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a trace based platform for collecting, reasoning and visualizing interaction traces

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a platform for collecting, reasoning, visualizing interaction traces

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TConnect is a web based platform for connecting the trace based applications as end-user web application, user assistance system and trace base management system. For facilitating the developement, TConnect is organized into modules specialized for different types of systems.

  • tService: API for storing and accessing modelled traces in JavaScript. See also tService JS API
  • tApp: API for non-trace requests needed to maintain the connection between the end-user application and the other systems. See also tApp REST API, tApp JS API
  • tAssistance: API for high-level requests on traces (transformation, visualisation, analyse, mining). See also tAssistance REST API and tAssistance JS API
  • tLearning: API for trace based reasoning

The figure below is an example of using TConnect in order to build a user assistance system. To build a such system, see the tutorial Install TConnect

Tconnect architecture


For kTBS :

For end-user application :

For user assistance website :

Used technologies


Read thedocs

Online Demo

(This version is hosted on a personal server. The service could be temporarily unavailable)
