduction of this module.

  • get_y()Method to obtain the values ​​of the training data labels. Use the mask described in the description of this module internally.

  • get_unlabeled()Method to obtain the untagged data, and also have not been ignored to tag before. Use inside the mask described in the introduction of this module for this purpose.

  • tag_elements(indices, tags)Method to add new tags to the data they were in X_unlabeled.. The parameters of this function are described below:

    1. indicesIt has the indices that they give with the tagged data filtered by the mask. This is to overshadow the inner workings of this class.

    2. tagsList with the values ​​of the labels of the data whose indexes were passed. They must have the same order.

  • get_unlabeled_readable(i)This method will be called when requesting the labels of some element to the oracle. It receives the parameter i which is the index of the element to be presented in the Oracle . It must return what is necessary to be able to show the object to the user, for example, if it is images, this method could return the location of said image so that the Oracle can then display it.

  • _get_train_indices()Method to be used only within the class. It returns a list with the indexes of the elements in variable X that are data labeled for training. It is used for the mask.

  • _get_unlabeled_indices()Method to be used only within the class. It returns a list with the indexes of the elements in variable X that are untagged data. It is used for the mask.

Active Learner

This is the module that connects all the previous ones. To create an instance, you must first create an instance of each of the previous modules to pass them as a parameter. This class is fully implemented, and has the following methods:

  • fit()This method calls the method fit()of the model that was passed to it as a parameter at the time of initialization of the instance or by which it was changed with the method change_selector(). To the same happens as parameters Xe yto train, obtained from the method get_X()and get_y()the dataset.

  • select(n)This method is to select the non-annotated data that will go to the oracle for its annotation. It receives an n as an input parameter that specifies the number of instances that the selector has to return. The method calls the method select()from Selectorwhich it also passes the trained model and the untagged data (obtained through the interface get_unlabeled()and returns the output thereof).

  • ask(indices)This method searches for the requested non-annotated instances (indices) Datasetthrough its method get_unlabeled_readable(). Then calculate the label predicted by him Modeland these two parameters are passed Oraclethrough the method ask().

  • tag_elements(indices, y)This method receives the indexes of the elements that the method get_unlabeled()of the Dataset (indices)and the corresponding label returns to each one of these instances (y). What makes the method is called the method tag_elements()of Dataset.

  • get_scores()Method that returns a list with the values ​​of the score of each one fit()made.

  • change_selector()This method receives a new instance of the Selectorparameter and changes it ActiveLearnerto the current one for future selections.


When you create an instance of Datasetthe training dataset, it is divided into two. From these parts one will be used to train the model and another to evaluate the accuracy of the model. With the part that is left to evaluate at no time will the model be trained. This part will serve so that at the end of each iteration of the main loop the labels are predicted on them, then they are compared with the original labels and the percentage of success of the model is calculated. These values ​​are stored in a list, to then graph and analyze the performance throughout the iterations.

The percentage of data left for tests is defined by initializing the instance of Datasetpassing it as a parameter in test_sizea value between 0 and 1 indicating the percentage that is left for test. By default, this value is 0.2, which translates to 20% of the data being left for testing.

Future work could be cross validation? (or not, xq if you start with few data then the ones labeled using the selector of greater certainty makes a very high validation obtained when you are constantly adding new data about which the model predicts with much security)

Input format

Since generality is sought, the framework will not provide features extraction features, but it is expected that users provide the vectorized dataset, ie a list of instances where each in turn is a list containing the values ​​of the features.


Tesis de grado de para la Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación de Agustín Daniel Márquez Braconi






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