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What is chat-au-log?

It's a tool for creating controlled vocabularies, and using them to catalogue works.


My goal is to create a tool that technical teams can use to organize the random assortment of documentation, FAQs, research papers, blog posts, functional specifications, mock-ups, wire-frames, memoranda, and blurry cell phone pictures of whiteboards that make up the institutional knowledge of every company I've ever worked for. Making all this information accessible to the folks who need it is a huge challenge.

An index using a controlled vocabulary offers a lot of promise over the traditional wiki/Google Drive/Dropbox/Slack approaches:

  • It brings a way to search for things that can't be easily indexed by text (like pictures and PDFs)
  • It offers a way to build and document your organization's Ubiquitous language.
  • It offers the possibility of bringing together information across services (not everything has to live in the company wiki).

Can I use it?

There's not much to use yet, but go for it. The library functions live under the namespaces. Everything public in a namespace that doesn't end in alpha will be spec'd and backwards compatible forever.

Alpha graduation criteria

I'll make a non-alpha release when:

  • There are library functions to create, and update a controlled vocabulary.
  • All of those are spec'd documented and tested.
  • I've imported a sample controlled vocabulary.
  • I think of a less stupid name.

The Project

The main project source is in src/main.

├── config                    server configuration files. See Fulcro docs.
│   ├── defaults.edn
│   ├── dev.edn
│   └── prod.edn
├── chat_au_log
│   ├── api
│   │   ├── mutations.clj      server-side version of mutations
│   │   ├── mutations.cljs     client-side version of mutations
│   │   └── read.clj           server implementation of reads
│   ├── client.cljs            client creation (shared among dev/prod)
│   ├── client_main.cljs       production client main
│   ├── server.clj             server creation (shared among dev/prod)
│   ├── server_main.clj        production server main
│   └── ui
│       ├── components.cljc    a sample component
│       └── root.cljc          the root UI
└── translations
    └── es.cljc                Spanish translations of strings on client UI

Development Mode

Special code for working in dev mode is in src/dev, which is not on the build for production builds.

Running all client builds:

JVM_OPTS="-Ddev -Dtest -Dcards" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
dev:cljs.user=> (log-app-state) ; show current state of app
dev:cljs.user=> :cljs/quit      ; switch REPL to a different build

Or use a plain REPL in IntelliJ with JVM options of -Ddev -Dtest -Dcards and parameters of script/figwheel.clj.

For a faster hot code reload experience, run only the build that matters to you at the time,

Running multiple builds in one figwheel can slow down hot code reload. You can also run multiple separate figwheel instances to leverage more of your CPU cores, and an additional system property can be used to allow this (by allocating different network ports to figwheel instances):

# Assuming one per terminal window...each gets a REPL that expects STDIN/STDOUT.
JVM_OPTS="-Ddev -Dfigwheel.port=8081" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
JVM_OPTS="-Dtest -Dfigwheel.port=8082" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj
JVM_OPTS="-Dcards -Dfigwheel.port=8083" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj

Running the server:

Start a clj REPL in IntelliJ, or from the command line:

lein run -m clojure.main
user=> (go)
user=> (restart) ; stop, reload server code, and go again
user=> (tools-ns/refresh) ; retry code reload if hot server reload fails

The URLs are:

Fulcro Inspect

The Fulcro inspect to will preload. You can activate it by pressing CTRL-F while in the application (dev mode only). If you need a different keyboard shortcut (e.g. for Windows) see the docs on github.


Tests are in src/test

└── chat_au_log
    ├── CI_runner.cljs            entry point for CI (doo) runner for client tests
    ├── client_test_main.cljs     entry point for dev-mode client tests
    ├── sample_spec.cljc          spec runnable by client and server. No "main" needed for server (clj) tests
    └── tests_to_run.cljs         shared requires of all specs (used by CI and dev mode)

Server tests:

Interacting with tests resuts via a browser (also allows test focusing, etc):

From a CLJ REPL:

user=> (start-server-tests) ; start a server on port 8888 showing the server tests

then navigate to http://localhost:8888/fulcro-spec-server-tests.html

If you'd instead like to see them pop up over and over again in a terminal:

lein test-refresh

Client Tests

Run the figwheel build and include the -Dtest JVM option. The URL to run/view the tests will be http://localhost:3449/fulcro-spec-client-tests.html

CI Tests

Use the Makefile target tests:

make tests

You must have npm and Chrome installed. See the documentation on doo for more information on using alternatives (phantom, firefox, etc).

Dev Cards

The source is in src/cards.

JVM_OPTS="-Dcards" lein run -m clojure.main script/figwheel.clj

Or use a plain REPL in IntelliJ with JVM options of -Dcards and parameters of script/figwheel.clj.

To add a new card namespace, remember to add a require for it to the cards.cljs file.


The i18n process is codified into the Makefile as two targets. The first extracts strings from the source (which must build the js, and run xgettext on it, which you must have installed, perhaps from brew):

make i18n-extract

and gives you instructions on generating translations.

The second takes the translations and generates a cljs namespace for them:

make i18n-generate

Standalone Runnable Jar (Production, with advanced optimized client js)

lein uberjar
java -jar target/chat_au_log.jar


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