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Black Hole Papers

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This is an automated list of black hole papers, thanks to the arxiv api. (Black holes, hands down, is my favorite cosmic topic.)
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List of papers

Title Author(s) Date Abstract
Exact Black String Solutions in Three Dimensions James H. Horne, Gary T. Horowitz 1991-08-14 A family of exact conformal field theories is constructed which describe charged black strings in three dimensions. Unlike previous charged black hole or extended black hole solutions in string theory, the low energy spacetime metric has a regular inner horizon (in addition to the event horizon) and a timelike singularity. As the charge to mass ratio approaches unity, the event horizon remains but the singularity disappears.
String Winding in a Black Hole Geometry Mordechai Spiegelglas 1991-08-21 $U(1)$ zero modes in the $SL(2,R)_k/U(1)$ and $SU(2)_k/U(1)$ conformal coset theories, are investigated in conjunction with the string black hole solution. The angular variable in the Euclidean version, is found to have a double set of winding. Region III is shown to be $SU(2)_k/U(1)$ where the doubling accounts for the cut sructure of the parafermionic amplitudes and fits nicely across the horizon and singularity. The implications for string thermodynamics and identical particles correlations are discussed.
On the Perturbations of String-Theoretic Black Holes Gerald Gilbert 1991-08-22 The perturbations of string-theoretic black holes are analyzed by generalizing the method of Chandrasekhar. Attention is focussed on the case of the recently considered charged string-theoretic black hole solutions as a representative example. It is shown that string-intrinsic effects greatly alter the perturbed motions of the string-theoretic black holes as compared to the perturbed motions of black hole solutions of the field equations of general relativity, the consequences of which bear on the questions of the scattering behavior and the stability of string-theoretic black holes. The explicit forms of the axial potential barriers surrounding the string-theoretic black hole are derived. It is demonstrated that one of these, for sufficiently negative values of the asymptotic value of the dilaton field, will inevitably become negative in turn, in marked contrast to the potentials surrounding the static black holes of general relativity. Such potentials may in principle be used in some cases to obtain approximate constraints on the value of the string coupling constant. The application of the perturbation analysis to the case of two-dimensional string-theoretic black holes is discussed.
Superstring Compactification and Target Space Duality John H. Schwarz 1991-08-26 This review talk focusses on some of the interesting developments in the area of superstring compactification that have occurred in the last couple of years. These include the discovery that mirror symmetric" pairs of Calabi--Yau spaces, with completely distinct geometries and topologies, correspond to a single (2,2) conformal field theory. Also, the concept of target-space duality, originally discovered for toroidal compactification, is being extended to Calabi--Yau spaces. It also associates sets of geometrically distinct manifolds to a single conformal field theory. A couple of other topics are presented very briefly. One concerns conceptual challenges in reconciling gravity and quantum mechanics. It is suggested that certain distasteful allegations" associated with quantum gravity such as loss of quantum coherence, unpredictability of fundamental parameters of particle physics, and paradoxical features of black holes are likely to be circumvented by string theory. Finally there is a brief discussion of the importance of supersymmetry at the TeV scale, both from a practical point of view and as a potentially significant prediction of string theory.
Superstring in Two Dimensional Black Hole Shin'ichi Nojiri 1991-08-29 We construct superstring theory in two dimensional black hole background based on supersymmetric $SU(1,1)/U(1)$ gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model.
Effective Superstrings Zhu Yang 1991-09-05 We generalize the method of quantizing effective strings proposed by Polchinski and Strominger to superstrings. The Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz string is different from the Green-Schwarz string in non-critical dimensions. Both are anomaly-free and Poincare invariant. Some implications of the results are discussed. The formal analogy with 4D (super)gravity is pointed out.
Some Applications of String Field Theory Ashoke Sen 1991-09-12 We study general properties of the classical solutions in non-polynomial closed string field theory and their relationship with two dimensional conformal field theories. In particular we discuss how different conformal field theories which are related by marginal or nearly marginal deformations can be regarded as different classical solutions of some underlying string field theory. We also discuss construction of a classical solution labelled by infinite number of parameters in string field theory in two dimensions. For a specific set of values of the parameters the solution can be identified to the black hole solution.
String Effective Action and Two Dimensional Charged Black Hole S. Pratik Khastgir, Alok Kumar 1991-09-14 Graviton-dilaton background field equations in three space-time dimensions, following from the string effective action are solved when the metric has only time dependence. By taking one of the two space dimensions as compact, our solution reproduces a recently discovered charged black hole solution in two space-time dimensions. Solutions in presence of nonvanishing three dimensional background antisymmetric tensor field are also discussed.
On the connection between Quantum Mechanics and the geometry of two-dimensional strings J. Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1991-09-17 On the basis of an area-preserving symmetry in the phase space of a one-dimensional matrix model - believed to describe two-dimensional string theory in a black-hole background which also allows for space-time foam - we give a geometric interpretation of the fact that two-dimensional stringy black holes are consistent with conventional quantum mechanics due to the infinite gauged `W-hair' property that characterises them.
Beyond the Large N Limit: Non-linear W(infinity) as symmetry of the SL(2,R)/U(1) coset model I. Bakas, E. Kiritsis 1991-09-18 We show that the symmetry algebra of the $SL(2,R){k}/U(1)$ coset model is a non-linear deformation of $W{\infty}$, characterized by $k$. This is a universal $W$-algebra which linearizes in the large $k$ limit and truncates to $W_{N}$ for $k=-N$. Using the theory of non-compact parafermions we construct a free field realization of the non-linear $W_{\infty}$ in terms of two bosons with background charge. The $W$-characters of all unitary $SL(2,R)/U(1)$ representations are computed. Applications to the physics of 2-d black hole backgrounds are also discussed and connections with the KP approach to $c=1$ string theory are outlined.
Elements of String Cosmology A. A. Tseytlin, C. Vafa 1991-09-25 Aspects of string cosmology for critical and non-critical strings are discussed emphasizing the necessity to account for the dilaton dynamics for a proper incorporation of ``large - small" duality. This drastically modifies the intuition one has with Einstein's gravity. For example winding modes, even though contribute to energy density, oppose expansion and if not annihilated will stop the expansion. Moreover we find that the radiation dominated era of the standard cosmology emerges quite naturally in string cosmology. Our analysis of non-critical string cosmology provides a reinterpretation of the (universal cover of the) recently studied two dimensional black hole solution as a conformal realization of cosmological solutions found previously by Mueller.
Manifestly $O(d,d)$ Invariant Approach to Space-Time Dependent String Vacua K. A. Meissner, G. Veneziano 1991-10-01 An $O(d,d)$ symmetry of the manifold of string vacua that do not depend on $d$ (out of $D$) space-time coordinates has been recently identified. Here we write down, for $d=D-1$, the low energy equations of motion and their general solution in a manifestly $O(d,d)$-invariant form, pointing out an amusing similarity with the renormalization group framework. Previously considered cosmological and black hole solutions are recovered as particular examples.
Open String Theory in 1+1 Dimensions M. Bershadsky, D. Kutasov 1991-10-14 We show that tree level open two dimensional string theory is exactly solvable; the solution exhibits some unusual features, and is qualitatively different from the closed case. The open string tachyon'' S -- matrix describes free fermions, which can be interpreted as the quarks at the ends of the string. These quarks'' live naturally on a lattice in space-time. We also find an exact vacuum solution of the theory, corresponding to a charged black hole.
Superspace WZW Models and Black Holes Changhyun Ahn, Martin Rocek, Kareljan Schoutens, Alexander Sevrin 1991-10-14 We show how to write an off-shell action for the $SU(2)\times U(1)$ supersymmetric WZW model in terms of $N=2$ chiral and twisted chiral multiplets. We discuss the $N=4$ supersymmetry of this model and exhibit the $N=4$ superconformal current algebra. Finally, we show that the off-shell formulation makes it possible to perform a duality transformation, which leads to a supersymmetric sigma model on a manifold with a black hole type singularity.
(Super-) String in Two Dimensional Black Hole and Target Space Dualities Shin'ichi Nojiri 1991-10-17 We review the recently proposed string theory in two dimensional black hole background. Especially, the structure of the duality in the target space is discussed. The duality is analogous to \lq\lq $R \rightarrow 1/R$" symmetry of a compactified boson. We consider the duality in more general target space manifolds which have Killing symmetries and we give an explicit formula which connects two different manifolds which are dual to each other. Superstring theory in two dimensional black hole background is also discussed based on supersymmetric $SU(1,1)/U(1)$ gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model.
Generalized Duality and Singular Strings in Higher Dimensions I. Bars, K. Sfetsos 1991-10-18 Deformations of gauged WZW actions are constructed for any pair $(G,H)$ by taking different embeddings of the gauge group $H\subset G$ as it acts on the left and right of the group element $g$. This leads to models that are dual to each other, generalizing the axial/vector duality of the two dimensional black hole manifold. The classical equations are completely solved for any pair $(G,H)$ and in particular for the anti de Sitter string based on $SO(d- 1,2)/SO(d-1,1)$ for which the normal modes are determined. Duality is demonstrated for models that have the same set of normal modes. Concentrating on $SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)$, the metric and dilaton fields of the $d=3$ string as well as some of the dual generalizations are obtained. They have curvature singularities and represent new singular solutions of Einstein's general relativity in three dimensions.
Some Exact Solutions of String Theory in Four and Five Dimensions Petr Horava 1991-10-24 We find several classes of exact classical solutions of critical bosonic string theory, constructed as twisted products of one Euclidean and one Minkowskian 2D black hole coset. One class of these solutions leads (after tensoring with free scalars and supersymmetrizing) to a rotating version of the recently discovered exact black fivebrane. Another class represents a one-parameter family of axisymmetric stationary four-dimensional targets with horizons. Global properties and target duality of the 4D solutions are briefly analyzed.
Non-Compact WZW Conformal Field Theories Krzysztof Gawedzki 1991-10-31 We discuss non-compact WZW sigma models, especially the ones with symmetric space $H^{\bf C}/H$ as the target, for $H$ a compact Lie group. They offer examples of non-rational conformal field theories. We remind their relation to the compact WZW models but stress their distinctive features like the continuous spectrum of conformal weights, diverging partition functions and the presence of two types of operators analogous to the local and non-local insertions recently discussed in the Liouville theory. Gauging non-compact abelian subgroups of $H^{\bf C}$ leads to non-rational coset theories. In particular, gauging one-parameter boosts in the $SL(2,\bC)/SU(2)$ model gives an alternative, explicitly stable construction of a conformal sigma model with the euclidean 2D black hole target. We compute the (regularized) toroidal partition function and discuss the spectrum of the theory. A comparison is made with more standard approach based on the $U(1)$ coset of the $SU(1,1)$ WZW theory where stability is not evident but where unitarity becomes more transparent.
Topological Field Theories and Space-Time Singularity Tohru Eguchi 1991-11-01 Based on a study of recently proposed solution of 2 dim. black hole we argue that the space-time singularities of general relativity may be described by topological field theories (TFTs). We also argue that in general TFT is a field theory which decsribes singular configurations with a reduced holonomy in its field space.
On the Evaporation of Black Holes in String Theory J. Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1991-11-18 We show that, in string theory, the quantum evaporation and decay of black holes in two-dimensional target space is related to imaginary parts in higher-genus string amplitudes. These arise from the regularisation of modular infinities due to the sum over world-sheet configurations, that are known to express the instabilities of massive string states in general, and are not thermal in character. The absence of such imaginary parts in the matrix model limit confirms that the latter constitutes the final stage of the evaporation process, at least in perturbation theory. Our arguments appear to be quite generic, related only to the summation over world-sheet surfaces, and hence should also apply to higher-dimensional target spaces.
Charged Black Holes in Two-Dimensional String Theory Michael D. McGuigan, Chiara R. Nappi, Scott A. Yost 1991-11-20 We discuss two dimensional string theories containing gauge fields introduced either via coupling to open strings, in which case we get a Born-Infeld type action, or via heterotic compactification. The solutions to the modified background field equations are charged black holes which exhibit interesting space-time geometries. We also compute their masses and charges.
Instabilities in the gravitational background and string theory Anirvan M. Sengupta 1991-11-21 We indicate the tentative source of instability in the two-dimensional black hole background. There are relevant operators among the tachyon and the higher level vertex operators in the conformal field theory. Connection of this instability with Hawking radiation is not obvious. The situation is somewhat analogous to fields in the background of a negative mass Euclidean Schwarzschild solution (in four dimensions). Speculation is made about decay of the Minkowski black hole into finite temperature flat space.
"the Instability of String-Theoretic Black Holes" Gerald Gilbert 1991-11-21 It is demonstrated that static, charged, spherically--symmetric black holes in string theory are classically and catastrophically unstable to linearized perturbations in four dimensions, and moreover that unstable modes appear for arbitrarily small positive values of the charge. This catastrophic classical instability dominates and is distinct from much smaller and less significant effects such as possible quantum mechanical evaporation. The classical instability of the string--theoretic black hole contrasts sharply with the situation which obtains for the Reissner--Nordstr"om black hole of general relativity, which has been shown by Chandrasekhar to be perfectly stable to linearized perturbations at the event horizon.
Modified Black Holes in Two Dimensional Gravity N. Mohammedi 1991-11-22 The $SL(2,R)/U(1)$ gauged WZWN model is modified by a topological term and the accompanying change in the geometry of the two dimensional target space is determined. The possibility of this additional term arises from a symmetry in the general formalism of gauging an isometry subgroup of a non-linear sigma model with an antisymmetric tensor. It is shown, in particular, that the space-time exhibits some general singularities for which the recently found black hole is just a special case. From a conformal field theory point of view and for special values of the unitary representations of $SL(2,R)$, this topological term can be interpreted as a small perturbation by a (1,1) conformal operator of the gauged WZWN action.
A Classical Instability of Reissner-Nordstrom Solutions and the Fate of Magnetically Charged Black Holes K. Lee, V. P. Nair, E. J. Weinberg 1991-11-22 Working in the context of spontaneously broken gauge theories, we show that the magnetically charged Reissner-Nordstrom solution develops a classical instability if the horizon is sufficiently small. This instability has significant implications for the evolution of a magnetically charged black hole. In particular, it leads to the possibility that such a hole could evaporate completely, leaving in its place a nonsingular magnetic monopole.
On Black Holes In String Theory Edward Witten 1991-11-25 In these lecture notes from Strings `91, I briefly sketch the analogy between two dimensional black holes and the s-wave sector of four dimensional black holes, and the physical interest of the latter, particularly in the magnetically charged case.
Evanescent Black Holes C. Callan, S. Giddings, J. Harvey, A. Strominger 1991-11-28 A renormalizable theory of quantum gravity coupled to a dilaton and conformal matter in two space-time dimensions is analyzed. The theory is shown to be exactly solvable classically. Included among the exact classical solutions are configurations describing the formation of a black hole by collapsing matter. The problem of Hawking radiation and backreaction of the metric is analyzed to leading order in a $1/N$ expansion, where $N$ is the number of matter fields. The results suggest that the collapsing matter radiates away all of its energy before an event horizon has a chance to form, and black holes thereby disappear from the quantum mechanical spectrum. It is argued that the matter asymptotically approaches a zero-energy ``bound state'' which can carry global quantum numbers and that a unitary $S$-matrix including such states should exist.
Perturbations of a Stringy Black Hole E. Raiten 1991-12-02 We extend the three dimensional stringy black hole of Horne and Horowitz to four dimensions. After a brief discussion of the global properties of the metric, we discuss the stability of the background with respect to small perturbations, following the methods of Gilbert and of Chandrasekhar. The potential for axial perturbations is found to be positive definite.
Black Holes in Magnetic Monopoles K. Lee, V. P. Nair, Erick J. Weinberg 1991-12-04 We study magnetically charged classical solutions of a spontaneously broken gauge theory interacting with gravity. We show that nonsingular monopole solutions exist only if the Higgs vacuum expectation value $v$ is less than or equal to a critical value $v_{cr}$, which is of the order of the Planck mass. In the limiting case the monopole becomes a black hole, with the region outside the horizon described by the critical Reissner-Nordstrom solution. For $v<v_{cr}$, we find additional solutions which are singular at $r=0$, but which have this singularity hidden within a horizon. These have nontrivial matter fields outside the horizon, and may be interpreted as small black holes lying within a magnetic monopole. The nature of these solutions as a function of $v$ and of the total mass $M$ and their relation to the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions is discussed.
Nonlinear $\hat{W}_{\infty}$ Current Algebra in the SL(2,R)/U(1) Coset Model Feng Yu, Yong-Shi Wu 1991-12-04 Previously we have established that the second Hamiltonian structure of the KP hierarchy is a nonlinear deformation, called $\hat{W}{\infty}$, of the linear, centerless $W{\infty}$ algebra. In this letter we present a free-field realization for all generators of $\hat{W}{\infty}$ in terms of two scalars as well as an elegant generating function for the $\hat{W}{\infty}$ currents in the classical conformal $SL(2,R)/U(1)$ coset model. After quantization, a quantum deformation of $\hat{W}{\infty}$ appears as the hidden current algebra in this model. The $\hat{W}{\infty}$ current algebra results in an infinite set of commuting conserved charges, which might give rise to $W$-hair for the 2d black hole arising in the corresponding string theory at level $k=9/4$.
Quantum Mechanics and Black Holes in Four-Dimensional String Theory J. Ellis, N. Mavromatos, D. Nanopoulos 1991-12-20 In previous papers we have shown how strings in a two-dimensional target space reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity, thanks to an infinite set of conserved quantum numbers, ``W-hair'', associated with topological soliton-like states. In this paper we extend these arguments to four dimensions, by considering explicitly the case of string black holes with radial symmetry. The key infinite-dimensional W-symmetry is associated with the $\frac{SU(1,1)}{U(1)}$ coset structure of the dilaton-graviton sector that is a model-independent feature of spherically symmetric four-dimensional strings. Arguments are also given that the enormous number of string {\it discrete (topological)} states account for the maintenance of quantum coherence during the (non-thermal) stringy evaporation process, as well as quenching the large Hawking-Bekenstein entropy associated with the black hole. Defining the latter as the measure of the loss of information for an observer at infinity, who - ignoring the higher string quantum numbers - keeps track only of the classical mass,angular momentum and charge of the black hole, one recovers the familiar a quadratic dependence on the black-hole mass by simple counting arguments on the asymptotic density of string states in a linear-dilaton background.
Euclidean Black Hole Vortices Fay Dowker, Ruth Gregory, Jennie Traschen 1991-12-20 We argue the existence of solutions of the Euclidean Einstein equations that correspond to a vortex sitting at the horizon of a black hole. We find the asymptotic behaviours, at the horizon and at infinity, of vortex solutions for the gauge and scalar fields in an abelian Higgs model on a Euclidean Schwarzschild background and interpolate between them by integrating the equations numerically. Calculating the backreaction shows that the effect of the vortex is to cut a slice out of the Euclidean Schwarzschild geometry. Consequences of these solutions for black hole thermodynamics are discussed.
Generalized Duality in Curved String-Backgrounds Amit Giveon, Martin Rocek 1991-12-23 The elements of $O(d,d,\Z)$ are shown to be discrete symmetries of the space of curved string backgrounds that are independent of $d$ coordinates. The explicit action of the symmetries on the backgrounds is described. Particular attention is paid to the dilaton transformation. Such symmetries identify different cosmological solutions and other (possibly) singular backgrounds; for example, it is shown that a compact black string is dual to a charged black hole. The extension to the heterotic string is discussed.
Factorizations of natural embeddings of l_p^n int L_r Tadek Figiel, William B. Johnson, Gideon Schechtman 1992-01-06 This is a continuation of the paper [FJS] with a similar title. Several results from there are strengthened, in particular: 1. If T is a "natural" embedding of l_2^n into L_1 then, for any well-bounded factorization of T through an L_1 space in the form T=uv with v of norm one, u well-preserves a copy of l_1^k with k exponential in n. 2. Any norm one operator from a C(K) space which well-preserves a copy of l_2^n also well-preserves a copy of l_{\infty}^k with k exponential in n. As an application of these and other results we show the existence, for any n, of an n-dimensional space which well-embeds into a space with an unconditional basis only if the latter contains a copy of l_{\infty}^k with k exponential in n.
An Algorithm to Generate Classical Solutions for String Effective Action S. Kar, S. Khastgir, A. Kumar 1992-01-07 It is shown explicitly, that a number of solutions for the background field equations of the string effective action in space-time dimension D can be generated from any known lower dimensional solution, when background fields have only time dependence. An application of the result to the two dimensional charged black hole is presented. The case of background with more general coordinate dependence is also discussed.
A Note on Background (In)dependence Nathan Seiberg, Stephen Shenker 1992-01-09 In general quantum systems there are two kinds of spacetime modes, those that fluctuate and those that do not. Fluctuating modes have normalizable wavefunctions. In the context of 2D gravity and ``non-critical'' string theory these are called macroscopic states. The theory is independent of the initial Euclidean background values of these modes. Non-fluctuating modes have non-normalizable wavefunctions and correspond to microscopic states. The theory depends on the background value of these non-fluctuating modes, at least to all orders in perturbation theory. They are superselection parameters and should not be minimized over. Such superselection parameters are well known in field theory. Examples in string theory include the couplings $t_k$ (including the cosmological constant) in the matrix models and the mass of the two-dimensional Euclidean black hole. We use our analysis to argue for the finiteness of the string perturbation expansion around these backgrounds.
Scalar-Tensor Quantum Gravity in Two Dimensions J. Russo, A. A. Tseytlin 1992-01-12 We discuss some classical and quantum properties of 2d gravity models involving metric and a scalar field. Different models are parametrized in terms of a scalar potential. We show that a general Liouville-type model with exponential potential and linear curvature coupling is renormalisable at the quantum level while a particular model (corresponding to D=2 graviton-dilaton string effective action and having a black hole solution) is finite. We use the condition of a split" Weyl symmetry to suggest possible expressions for the effective" action which includes the quantum anomaly term.
Supersymmetric Black Holes Renata Kallosh 1992-01-15 The effective action of $N=2$, $d=4$ supergravity is shown to acquire no quantum corrections in background metrics admitting super-covariantly constant spinors. In particular, these metrics include the Robinson-Bertotti metric (product of two 2-dimensional spaces of constant curvature) with all 8 supersymmetries unbroken. Another example is a set of arbitrary number of extreme Reissner-Nordstr"om black holes. These black holes break 4 of 8 supersymmetries, leaving the other 4 unbroken. We have found manifestly supersymmetric black holes, which are non-trivial solutions of the flatness condition $\cd^{2} = 0$ of the corresponding (shortened) superspace. Their bosonic part describes a set of extreme Reissner-Nordstr"om black holes. The super black hole solutions are exact even when all quantum supergravity corrections are taken into account.
Exact Bosonic and Supersymmetric String Black Hole Solutions I. Jack, D. R. T. Jones, J. Panvel 1992-01-21 We show that Witten's two-dimensional string black hole metric is exactly conformally invariant in the supersymmetric case. We also demonstrate that this metric, together with a recently proposed exact metric for the bosonic case, are respectively consistent with the supersymmetric and bosonic $\sigma$-model conformal invariance conditions up to four-loop order.
Quantum Hair on Black Holes Sidney Coleman, John Preskill, Frank Wilczek 1992-01-28 A black hole may carry quantum numbers that are {\it not} associated with massless gauge fields, contrary to the spirit of the ``no-hair'' theorems. We describe in detail two different types of black hole hair that decay exponentially at long range. The first type is associated with discrete gauge charge and the screening is due to the Higgs mechanism. The second type is associated with color magnetic charge, and the screening is due to color confinement. In both cases, we perform semi-classical calculations of the effect of the hair on local observables outside the horizon, and on black hole thermodynamics. These effects are generated by virtual cosmic strings, or virtual electric flux tubes, that sweep around the event horizon. The effects of discrete gauge charge are non-perturbative in $\hbar$, but the effects of color magnetic charge become $\hbar$-independent in a suitable limit. We present an alternative treatment of discrete gauge charge using dual variables, and examine the possibility of black hole hair associated with discrete {\it global} symmetry. We draw the distinction between {\it primary} hair, which endows a black hole with new quantum numbers, and {\it secondary} hair, which does not, and we point out some varieties of secondary hair that occur in the standard model of particle physics.
Are Horned Particles the Climax of Hawking Evaporation? T. Banks, A. Dabolkhar, M. R. Douglas, M. O' Loughlin 1992-01-28 We investigate the proposal by Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger (CGHS) that two dimensional quantum fluctuations can eliminate the singularities and horizons formed by matter collapsing on the nonsingular extremal black hole of dilaton gravity. We argue that this scenario could in principle resolve all of the paradoxes connected with Hawking evaporation of black holes. However, we show that the generic solution of the model of CGHS is singular. We propose modifications of their model which may allow the scenario to be realized in a consistent manner.
On the Black-Hole Conformal Field Theory Coupled to the Polyakov's String Theory. A Non Perturbative Analysis M. Martellini, M. Spreafico, K. Yoshida 1992-01-29 We couple the 2D black-hole conformal field theory discovered by Witten to a $D-1$ dimensional Euclidean bosonic string. We demonstrate that the resulting planar (=zero genus) string susceptibility is real for any $0\leq D \leq 4$.
Black Hole Evaporation in 1+1 Dimensions J. Russo, L. Susskind, L. Thorlacius 1992-01-29 The formation and quantum mechanical evaporation of black holes in two spacetime dimensions can be studied using effective classical field equations, recently introduced by Callan {\it et al.} We find that gravitational collapse always leads to a curvature singularity, according to these equations, and that the region where the quantum corrections introduced by Callan {\it et al.} could be expected to dominate is on the unphysical side of the singularity. The model can be successfully applied to study the back-reaction of Hawking radiation on the geometry of large mass black holes, but the description breaks down before the evaporation is complete.
Dynamics of Extremal Black Holes S. B. Giddings, A. Strominger 1992-02-03 Particle scattering and radiation by a magnetically charged, dilatonic black hole is investigated near the extremal limit at which the mass is a constant times the charge. Near this limit a neighborhood of the horizon of the black hole is closely approximated by a trivial product of a two-dimensional black hole with a sphere. This is shown to imply that the scattering of long-wavelength particles can be described by a (previously analyzed) two-dimensional effective field theory, and is related to the formation/evaporation of two-dimensional black holes. The scattering proceeds via particle capture followed by Hawking re-emission, and naively appears to violate unitarity. However this conclusion can be altered when the effects of backreaction are included. Particle-hole scattering is discussed in the light of a recent analysis of the two-dimensional backreaction problem. It is argued that the quantum mechanical possibility of scattering off of extremal black holes implies the potential existence of additional quantum numbers - referred to as ``quantum whiskers'' - characterizing the black hole.
Exact Solutions of Four Dimensional Black Holes in String Theory David Gershon 1992-02-03 We construct an exact CFT as an SL(2,R)xSU(2)/U(1)^2 gauged WZW model, which describes a black hole in 4 dimensions. Another exact solution, describing a black membrane in 4D (in the sense that the event horizon is an infinite plane) is found as an SL(2,R)xU(1)^2/U(1) gauged WZW model. Finally, we construct an exact solution of a 4D black hole with electromagnetic field, as an SL(2,R)xSU(2)xU(1)/U(1)^2 gauged WZW model. This black hole carries both electric and axionic charges.
Black Holes as Elementary Particles C. F. E. Holzhey, F. Wilczek 1992-02-05 It is argued that the qualitative features of black holes, regarded as quantum mechanical objects, depend both on the parameters of the hole and on the microscopic theory in which it is embedded. A thermal description is inadequate for extremal holes. In particular, extreme holes of the charged dilaton family can have zero entropy but non-zero, and even (for $a>1$) formally infinite, temperature. The existence of a tendency to radiate at the extreme, which threatens to overthrow any attempt to identify the entropy as available internal states and also to expose a naked singularity, is at first sight quite disturbing. However by analyzing the perturbations around the extreme holes we show that these holes are protected by mass gaps, or alternatively potential barriers, which remove them from thermal contact with the external world. We suggest that the behavior of these extreme dilaton black holes, which from the point of view of traditional black hole theory seems quite bizarre, can reasonably be interpreted as the holes doing their best to behave like normal elementary particles. The $a<1$ holes behave qualitatively as extended objects.
[Spinning Braid Group Representation and the Fractional Quantum Hall
Effect]( Christopher Ting, C. H. Lai 1992-02-07 The path integral approach to representing braid group is generalized for particles with spin. Introducing the notion of {\em charged} winding number in the super-plane, we represent the braid group generators as homotopically constrained Feynman kernels. In this framework, super Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov operators appear naturally in the Hamiltonian, suggesting the possibility of {\em spinning nonabelian} anyons. We then apply our formulation to the study of fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). A systematic discussion of the ground states and their quasi-hole excitations is given. We obtain Laughlin, Halperin and Moore-Read states as {\em exact} ground state solutions to the respective Hamiltonians associated to the braid group representations. The energy gap of the quasi-excitation is also obtainable from this approach.
Black Holes in Higher Derivative Gravity Theories S. Mignemi, D. L. Wiltshire 1992-02-08 We study static spherically symmetric solutions of Einstein gravity plus an action polynomial in the Ricci scalar, $R$, of arbitrary degree, $n$, in arbitrary dimension, $D$. The global properties of all such solutions are derived by studying the phase space of field equations in the equivalent theory of gravity coupled to a scalar field, which is obtained by a field redefinition and conformal transformation. The following uniqueness theorem is obtained: provided that the coefficient of the $R^2$ term in the Lagrangian polynomial is positive then the only static spherically symmetric asymptotically flat solution with a regular horizon in these models is the Schwarzschild solution. Other branches of solutions with regular horizons, which are asymptotically anti-de Sitter, or de Sitter, are also found. An exact Schwarzschild-de Sitter type solution is found to exist in the $R+aR^2$ if $D>4$. If terms of cubic or higher order in $R$ are included in the action, then such solutions also exist in four dimensions. The general Schwarzschild-de Sitter type solution for arbitrary $D$ and $n$ is given. The fact that the Schwarzschild solution in these models does not coincide with the exterior solution of physical bodies such as stars has important physical implications which we discuss. As a byproduct, we classify all static spherically symmetric solutions of $D$-dimensional gravity coupled to a scalar field with a potential consisting of a finite sum of exponential terms.
[Splitting of an Extremal Reissner-Nordström Throat via Quantum
Tunneling]( Dieter R. Brill 1992-02-12 The interior near the horizon of an extremal Reissner-Nordstr"om black hole is taken as an initial state for quantum mechanical tunneling. An instanton is presented that connects this state with a final state describing the presence of several horizons. This is interpreted as a WKB description of fluctuations due to the throat splitting into several components.
An Alternative Scenario for Non-Abelian Quantum Hair Amitabha Lahiri 1992-02-13 Topologically charged black holes in a theory with a 2-form coupled to a non-abelian gauge field are investigated. It is found that the classification of the ground states is similar to that in the theory of non-abelian discrete quantum hair.
Properties of Asymptotically Flat Two-Dimensional Black Holes R. B. Mann, M. S. Morris, S. F. Ross 1992-02-19 We investigate properties of two-dimensional asymptotically flat black holes which arise in both string theory and in scale invariant theories of gravity. By introducing matter sources in the field equations we show how such objects can arise as the endpoint of gravitational collapse. We examine the motion of test particles outside the horizons, and show that they fall through in a finite amount of proper time and an infinite amount of coordinate time. We also investigate the thermodynamic and quantum properties, which give rise to a fundamental length scale. The 't Hooft prescription for cutting off eigenmodes of particle wave functions is shown to be source dependent, unlike the four-dimensional case. The relationship between these black holes and those considered previously in $(1+1)$ dimensions is discussed.
S-Wave Scattering of Charged Fermions by a Magnetic Black Hole Mark Alford, Andrew Strominger 1992-02-21 We argue that, classically, $s$-wave electrons incident on a magnetically charged black hole are swallowed with probability one: the reflection coefficient vanishes. However, quantum effects can lead to both electromagnetic and gravitational backscattering. We show that, for the case of extremal, magnetically charged, dilatonic black holes and a single flavor of low-energy charged particles, this backscattering is described by a perturbatively computable and unitary $S$-matrix, and that the Hawking radiation in these modes is suppressed near extremality. The interesting and much more difficult case of several flavors is also discussed.
A Possible Black Hole Background in c=1 Matrix Model Zhu Yang 1992-02-22 We propose a new space-time interpretation for c=1 matrix model with potential $V(x)=-x^{2}/2-\m^{2}/2x^{2}$. It is argued that this particular potential corresponds to a black hole background. Some related issues are discussed.
Strings on Curved Spacetimes: Black Holes, Torsion, and Duality Paul Ginsparg, Fernando Quevedo 1992-02-29 We present a general discussion of strings propagating on noncompact coset spaces $G/H$ in terms of gauged WZW models, emphasizing the role played by isometries in the existence of target space duality. Fixed points of the gauged transformations induce metric singularities and, in the case of abelian subgroups $H$, become horizons in a dual geometry. We also give a classification of models with a single timelike coordinate together with an explicit list for dimensions $D\leq 10$. We study in detail the class of models described by the cosets $SL(2,\IR)\otimes SO(1,1)^{D-2}/SO(1,1)$. For $D\geq 2$ each coset represents two different spacetime geometries: (2D black hole)$\otimes \IR^{D-2}$ and (3D black string)$\otimes \IR^{D-3}$ with nonvanishing torsion. They are shown to be dual in such a way that the singularity of the former geometry (which is not due to a fixed point) is mapped to a regular surface (i.e.\ not even a horizon) in the latter . These cosets also lead to the conformal field theory description of known and new cosmological string models.
Measuring the $W$-hair of String Black Holes John Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1992-03-05 We have argued previously that the infinitely many gauge symmetries of string theory provide an infinite set of conserved (gauge) quantum numbers ($W$-hair) which characterise black hole states and maintain quantum coherence. Here we study ways of measuring the $W$-hair of spherically-symmetric four-dimensional objects with event horizons, treated as effectively two-dimensional string black holes. Measurements can be done either through the s-wave scattering of light particles off the string black-hole background, or through interference experiments of Aharonov-Bohm type. In the first type of measurement, selection rules
[Supersymmetric, cold and lukewarm black holes in cosmological
Einstein-Maxwell theory]( L. J. Romans 1992-03-08 In flat space, the extreme Reissner-Nordstr\o m (RN) black hole is distinguished by its coldness (vanishing Hawking temperature) and its supersymmetry. We examine RN solutions to Einstein-Maxwell theory with a cosmological constant $\Lambda$, classifying the cold black holes and, for positive $\Lambda$, the ``lukewarm" black holes at the same temperature as the de Sitter thermal background. For negative $\Lambda$, we classify the supersymmetric solutions within the context of $N=2$ gauged supergravity. One finds supersymmetric analogues of flat-space extreme RN black holes, which for nonzero $\Lambda$ differ from the cold black holes. In addition, there is an exotic class of supersymmetric solutions which cannot be continued to flat space, since the magnetic charge becomes infinite in that limit.
Two Dimensional Stringy Black Holes with One Asymptotically Flat Domain Petr Horava 1992-03-11 The exact black hole solution of 2D closed string theory has, as any other maximally extended Schwarzschild-like geometry, two asymptotically flat spacetime domains. One can get rid of the second domain by gauging the discrete symmetry on the SL(2,R)/U(1) coset that interchanges the two asymptotic domains and preserves the Kruskal time orientation everywhere in the Kruskal plane. Here it is shown that upon performing this orbifold procedure, we obtain a theory of unoriented open and closed strings in a black hole background, with just one asymptotically flat domain and a time-like orbifold singularity at the origin. All of the open string states of the model are confined to the orbifold singularity. We also discuss various physical aspects of the truncated black hole, in particular its target duality -- the model is dual to a conventional open string theory in the black hole geometry.
Black Holes from Non-Abelian Toda Theories Jean-Loup Gervais, Mikhail V. Saveliev 1992-03-17 NON-ABELIAN TODA THEORIES are shown to provide EXACTLY SOLVABLE conformal systems in the presence of a BLACK HOLE which may be regarded as describing a string propagating in target space with a black-hole metric. These theories are associated with non-canonical $\bf Z$-gradations of simple algebras, where the gradation-zero subgroup is non-abelian. They correspond to gauged WZNW models where the gauge group is nilpotent and are thus basically different from the ones currently considered following Witten. The non-abelian Toda potential gives a cosmological term which may be exactly integrated at the classical level.
The Causal Structure of Two-Dimensional Spacetimes Dan Christensen, Robert B. Mann 1992-03-18 We investigate the causal structure of $(1+1)$-dimensional spacetimes. For two sets of field equations we show that at least locally any spacetime is a solution for an appropriate choice of the matter fields. For the theories under consideration we investigate how smoothness of their black hole solutions affects time orientation. We show that if an analog to Hawking's area theorem holds in two spacetime dimensions, it must actually state that the size of a black hole never {\em increases}, contrary to what happens in four dimensions. Finally, we discuss the applicability of the Penrose and Hawking singularity theorems to two spacetime dimensions.
Evaporation of Two Dimensional Black Holes S. W. Hawking 1992-03-18 Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger have proposed an interesting two dimensional model theory that allows one to consider black hole evaporation in the semi-classical approximation. They originally hoped the black hole would evaporate completely without a singularity. However, it has been shown that the semi-classical equations will give a singularity where the dilaton field reaches a certain critical value. Initially, it seems this singularity will be hidden inside a black hole. However, as the evaporation proceeds, the dilaton field on the horizon will approach the critical value but the temperature and rate of emission will remain finite. These results indicate either that there is a naked singularity, or (more likely) that the semi-classical approximation breaks down when the dilaton field approaches the critical value.
Hawking Radiation and Back-Reaction L. Susskind, L. Thorlacius 1992-03-20 The puzzles of black hole evaporation can be studied in the simplified context of 1+1 dimensional gravity. The semi-classical equations of Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger provide a consistent description of the evaporation process which we describe in detail. We consider the possibility that black hole evolution leads to massive stable remnants. We show that such zero temperature remnant solutions exist but we also prove that a decaying black hole cannot evolve into one of them. Finally we consider the issue of loss of quantum information behind the global event horizon which develops in these geometries. An analogy with a well known solvable system shows that there may be less to information than meets the eye.
Black Holes and Massive Remnants S. B. Giddings 1992-03-21 This paper revisits the conundrum faced when one attempts to understand the dynamics of black hole formation and evaporation without abandoning unitary evolution. Previous efforts to resolve this puzzle assume that information escapes in corrections to the Hawking process, that an arbitrarily large amount of information is transmitted by a planckian energy or contained in a Planck-sized remnant, or that the information is lost to another universe. Each of these possibilities has serious difficulties. This paper considers another alternative: remnants that carry large amounts of information and whose size and mass depend on their information content. The existence of such objects is suggested by attempts to incorporate a Planck scale cutoff into physics. They would greatly alter the late stages of the evaporation process. The main drawback of this scenario is apparent acausal behavior behind the horizon.
Target Space Structure of a Chiral Gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten Model Supriya K. Kar, Alok Kumar 1992-03-27 The background for string propagation is obtained by a chiral gauging of the $SL(2,R)$ Wess-Zumino-Witten model. It is shown explicitly that the resulting background fields satisfy the field equations of the three dimensional string effective action and the target space has curvature singularity. Close connection of our solution with the three dimensional black string is demonstrated.
Rotating Dilaton Black Holes James H. Horne, Gary T. Horowitz 1992-03-30 It is shown that an arbitrarily small amount of angular momentum can qualitatively change the properties of extremal charged black holes coupled to a dilaton. In addition, the gyromagnetic ratio of these black holes is computed and an exact rotating black string solution is presented.
Noncompact Coset Spaces in String Theory Fernando Quevedo 1992-04-03 A brief overview of strings propagating on noncompact coset spaces G/H is presented in terms of WZW models. The role played by isometries in the existence of target space duality and by fixed points of the gauge transformations in the existence of singularities and horizons, is emphasized. A general classification of the spaces with a single time-like coordinate is presented. The spacetime geometry of a class of models, existing for every dimension and having cosmological and black hole-like interpretations, is discussed.
Dilaton Gravity and No-Hair Theorem in Two Dimensions Olaf Lechtenfeld, Chiara Nappi 1992-04-10 We study a general class of two-dimensional theories of the dilaton-gravity type inspired by string theory and show that they admit charged multiple-horizon black holes. These solutions are proved to satisfy scalar no-hair theorems.
Quantum Fermion Hair Ruth Gregory, Jeffrey Harvey 1992-04-10 It is shown that the Dirac operator in the background of a magnetic %Reissner-Nordstr"om black hole and a Euclidean vortex possesses normalizable zero modes in theories containing superconducting cosmic strings. One consequence of these zero modes is the presence of a fermion condensate around magnetically charged black holes which violates global quantum numbers.
Gamma-Ray Bursts as the Death Throes of Massive Binary Stars Ramesh Narayan, Bohdan Paczyński, Tsvi Piran 1992-04-13 It is proposed that gamma-ray bursts are created in the mergers of double neutron star binaries and black hole neutron star binaries at cosmological distances. Bursts with complex profiles and relatively long durations are the result of magnetic flares generated by the Parker instability in a post-merger differentially-rotating disk. Some bursts may also be produced through neutrino-antineutrino annihilation into electrons and positrons. In both cases, an optically thick fireball of size $\sles\ 100$ km is initially created, which expands ultrarelativistically to large radii before radiating. Several previous objections to the cosmological merger model are eliminated. It is predicted that $\gamma$-ray bursts will be accompanied by a burst of gravitational radiation from the spiraling-in binary which could be detected by LIGO.
On the Stability of a Stringy Black Hole A. Carlini, F. Fucito, M. Martellini 1992-04-13 We study the stability under perturbations of a charged four dimensional stringy black hole arising from gauging a previously studied WZW model. We find that the black hole is stable only in the extremal case $Q=M$.
Asymptotic Behavior of 2-d Black Holes E. Raiten 1992-04-15 We consider the solutions of the field equations for the large $N$ dilaton gravity model in $1+1$ dimensions recently proposed by Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger (CGHS). We find time dependant solutions with finite mass and vanishing flux in the weak coupling regime, as well as solutions which lie entirely in the Liouville region.
Rotating Charged Black Hole Solution in Heterotic String Theory Ashoke Sen 1992-04-15 We construct a solution of the classical equations of motion arising in the low energy effective field theory for heterotic string theory. This solution describes a black hole in four dimensions carrying mass $M$, charge $Q$ and angular momentum $J$. The extremal limit of the solution is discussed.
Hawking radiation: a particle physics perspective Matt Visser 1992-04-20 It has recently become fashionable to regard black holes as elementary particles. By taking this suggestion seriously it is possible to cobble together an elementary particle physics based estimate for the decay rate $(\hbox{black hole})_i \to (\hbox{black hole})_f + (\hbox{massless quantum})$. This estimate of the spontaneous emission rate contains two free parameters which may be fixed by demanding that the high energy end of the spectrum of emitted quanta match a blackbody spectrum at the Hawking temperature. The calculation, though technically trivial, has important conceptual implications: (1) The existence of Hawking radiation from black holes is ultimately dependent only on the fact that massless quanta (and all other forms of matter) couple to gravity. (2) The thermal nature of the Hawking spectrum depends only on the fact that the number of internal states of a large mass black hole is enormous. (3) Remarkably, the resulting formula for the decay rate gives meaningful answers even when extrapolated to low mass black holes. The analysis strongly supports the scenario of complete evaporation as the endpoint of the Hawking radiation process (no naked singularity, no stable massive remnant).
Quantum Emission from Two-Dimensional Black Holes Steven B. Giddings, W. M. Nelson 1992-04-22 We investigate Hawking radiation from two-dimensional dilatonic black holes using standard quantization techniques. In the background of a collapsing black hole solution the Bogoliubov coefficients can be exactly determined. In the regime after the black hole has settled down to an `equilibrium' state but before the backreaction becomes important these give the known result of a thermal distribution of Hawking radiation at temperature lambda/(2pi). The density matrix is computed in this regime and shown to be purely thermal. Similar techniques can be used to derive the stress tensor. The resulting expression agrees with the derivation based on the conformal anomaly and can be used to incorporate the backreaction. Corrections to the thermal density matrix are also examined, and it is argued that to leading order in perturbation theory the effect of the backreaction is to modify the Bogoliubov transformation, but not in a way that restores information lost to the black holes.
The Physics of 2-d Stringy Spacetimes Gary W. Gibbons, Malcolm J. Perry 1992-04-28 We examine the two-dimensional spacetimes that emerge from string theory. We find all the solutions with no tachyons, and show that the only non-trivial solution is the black hole spacetime. We examine the role of duality in this picture. We then explore the thermodynamics of these solutions which is complicated by the fact that only in two spacetime dimensions is it impossible to redefine the dilaton field in terms of a canonical scalar field. Finally, we extend our analysis to the heterotic string, and briefly comment on exact, as opposed to perturbative, solutions.
On the W-hair of String Black Holes and the Singularity Problem John Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1992-04-29 We argue that the infinitely many gauge symmetries of string theory provide an infinite set of conserved (gauge) quantum numbers (W-hair) which characterise black hole states and maintain quantum coherence, even during exotic processes like black hole evaporation/decay. We study ways of measuring the W-hair of spherically-symmetric four-dimensional objects with event horizons, treated as effectively two-dimensional string black holes. Measurements can be done either through the s-wave scattering of light particles off the string black-hole background, or through interference experiments of Aharonov-Bohm type. We also speculate on the role of the extended W-symmetries possessed by the topological field theories that describe the region of space-time around a singularity.
The Black Hole in Three Dimensional Space Time Máximo Bañados, Claudio Teitelboim, Jorge Zanelli 1992-04-29 The standard Einstein-Maxwell equations in 2+1 spacetime dimensions, with a negative cosmological constant, admit a black hole solution. The 2+1 black hole -characterized by mass, angular momentum and charge, defined by flux integrals at infinity- is quite similar to its 3+1 counterpart. Anti-de Sitter space appears as a negative energy state separated by a mass gap from the continuous black hole spectrum. Evaluation of the partition function yields that the entropy is equal to twice the perimeter length of the horizon.
Statistical Mechanics of Black Holes B. Harms, Y. Leblanc 1992-05-11 We analyze the statistical mechanics of a gas of neutral and charged black holes. The microcanonical ensemble is the only possible approach to this system, and the equilibrium configuration is the one for which most of the energy is carried by a single black hole. Schwarzschild black holes are found to obey the statistical bootstrap condition. In all cases, the microcanonical temperature is identical to the Hawking temperature of the most massive black hole in the gas. U(1) charges in general break the bootstrap property. The problems of black hole decay and of quantum coherence are also addressed.
Stability Analysis of a Stringy Black Hole Rue-Ron Hsu, Green Huang, Wei-Fu Lin, Chin-Rong Lee 1992-05-12 We investigate the stability of charged black holes in two-dimensional heterotic string theories that were recently discussed by McGuidan, Nappi and Yost. In the framework of small time-dependent perturbation, we find that these black holes are linearly stable.
Supersymmetry as a Cosmic Censor Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Tomás Ortín, Amanda Peet, Antoine Van Proeyen 1992-05-13 In supersymmetric theories the mass of any state is bounded below by the values of some of its charges. The corresponding bounds in case of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstr"om black holes are known to coincide with the requirement that naked singularities be absent. Here we investigate charged dilaton black holes in this context. We show that the extreme solutions saturate the supersymmetry bound of $N=4\ d=4$ supergravity, or dimensionally reduced superstring theory. Specifically, we have shown that extreme dilaton black holes, with electric and magnetic charges, admit super-covariantly constant spinors. The supersymmetric positivity bound for dilaton black holes, $M \geq \frac{1}{\sqrt 2}(
Fadeev-Popov Ghosts and 1+1 Dimensional Black Hole Evaporation Andrew Strominger 1992-05-13 Recently Callan, Giddings, Harvey and the author derived a set of one-loop semiclassical equations describing black hole formation/evaporation in two-dimensional dilaton gravity conformally coupled to $N$ scalar fields. These equations were subsequently used to show that an incoming matter wave develops a black hole type singularity at a critical value $\phi_{cr}$ of the dilaton field. In this paper a modification to these equations arising from the Fadeev-Popov determinant is considered and shown to have dramatic effects for $N<24$, in which case $\phi_{cr}$ becomes complex. The $N<24$ equations are solved along the leading edge of an incoming matter shock wave and found to be non-singular. The shock wave arrives at future null infinity in a zero energy state, gravitationally cloaked by negative energy Hawking radiation. Static black hole solutions supported by a radiation bath are also studied. The interior of the event horizon is found to be non-singular and asymptotic to deSitter space for $N<24$, at least for sufficiently small mass. It is noted that the one-loop approximation is {\it not} justified by a small parameter for small $N$. However an alternate theory (with different matter content) is found for which the same equations arise to leading order in an adjustable small parameter.
[Global Analysis of New Gravitational Singularities in String and
Particle Theories]( I. Bars, K. Sfetsos 1992-05-13 We present a global analysis of the geometries that arise in non-compact current algebra (or gauged WZW) coset models of strings and particles propagating in curved space-time. The simplest case is the 2d black hole. In higher dimensions these geometries describe new and much more complex singularities. For string and particle theories (defined in the text) we introduce general methods for identifying global coordinates and give the general exact solution for the geodesics for any gauged WZW model for any number of dimensions. We then specialize to the 3d geometries associated with $SO(2,2)/SO(2,1)$ (and also $SO(3,1)/SO(2,1)$) and discuss in detail the global space, geodesics, curvature singularities and duality properties of this space. The large-small (or mirror) type duality property is reformulated as an inversion in group parameter space. The 3d global space has two topologically distinct sectors, with patches of different sectors related by duality. The first sector has a singularity surface with the topology of pinched double trousers". It can be pictured as the world sheet of two closed strings that join into a single closed string and then split into two closed strings, but with a pinch in each leg of the trousers. The second sector has a singularity surface with the topology of double saddle", pictured as the world sheets of two infinite open strings that come close but do not touch. We discuss the geodesicaly complete spaces on each side of these surfaces and interpret the motion of particles in physical terms. A cosmological interpretation is suggested and comments are mode on possible physical applications.
Cosmological String Backgrounds from Gauged WZW Models C. Kounnas, D. Luest 1992-05-15 We discuss the four-dimensional target-space interpretation of bosonic strings based on gauged WZW models, in particular of those based on the non-compact coset space $SL(2,{\bf R})\times SO(1,1)^2 /SO(1,1)$. We show that these theories lead, apart from the recently broadly discussed black-hole type of backgrounds, to cosmological string backgrounds, such as an expanding Universe. Which of the two cases is realized depends on the sign of the level of the corresponding Kac-Moody algebra. We discuss various aspects of these new cosmological string backgrounds.
[A Non Degenerate Semi-Classical Lagrangian for Dilaton-Gravity in Two
Dimensions]( Noureddine Mohammedi 1992-05-15 An action for two dimensional gravity conformally coupled to two dilaton-type fields is analysed. Classically, the theory has some exact solutions. These include configurations representing black holes. A semi-classical theory is obtained by assuming that these singular solutions are caused by the collapse of some matter fields. The semi-classical equations of motion reveal then that any generic solution must have a flat geometry.
Quantum-Mechanical Scattering of Charged Black Holes Jennie Traschen, Robert Ferrel 1992-05-18 We describe the quantum mechanical scattering of slowly moving maximally charged black holes. Our technique is to develop a canonical quantization procedure on the parameter space of possible static classical solutions. With this, we compute the capture cross sections for the scattering of two black holes. Finally, we discuss how quantization on this parameter space relates to quantization of the degrees of freedom of the gravitational field.
Edge Currents and Vertex Operators for Chern-Simons Gravity G. Bimonte, K. S. Gupta, A. Stern 1992-05-20 We apply elementary canonical methods for the quantization of 2+1 dimensional gravity, where the dynamics is given by E. Witten's $ISO(2,1)$ Chern-Simons action. As in a previous work, our approach does not involve choice of gauge or clever manipulations of functional integrals. Instead, we just require the Gauss law constraint for gravity to be first class and also to be everywhere differentiable. When the spatial slice is a disc, the gravitational fields can either be unconstrained or constrained at the boundary of the disc. The unconstrained fields correspond to edge currents which carry a representation of the $ISO(2,1)$ Kac-Moody algebra. Unitary representations for such an algebra have been found using the method of induced representations. In the case of constrained fields, we can classify all possible boundary conditions. For several different boundary conditions, the field content of the theory reduces precisely to that of 1+1 dimensional gravity theories. We extend the above formalism to include sources. The sources take into account self- interactions. This is done by punching holes in the disc, and erecting an $ISO(2,1)$ Kac-Moody algebra on the boundary of each hole. If the hole is originally sourceless, a source can be created via the action of a vertex operator $V$. We give an explicit expression for $V$. We shall show that when acting
Grand Canonical Partition Function of a 2-dimensional Hubbard Model I. M. Barbour, E. G. Klepfish 1992-05-26 We present a new technique for a numerical analysis of the phase structure of the 2D Hubbard model as a function of the hole chemical potential. The grand canonical partition function for the model is obtained via Monte Carlo simulations. The dependence of the hole occupation number on the chemical potential and the temperature is evaluated. These calculations, together with a study of the Yang-Lee zeros of the grand canonical partition function, show evidence of a phase transition at zero temperature and particle density below half-filling. The binding energy of a pair of holes is calculated in the low temperature regime and the possibility for pairing is explored.
About some exact solutions for 2+1 gravity coupled to gauge fields Ian I. Kogan 1992-05-26 Some exact static solutions for Einstein gravity in 2+1 dimensions coupled to abelian gauge field are discussed. Some of these solutions are three-dimensional analogs of the Schwarzschild black holes. The metrics in the regions inside and outside the horison are connected by the changing of the Planck mass sign.
Liouville Models of Black Hole Evaporation Adel Bilal, Curtis Callan 1992-05-27 We construct new theories of dilation gravity coupled to conformal matter which are exact $c=26$ conformal field theories and presumably consistent frameworks for discussing black hole physics in two dimensions. They differ from the CGHS equations in the precise dilaton dependence of the cosmological constant. A further modification proposed by Strominger with a view to eliminating unphysical ghost Hawking radiation is also considered. The new classical equations of motion are explicitly soluble, thus permitting an exact analysis of both static and dynamic senarios. While the static solutions are physically reasonable, the dynamical solutions include puzzling examples with wrong-sign Hawking radiation. We indicate how the latter problem may be resolved in the full quantum theory.
[Lattice distortion and energy level structures in doped C_{60} and
C_{70} studied with the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: Polaron
excitations and optical absorption]( Kikuo Harigaya 1992-05-27 We extend the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model of polyacetylene to C_{60} and C_{70} molecules, and solve numerically. The calculations of the undoped systems agree well with the known results. When the system (C_{60} or C_{70}) is doped with one or two electrons (or holes), the additional charges accumulate almost along an equatorial line of the molecule. The dimerization becomes weaker almost along the same line. Two energy levels intrude largely in the gap. The intrusion is larger in C_{70} than in C_{60}. Therefore, polarons'' are predicted in doped buckminster- fullerenes. We calculate optical absorption coefficient for C_{60} in order to look at how polarons'' will be observed. It is predicted that there appears a new peak at the lower energy than the intergap transition peaks. It is also found that C_{60} and C_{70} are related mutually with respect to electronical structures as well as lattice geometries. (to be published in Phys. Rev. B 45, June 15 issue)
[Matching Conditions and Gravitational Collapse in Two-Dimensional
Gravity]( R. B. Mann, S. F. Ross 1992-05-27 The general theory of matching conditions is developed for gravitational theories in two spacetime dimensions. Models inspired from general relativity and from string theory are considered. These conditions are used to study collapsing dust solutions in spacetimes with non-zero cosmological constant, demonstrating how two-dimensional black holes can arise as the endpoint of such collapse processes.
Information Loss and Anomalous Scattering Amanda Peet, Leonard Susskind, Larus Thorlacius 1992-05-30 The approach of 't Hooft to the puzzles of black hole evaporation can be applied to a simpler system with analogous features. The system is $1+1$ dimensional electrodynamics in a linear dilaton background. Analogues of black holes, Hawking radiation and evaporation exist in this system. In perturbation theory there appears to be an information paradox but this gets resolved in the full quantum theory and there exists an exact $S$-matrix, which is fully unitary and information conserving. 't Hooft's method gives the leading terms in a systematic approximation to the exact result.
Symmetries of String Effective Action and Space-Time Geometry S. Pratik Khastgir, Jnanadeva Maharana 1992-06-02 Two dimensional charged black hole solution is obtained by implementing an $O(2,2)$ transformation on the three dimensional black string solution. Two different monopole backgrounds in five dimensions are related through an $O(2,2)$ transformation. It has been shown in these examples that the particular $O(2,2)$ transformation corresponds to duality transformation.
Dilaton-Axion hair for slowly rotating Kerr black holes S. Mignemi, N. R. Stewart 1992-06-04 Campbell et al. demonstrated the existence of axion hair'' for Kerr black holes due to the non-trivial Lorentz Chern-Simons term and calculated it explicitly for the case of slow rotation. Here we consider the dilaton coupling to the axion field strength, consistent with low energy string theory and calculate the dilaton hair'' arising from this specific axion source.
Black Hole Physics from Liouville Theory S. P. de Alwis 1992-06-04 In a previous paper it was shown that the quantum consistency conditions for the dilaton-gravity theory of Callan et al., imply that the cosmological constant term undergoes a dilaton dependent renormalization, in such a manner that the theory can be written as a Liouville-like theory. In this paper we discuss the physical interpretation of the solutions of this theory. In particular we demonstrate explicitly how quantum corrections tame the black hole singularity. Also under the assumption that in asymptotically Minkowski coordinates, there are no incoming or outgoing ghosts, we show that the Hawking radiation rate is independent of the number of matter fields and is determined by the ghost conformal anomaly.
Conservation Laws and 2D Black Holes in Dilaton Gravity R. B. Mann 1992-06-10 A very general class of Lagrangians which couple scalar fields to gravitation and matter in two spacetime dimensions is investigated. It is shown that a vector field exists along whose flow lines the stress-energy tensor is conserved, regardless of whether or not the equations of motion are satisfied or if any Killing vectors exist. Conditions necessary for the existence of Killing vectors are derived. A new set of 2D black hole solutions is obtained for one particular member within this class of Lagrangians. One such solution bears an interesting resemblance to the 2D string-theoretic black hole, yet contains markedly different thermodynamic properties.
[Conformally Exact Results for SL(2,R)\times SO(1,1)^{d-2}/SO(1,1) Coset
Models]( Konstadinos Sfetsos 1992-06-10 Using the conformal invariance of the $SL(2,R)\otimes SO(1,1)^{d-2}/SO(1,1)$ coset models we calculate the conformally exact metric and dilaton, to all orders in the $1/k$ expansion. We consider both vector and axial gauging. We find that these cosets represent two different space--time geometries: ($2d$ black hole)$\otimes \IR^{d-2}$ for the vector gauging and ($3d$ black string)$\otimes \IR^{d-3}$ for the axial one. In particular for $d=3$ and for the axial gauging one obtains the exact metric and dilaton of the charged black string model introduced by Horne and Horowitz. If the value of $k$ is finite we find two curvature singularities which degenerate to one in the semi--classical $k\to \infty$ limit. We also calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for the scattering of a tachyon wave and using the Bogoliubov transformation we find the Hawking temperature.
Two Dimensional String Theory And Black Holes Edward Witten 1992-06-17 This lecture surveys a few loosely related topics, ranging from the scarcity of quantum field theories -- and the role that this has played, and still plays, in physics -- to paradoxes involving black holes in soluble two dimensional string theory and the question of whether naked singularities might be of even greater interest to string theorists than black holes.
The Endpoint of Hawking Evaporation J. Russo, L. Susskind, L. Thorlacius 1992-06-17 The formation and semi-classical evaporation of two-dimensional black holes is studied in an exactly solvable model. Above a certain threshold energy flux, collapsing matter forms a singularity inside an apparent horizon. As the black hole evaporates the apparent horizon recedes and meets the singularity in a finite proper time. The singularity emerges naked and future evolution of the geometry requires boundary conditions to be imposed there. There is a natural choice of boundary conditions which match the evaporated black hole solution onto the linear dilaton vacuum. Below the threshold energy flux no horizon forms and boundary conditions can be imposed where infalling matter is reflected from a time-like naked singularity. All information is recovered at spatial infinity in this case.
Uniqueness of the Axionic Kerr Black Hole Rue-Ron Hsu, Green Huang, Wei-Fu Lin 1992-06-17 Under the axisymmetry and under the invarance of simultaneous inversion of time and azimuthal angle, we show that the axionic Kerr black hole is the ${\it unique}$ stationary solution of the minimal coupling theory of gravity and the Kalb-Ramond field, which has a regular event horizon, is asymptotically flat and has a finite axion field strength at event horizon.
Quantum Theory of Dilaton Gravity in 1+1 Dimensions K. Hamada 1992-06-18 We discuss the quantum theory of 1+1 dimensional dilaton gravity, which is an interesting model with analogous features to the spherically symmetric gravitational systems in 3+1 dimensions. The functional measures over the metrics and the dilaton field are explicitly evaluated and the diffeomorphism invariance is completely fixed in conformal gauge by using the technique developed in the two dimensional quantum gravity. We argue the relations to the ADM formalism. The physical state conditions reduce to the usual Wheeler-DeWitt equations when the dilaton $\df^2 ~ (=\e^{-2\phi}) $ is large enough compared with $\kappa =(N-51/2)/12$, where $N $ is the number of matter fields. This corresponds to the large mass limit in the black hole geometry. A singularity appears at $\df^2 =\kappa (>0) $. The final stage of the black hole evaporation corresponds to the region $\df^2 \sim \kappa $, where the Liouville term becomes important, which just comes from the measure of the metrics. If $\kappa < 0 $, the singularity disappears.
[World-Sheet Duality, Space-Time Foam, and the Quantum Fate of a Stringy
Black Hole]( John Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1992-06-19 We interpret Minkowski black holes as world-sheet {\it spikes } which are related by world-sheet { \it duality} to {\it vortices } that correspond to Euclidean black holes. These world-sheet defects induce defects in the gauge fields of the corresponding coset Wess-Zumino descriptions of spherically-symmetric black holes. The low-temperature target space-time foam is a Minkowski black hole (spike) plasma with confined Euclidean black holes (vortices). The high-temperature phase is a {\it dense} vortex plasma described by a topological gauge field theory on the world-sheet, which possesses enhanced symmetry as in the target space-time singularity at the core of a black hole. Quantum decay via higher-genus effects induces a back-reaction which causes a Minkowski black hole to lose mass until it is indistinguishable from intrinsic fluctuations in the space-time foam.
Charged Dilatonic Black Hole and Hawking Radiation in Two Dimensions Shin'ichi Nojiri, Ichiro Oda 1992-06-24 We consider Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger's (CGHS) two dimensional dilatonic gravity with electromagnetic interactions. This model can be also solved classically. Among the solutions describing static black holes, there exist extremal solutions which have zero temperatures. In the extremal solutions, the space-time metric is not singular. We also obtain the solutions describing charged matter (chiral fermions) collapsing into black holes. Through the collapsing, not only future horizon but past horizon is also shifted. The quantum corrections including chiral anomaly are also discussed. In a way similar to CGHS model, the curvature singularity also appeared, except extremal case, when the matter collapsing. The screening effects due to the chiral anomaly have a tendency to cloak the singularity
String Theory, Black Holes, and SL(2,R) Current Algebra Shyamoli Chaudhuri, Joseph D. Lykken 1992-06-29 We analyse in detail the $SL(2,R)$ black hole by extending standard techniques of Kac-Moody current algebra to the non-compact case. We construct the elements of the ground ring and exhibit W-infinity type structure in the fusion algebra of the discrete states. As a consequence, we can identify some of the exactly marginal deformations of the black hole. We show that these deformations alter not only the spacetime metric but also turn on non-trivial backgrounds for the tachyon and all of the massive modes of the string.
Exactly Solvable Models of 2d Dilaton Quantum Gravity A. Mikovic 1992-07-02 We study canonical quantization of a class of 2d dilaton gravity models, which contains the model proposed by Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger. A set of non-canonical phase space variables is found, forming an $SL(2,{\bf R}) \times U(1)$ current algebra, such that the constraints become quadratic in these new variables. In the case when the spatial manifold is compact, the corresponding quantum theory can be solved exactly, since it reduces to a problem of finding the cohomology of a free-field Virasoro algebra. In the non-compact case, which is relevant for 2d black holes, this construction is likely to break down, since the most general field configuration cannot be expanded into Fourier modes. Strategy for circumventing this problem is discussed.
Low voltage conductance of small tunnel junctions F. Guinea, M. Ueda 1992-07-06 A discrete charge transfer in a small tunnel junction where Coulomb interactions are important can excite electron-hole pairs near the Fermi level. We use a simple model to study the associated nonequilibrium properties and found two novel effects: (i) for junctions with electrodes of the same electronic properties, a leakage current exists within the Coulomb gap even when the environmental impedance is infinite; (ii) for junctions with electrodes of different electronic properties, the differential conductance diverges when a net interaction between conduction electrons is attractive, and it is strongly suppressed for a net repulsive interaction.
[One-Loop Renormalization in Two-Dimensional Matter-Dilaton Quantum
Gravity and Charged Black Holes]( E. Elizalde, S. D. Odintsov 1992-07-14 The quantum properties of two-dimensional matter-dilaton gravity ---which includes a large family of actions for two-dimensional gravity (in particular, string-inspired models)--- are investigated. The one-loop divergences in linear covariant gauges are calculated and the structure of the one-loop renormalization is studied. The explicit forms of the dilaton potential, dilaton-Maxwell, and dilaton-scalar couplings for which the theory is one-loop multiplicatively renormalizable are found. A comparison with the one-loop renormalization structure of four-dimensional gravity-matter theory is given. Charged multiple-horizon black holes which appear in the model are also considered.
Electric Magnetic Duality in String Theory Ashoke Sen 1992-07-15 The electric-magnetic duality transformation in four dimensional heterotic string theory discussed by Shapere, Trivedi and Wilczek is shown to be an exact symmetry of the equations of motion of low energy effective field theory even after including the scalar and the vector fields, arising due to compactification, in the effective field theory. Using this duality transformation we construct rotating black hole solutions in the effective field theory carrying both, electric and magnetic charges. The spectrum of extremal magnetically charged black holes turns out to be similar to that of electrically charged elementary string excitations. We also discuss the possibility that the duality symmetry is an exact symmetry of the full string theory under which electrically charged elementary string excitations get exchanged with magnetically charged soliton like solutions. This proposal might be made concrete following the suggestion of Dabholkar et. al. that fundamental strings may be regarded as soliton like classical solutions in the effective field theory.
[Vortex motion and the Hall effect in type II superconductors: a time
dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory approach]( Alan T. Dorsey 1992-07-15 Vortex motion in type II superconductors is studied starting from a variant of the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations, in which the order parameter relaxation time is taken to be complex. Using a method due to Gor'kov and Kopnin, we derive an equation of motion for a single vortex ($B\ll H_{c2}$) in the presence of an applied transport current. The imaginary part of the relaxation time and the normal state Hall effect both break ``particle-hole symmetry,'' and produce a component of the vortex velocity parallel to the transport current, and consequently a Hall field due to the vortex motion. Various models for the relaxation time are considered, allowing for a comparison to some phenomenological models of vortex motion in superconductors, such as the Bardeen-Stephen and Nozi`eres-Vinen models, as well as to models of vortex motion in neutral superfluids. In addition, the transport energy, Nernst effect, and thermopower are calculated for a single vortex. Vortex bending and fluctuations can also be included within this description, resulting in a Langevin equation description of the vortex motion. The Langevin equation is used to discuss the propagation of helicon waves and the diffusional motion of a vortex line. The results are discussed in light of the rather puzzling sign change of the Hall effect which has been observed in the mixed state of the high temperature superconductors.
The vacuum polarization around an axionic stringy black hole A. Carlini, A. Treves, F. Fucito, M. Martellini 1992-07-16 We consider the effect of vacuum polarization around the horizon of a 4 dimensional axionic stringy black hole. In the extreme degenerate limit ($Q_a=M$), the lower limit on the black hole mass for avoiding the polarization of the surrounding medium is $M\gg (10^{-15}\div 10^{-11})m_p$ ($m_p$ is the proton mass), according to the assumed value of the axion mass ($m_a\simeq (10^{-3}\div 10^{-6})~eV$). In this case, there are no upper bounds on the mass due to the absence of the thermal radiation by the black hole. In the nondegenerate (classically unstable) limit ($Q_a<M$), the black hole always polarizes the surrounding vacuum, unless the effective cosmological constant of the effective stringy action diverges.
Duality in Multi-layered Quantum Hall Systems C. Ting 1992-07-17 The braid group dynamics captures the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) as a manifestation of puncture phase. When the dynamics is generalized for particles on a multi-sheeted surface, we obtain new tools which determine the fractional charges, the quantum statistics, and the filling factors of the multi-layered FQHE. A many-quasi-hole wavefunction is proposed for the bilayered samples. We also predict a $\nu = 5/7$ FQHE for triple-layered samples. The viability of {\em 3-dimensional} FQHE and the application of the concept of generalized duality to anyonic superconductivity are discussed.
Mutual statistics, braid group, and the fractional quantum Hall effect C. Ting 1992-07-17 We show that the notion of mutual statistics arises naturally from the representation theory of the braid group over the multi-sheeted surface. A Hamiltonian which describes particles moving on the double-sheeted surface is proposed as a model for the bilayered fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) discovered recently. We explicitly show that the quasi-holes of the bilayered Hall fluid display fractional mutual statistics. A model for 3-dimensional FQHE using the multi-layered sample is suggested.
[Semi-classical Approach to Charged Dilatonic Black Hole in Two
Dimensions]( Shin'ichi Nojiri, Ichiro Oda 1992-07-22 We consider exactly solvable semi-classical theory of two dimensional dilatonic gravity with electromagnetic interactions. As was done in the paper by Russo, Susskind and Thorlacius, the term which changes the kinetic term is added to the action. The theory contains massless fermions as matter fields and there appear the quantum corrections including chiral anomaly. The screening effect due to the chiral anomaly has a tendency to cloak the singularity. In a region of the parameter space, the essential behavior of the theory is similar to that of Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger's dilatonic black hole theory modified in the paper by Russo, Susskind and Thorlacius and the singularity formed by the collapsing matter emerges naked. We find, however, another region of the parameter space where the singularity disappears in a finite proper time. Furthermore, in the region of the parameter space, there appears a discontinuity in the metric on the trajectory of the collapsing matter, which would be a signal of topology change
Dilatonic Black Holes, Naked Singularities and Strings P. H. Cox, B. Harms, Y. Leblanc 1992-07-23 We extend a previous calculation which treated Schwarschild black hole horizons as quantum mechanical objects to the case of a charged, dilaton black hole. We show that for a unique value of the dilaton parameter `a', which is determined by the condition of unitarity of the S matrix, black holes transform at the extremal limit into strings.
The No-Hair Theorem for the Abelian Higgs Model Amitabha Lahiri 1992-07-27 We consider the general procedure for proving no-hair theorems for static, spherically symmetric black holes. We apply this method to the abelian Higgs model and find a proof of the no-hair conjecture that circumvents the objections raised against the original proof due to Adler and Pearson.
The Dirac Equation Is Separable On The Dyon Black Hole Metric Ä°brahim Semiz 1992-07-28 Using the tetrad formalism, we carry out the separation of variables for the massive complex Dirac equation in the gravitational and electromagnetic field of a four-parameter (mass, angular momentum, electric and magnetic charges) black hole.
String Theory Modifies Quantum Mechanics John Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1992-07-29 We argue that the light particles in string theory obey an effective quantum mechanics modified by the inclusion of a quantum-gravitational friction term, induced by unavoidable couplings to unobserved massive string states in the space-time foam. This term is related to the $W$-symmetries that couple light particles to massive solitonic string states in black hole backgrounds, and has a formal similarity to simple models of environmental quantum friction. It increases apparent entropy, and may induce the wave functions of macroscopic systems to collapse.
Black Holes from Nucleating Strings Jaume Garriga, Alexander Vilenkin 1992-08-06 We evaluate the probability that a loop of string that has spontaneously nucleated during inflation will form a black hole upon collapse, after the end of inflation. We then use the observational bounds on the density of primordial black holes to put constraints on the parameters of the model. Other constraints from the distortions of the microwave background and emission of gravitational radiation by the loops are considered. Also, observational constraints on domain wall nucleation and monopole pair production during inflation are briefly discussed.
Thermodynamics of Two-Dimensional Black-Holes Chiara R. Nappi, Andrea Pasquinucci 1992-08-11 We explore the thermodynamics of a general class of two dimensional dilatonic black-holes. A simple prescription is given that allows us to compute the mass, entropy and thermodynamic potentials, with results in agreement with those obtained by other methods, when available.
Gravitationally Collapsing Dust in $(2+1)$ Dimensions S. F. Ross, R. B. Mann 1992-08-13 We investigate the circumstances under which gravitationally collapsing dust can form a black hole in three-dimensional spacetime.
[The Last Three Minutes: Issues in Gravitational Wave Measurements of
Coalescing Compact Binaries]( Curt Cutler, Theocharis A. Apostolatos, Lars Bildsten, Lee Samuel Finn, Eanna E. Flanagan, Daniel Kennefick, Dragoljubov M. Markovic, Amos Ori, Eric Poisson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Kip S. Thorne 1992-08-25 Gravitational-wave interferometers are expected to monitor the last three minutes of inspiral and final coalescence of neutron star and black hole binaries at distances approaching cosmological, where the event rate may be many per year. Because the binary's accumulated orbital phase can be measured to a fractional accuracy $\ll 10^{-3}$ and relativistic effects are large, the waveforms will be far more complex, carry more information, and be far harder to model theoretically than has been expected. Theorists must begin now to lay a foundation for extracting the waves' information.
Binary Black Holes in Stationary Orbits Sandip K. Chakrabarti 1992-08-27 We show that under certain astrophysical conditions a binary system consisting of two compact objects can be stabilized against indefinite shrinking of orbits due to the emission of gravitational radiation. In this case, the lighter binary companion settles down to a stable orbit when the loss of the angular momentum due to gravitational radiation becomes equal to its gain from the accreting matter from the disk around the more massive primary. We claim that such systems can be stable against small perturbations and can be regarded as steady emitters of gravitational waves of constant frequency and amplitude. Furthermore, X-rays emitted by the secondary can also produce astrophysically interesting situations when coupled with gravitational lensing and Doppler effects.
Statistical Mechanics of Extended Black Objects B. Harms, Y. Leblanc 1992-08-27 We extend the considerations of a previous paper on black hole statistical mechanics to the case of black extended objects such as black strings and black membranes in 10-dimensional space-time. We obtain a general expression for the Euclidean action of quantum black p-branes and derive their corresponding degeneracy of states. The statistical mechanics of a gas of black p-branes is then analyzed in the microcanonical ensemble. As in the case of black holes, the equilibrium state is not thermal and the stable configuration is the one for which a single black object carries most of the energy. Again, neutral black p-branes obey the bootstrap condition and it is then possible to argue that their scattering amplitudes satisfy crossing symmetry. Finally, arguments identifying quantum black p-branes with ordinary quantum branes of different dimensionality are presented.
Electric-Magnetic Duality and Supersymmetry in Stringy Black Holes Tomás Ortín 1992-08-31 We present a generalization of the $U(1)^{2}$ charged dilaton black holes family whose main feature is that both $U(1)$ fields have electric and magnetic charges, the axion field still being trivial. We show the supersymmetry of these solutions in the extreme case, in which the corresponding generalization of the Bogomolnyi bound is saturated and a naked singularity is on the verge of being visible to external observers. Then we study the action of a subset of the $SL(2,R)$ group of electric-magnetic duality rotations that generates a non-trivial axion field on those solutions. This group of transformations is an exact symmetry of the $N=4$ $d=4$ ungauged supergravity equations of motion. It has been argued recently that it could be an exact symmetry of the full effective string theory. The generalization of the Bogomolnyi bound is invariant under the full $SL(2,R)$ and the solutions explicitly rotated are shown to be supersymmetric if the originals are. We conjecture that any $SL(2,R)$ transformation will preserve supersymmetry.
Semiclassical Approach to Black Hole Evaporation David A. Lowe 1992-09-02 Black hole evaporation may lead to massive or massless remnants, or naked singularities. This paper investigates this process in the context of two quite different two dimensional black hole models. The first is the original CGHS model, the second is another two dimensional dilaton-gravity model, but with properties much closer to physics in the real, four dimensional, world. Numerical simulations are performed of the formation and subsequent evaporation of black holes and the results are found to agree qualitatively with the exactly solved modified CGHS models, namely that the semiclassical approximation breaks down just before a naked singularity appears.
Cosmic Censorship in Two-Dimensional Gravity J. Russo, L. Susskind, L. Thorlacius 1992-09-04 A weak version of the cosmic censorship hypothesis is implemented as a set of boundary conditions on exact semi-classical solutions of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. These boundary conditions reflect low-energy matter from the strong coupling region and they also serve to stabilize the vacuum of the theory against decay into negative energy states. Information about low-energy incoming matter can be recovered in the final state but at high energy black holes are formed and inevitably lead to information loss at the semi-classical level.
[The String Universe: High $T_c$ Superconductor or Quantum Hall
Conductor?]( John Ellis, N. E. Mavromatos, D. V. Nanopoulos 1992-09-04 Our answer is the latter. Space-time singularities, including the initial one, are described by world-sheet topological Abelian gauge theories with a Chern-Simons term. Their effective $N=2$ supersymmetry provides an initial fixed point where the Bogomolny bound is saturated on the world-sheet, corresponding to an extreme Reissner-Nordstrom solution in space-time. Away from the singularity the gauge theory has world-sheet matter fields, bosons and fermions, associated with the generation of target space-time. Because the fermions are complex (cf the Quantum Hall Effect) rather than real (cf high-$T_c$ superconductors) the energetically-preferred vacuum is not parity or time-reversal invariant, and the associated renormalization group flow explains the cosmological arrow of time, as well as the decay of real or virtual black holes, with a monotonic increase in entropy.
Results on exact solutions of low energy string theory David Garfinkle 1992-09-05 A family of solutions to low energy string theory is found. These solutions represent waves traveling along "extremal black strings"
[Spin texture in weakly doped $Cu0_2$ planes explaining magnetic
correlation length and Raman scattering experiments]( R. J. Gooding, A. Mailhot 1992-09-08 A model of $CuO_2$ planes weakly doped with partially delocalised holes is considered. The effect of such a hole on the background AFM spin texture can be represented by a purely magnetic Hamiltonian $H = - \sum_{(ijk)} (\vec S_i \cdot \vec S_j \times \vec S_k)^2$, where the summation is over the four triangles of a single plaquette. We show that this model of randomly distributed chiral spin defects leads to an in--plane spin correlation length approximately described by $\xi^{-1} (x,T) = \xi^{-1} (0,T) + \xi^{-1} (x,0)$, consistent with neutron scattering experiments on $La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4$. Further, this model leads to favourable comparisons with $B_{1g}$ Raman scattering results for the same cuprate system.
Boosting Away Singularities from Conformal String Backgrounds M. Gasperini, J. Maharana, G. Veneziano 1992-09-15 Generalizing our previous work, we show how $O(d,d)$ transformations can be used to "boost away" in new dimensions the physical singularities that occur generically in cosmological and/or black-hole string backgrounds. As an example, we show how a recent model by Nappi and Witten can be made singularity-free via $O(3,3)$ boosts involving a fifth dimension.
Quantum Aspects of Black Holes J. A. Harvey, A. Strominger 1992-09-16 This review is based on lectures given at the 1992 Trieste Spring School on String Theory and Quantum Gravity and at the 1992 TASI Summer School in Boulder, Colorado.
[Numerical Study of the Wheatley-Hsu-Anderson Interlayer Tunneling
mechanism of High $T_c$ Superconductivity]( M. Arjunwadkar, G. Baskaran, R. Basu, V. N. Muthukumar 1992-09-16 We present results obtained (by exact diagonalization) for the problem of two t-J planes with an interlayer coupling $t_\perp$. Our results for small hole concentrations show that in-plane superconducting correlations are enhanced by $t_\perp$. When the constraint on double occupancy in the t-J model is relaxed, the enhancement disappears. These results illustrate the inter--layer tunneling mechanism for superconductivity.
Do Black Holes Destroy Information? John Preskill 1992-09-16 I review the information loss paradox that was first formulated by Hawking, and discuss possible ways of resolving it. All proposed solutions have serious drawbacks. I conclude that the information loss paradox may well presage a revolution in fundamental physics. (To appear in the proceedings of the International Symposium on Black Holes, Membranes, Wormholes, and Superstrings.)
Quantum Dilaton Gravity in the Light-cone Gauge Xiang Shen 1992-09-18 Recently, models of two-dimensional dilaton gravity have been shown to admit classical black-hole solutions that exhibit Hawking radiation at the semi-classical level. These classical and semi-classical analyses have been performed in conformal gauge. We show in this paper that a similar analysis in the light--cone gauge leads to the same results. Moreover, quantization of matter fields in light--cone gauge can be naturally extended to include quantizing the metric field {\it `a la} KPZ. We argue that this may provide a new framework to address many issues associated to black-hole physics.
[Photoinduced charge separation in Q1D heterojunction materials: Evidence
for electron-hole pair separation in mixed-halide $MX$ solids]( L. A. Worl, S. C. Huckett, B. I. Swanson, A. Saxena, A. R. Bishop, J. Tinka Gammel 1992-09-19 Resonance Raman experiments on doped and photoexcited single crystals of mixed-halide $MX$ complexes ($M$=Pt; $X$=Cl,Br) clearly indicate charge separation: electron polarons preferentially locate on PtBr segments while hole polarons are trapped within PtCl segments. This polaron selectivity, potentially very useful for device applications, is demonstrated theoretically using a discrete, 3/4-filled, two-band, tight-binding, extended Peierls-Hubbard model. Strong hybridization of the PtCl and PtBr electronic bands is the driving force for separation.
Black Holes with a Massive Dilaton R. Gregory, J. A. Harvey 1992-09-19 The modifications of dilaton black holes which result when the dilaton acquires a mass are investigated. We derive some general constraints on the number of horizons of the black hole and argue that if the product of the black hole charge $Q$ and the dilaton mass $m$ satisfies $Q m < O(1)$ then the black hole has only one horizon. We also argue that for $Q m > O(1)$ there may exist solutions with three horizons and we discuss the causal structure of such solutions. We also investigate the possible structures of extremal solutions and the related problem of two-dimensional dilaton gravity with a massive dilaton.
Polaron excitations in fullerenes: Theory as pi-conjugated systems Kikuo Harigaya 1992-09-20 We review the recent theoretical treatment of fullerenes as pi-conjugated systems. Polaronic properties due to the Jahn-Teller type effects are mainly discussed. (1) A Su-Schrieffer-Heeger type electron-phonon model is applied to fullerenes: C_60 and C_70, and is solved with the adiabatic approximation to phonons. When the system (C_60 or C_70) is doped with one or two electrons (or holes), the additional charges accumulate along almost an equatorial line of the molecule. The dimerization becomes the weakest along the same line. Two energy levels, the occupied state and the empty state, intrude largely in the gap. The intrusion is larger in C_70 than in C_60. These are ``polarons'' in doped fullerenes. It is also found that C_60 and C_70 are related mutually with respect to electronical structures as well as lattice geometries. (2) We apply the model to the fullerene epoxide C_60O. It has the polaron-type lattice distortion around the oxygen, and also shows the energy level intrusion in the gap. (3) Optical properties of C_60 are calculated and discussed. In the absorption of the doped molecule, a new peak structure is present owing to the polaronic distortion. In the luminescence of the neutral C_60, the spacing between H_g(8)-phonon side-band peaks and the relative intensities agree well with experiments. In the dispersion of the third harmonic generation, the magnitudes of
Detection, Measurement and Gravitational Radiation Lee Samuel Finn 1992-09-24 Here I examine how to determine the sensitivity of the LIGO, VIRGO, and LAGOS gravitational wave detectors to sources of gravitational radiation by considering the process by which data are analyzed in a noisy detector. By constructing the probability that the detector output is consistent with the presence of a signal, I show how to (1) quantify the uncertainty that the output contains a signal and is not simply noise, and (2) construct the probability distribution that the signal parameterization has a certain value. From the distribution and its mode I determine volumes $V(P)$ in parameter space such that actual signal parameters are in $V(P)$ with probability $P$. If we are {\em designing} a detector, or determining the suitability of an existing detector for observing a new source, then we don't have detector output to analyze but are interested in the most likely'' response of the detector to a signal. I exploit the techniques just described to determine the most likely'' volumes $V(P)$ for detector output corresponding to the source. Finally, as an example, I apply these techniques to anticipate the sensitivity of the LIGO and LAGOS detectors to the gravitational radiation from a perturbed Kerr black hole.
Domain Walls in $N=1$ Supergravity Mirjam Cvetic, Stephen Griffies 1992-09-28 We discuss a study of domain walls in $N=1, d=4$ supergravity. The walls saturate the Bogomol'nyi bound of wall energy per unit area thus proving stability of the classical solution. They interpolate between two vacua whose cosmological constant is non-positive and in general different. The matter configuration and induced geometry are static. We discuss the field theoretic realization of these walls and classify three canonical configurations with examples. The space-time induced by a wall interpolating between the Minkowski (topology $\Re^{4}$) and anti-de~Sitter (topology $S^{1}(time) \times \Re^{3}(space)$) vacua is discussed. (Comments in chapter 6 on AdS-Minkowski wall induced space-time have been slightly changed)
[Dilatonic Supergravity in Two Dimensions and the Disappearance of
Quantum Black Hole]( Shin'ichi Nojiri, Ichiro Oda 1992-09-29 We analyze a supergravity theory coupled to a dilaton and superconformal matters in two dimensions. This theory is classically soluble and we find all the solutions appeared in Callan, Giddings, Harvey and Strominger's dilatonic gravity also satisfy the constraints and the equations of motion in this supersymmetric theory. We quantize this theory by following the procedure of Distler, Hlousek and Kawai. In the quantum action, the cosmological term is renormalized to vanish. As a result, any solution corresponding to classical black hole does not appear in the quantum theory, which should be compared with the non-supersymmetric case.
$W_{\infty} Algebra in Two-Dimensional Black Hole T. Eguchi, H. Kanno, S. -K. Yang 1992-09-29 We study the $SL(2;R)/U(1)$ coset model of two-dimensional black hole and its relation to the Liouville theory coupled to c=1 matter. We uncover a basic isomorphism in the algebraic structures of these theories and show that the black hole model has the same physical spectrum as the c=1 model, i.e. tachyons, $W_\infty$ currents and the ground ring elements. we also identify the operator responsible for the creation of the mass of the black hole.
Dilaton-Axion Symmetry John H. Schwarz 1992-09-29 The heterotic string compactified on a six-torus is described by a low-energy effective action consisting of N=4 supergravity coupled to N=4 super Yang-Mills, a theory that was studied in detail many years ago. By explicitly carrying out the dimensional reduction of the massless fields, we obtain the bosonic sector of this theory. In the Abelian case the action is written with manifest global $O(6,6+n)$ symmetry. A duality transformation that replaces the antisymmetric tensor field by an axion brings it to a form in which the axion and dilaton parametrize an $SL(2,R)/SO(2)$ coset, and the equations of motion have $SL(2,R)$ symmetry. This symmetry, which combines Peccei--Quinn translations with Montonen--Olive duality transformations, has been exploited in several recent papers to construct black hole solutions carrying both electric and magnetic charge. Our purpose is to explore whether, as various authors have conjectured, an $SL(2,Z)$ subgroup could be an exact symmetry of the full quantum string theory. If true, this would be of fundamental importance, since this group transforms the dilaton nonlinearly and can relate weak and strong coupling.
Spontaneous CP Violation, Small Instanton and Invisible Axion Soo-Jong Rey 1992-09-30 I propose a variant invisible axion model of spontaneous CP violation at the electroweak scale without CP domain wall and `strong CP' problems. Both large size QCD and small size non-QCD instantons break CP and Peccei-Quinn symmetries, and render cosmologically harmful CP domain walls unstable. The decaying epoch depends on size of small instanton effects, and is around 100 eV if the current neutron electric dipole moment bound is maximally saturated. The model satisfies constraints from primordial D and He photo-dissociation and black hole formation, while producing cosmologically interesting size of gravitational waves and galaxy-scale density perturbations.
Poincaré Gauge Theories for Lineal Garvity G. Grignani, G. Nardelli 1992-09-30 We have shown that two of the most studied models of lineal gravities - Liouville gravity and a ``string-inspired'' model exhibiting the main characteristic features of a black-hole solution - can be formulated as gauge invariant theories of the Poincar'e group. The gauge invariant couplings to matter (particles, scalar and spinor fields) and explicit solutions for some matter field configurations, are provided. It is shown that both the models, as well as the couplings to matter, can be obtained as suitable dimensional reductions of a 2+1-dimensional ISO(2,1) gauge invariant theory.
The Microcanonical Functional Integral. I. The Gravitational Field J. David Brown, James W. York 1992-09-30 The gravitational field in a spatially finite region is described as a microcanonical system. The density of states $\nu$ is expressed formally as a functional integral over Lorentzian metrics and is a functional of the geometrical boundary data that are fixed in the corresponding action. These boundary data are the thermodynamical extensive variables, including the energy and angular momentum of the system. When the boundary data are chosen such that the system is described semiclassically by {\it any} real stationary axisymmetric black hole, then in this same approximation $\ln\nu$ is shown to equal 1/4 the area of the black hole event horizon. The canonical and grand canonical partition functions are obtained by integral transforms of $\nu$ that lead to "imaginary time" functional integrals. A general form of the first law of thermodynamics for stationary black holes is derived. For the simpler case of nonrelativistic mechanics, the density of states is expressed as a real-time functional integral and then used to deduce Feynman's imaginary-time functional integral for the canonical partition function.
Black Holes Coupled to a Massive Dilaton J. Horne, G. Horowitz 1992-10-02 We investigate charged black holes coupled to a massive dilaton. It is shown that black holes which are large compared to the Compton wavelength of the dilaton resemble the Reissner-Nordstr"om solution, while those which are smaller than this scale resemble the massless dilaton solutions. Black holes of order the Compton wavelength of the dilaton can have wormholes outside the event horizon in the string metric. Unlike all previous black hole solutions, nearly extremal and extremal black holes (of any size) repel each other. We argue that extremal black holes are quantum mechanically unstable to decay into several widely separated black holes. We present analytic arguments and extensive numerical results to support these conclusions.
[Supersymmetry and Positive Energy in Classical and Quantum
Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity]( Youngchul Park, Andrew Strominger 1992-10-02 An $N = 1$ supersymmetric version of two dimensional dilaton gravity coupled to matter is considered. It is shown that the linear dilaton vacuum spontaneously breaks half the supersymmetries, leaving broken a linear combination of left and right supersymmetries which squares to time translations. Supersymmetry suggests a spinorial expression for the ADM energy $M$, as found by Witten in four-dimensional general relativity. Using this expression it is proven that ${M}$ is non-negative for smooth initial data asymptotic (in both directions) to the linear dilaton vacuum, provided that the (not necessarily supersymmetric) matter stress tensor obeys the dominant energy condition. A {\it quantum} positive energy theorem is also proven for the semiclassical large-$N$ equations, despite the indefiniteness of the quantum stress tensor. For black hole spacetimes, it is shown that $M$ is bounded from below by $e^{- 2 \phi_H}$, where $\phi_H$ is the value of the dilaton at the apparent horizon, provided only that the stress tensor is positive outside the apparent horizon. This is the two-dimensional analogue of an unproven conjecture due to Penrose. Finally, supersymmetry is used to prove positive energy theorems for a large class of generalizations of dilaton gravity which arise in consideration of the quantum theory.
Duality Symmetries from Non--Abelian Isometries in String Theories Xenia C. de la Ossa, Fernando Quevedo 1992-10-05 In string theory it is known that abelian isometries in the sigma model lead to target space duality. We generalize this duality to backgrounds with non--abelian isometries. The procedure we follow consists of gauging the isometries of the original action and constraining the field strength $F$ to vanish. This new action generates dual theories by integrating over either the Lagrange multipliers that set F=0 or the gauge fields. We find that this new duality transformation maps spaces with non--abelian isometries to spaces that may have no isometries at all. This suggests that duality symmetries in string theories need to be understood in a more general context without regard to the existence of continuous isometries on the target space (this is also indicated by the existence of duality in string compactifications on Calabi--Yau manifolds which have no continuous isometries). Physically interesting examples to which our formalism apply are the Schwarzschild metric and the 4D charged dilatonic black hole. For these spherically symmetric black holes in four dimensions, the dual backgrounds are presented and explicitly shown to be new solutions of the leading order string equations. Some of these new backgrounds are found to have no continuous isometries (except for time translations) and also have naked singularities.
Charged String-like Solutions of Low-energy Heterotic String Theory Daniel Waldram 1992-10-06 Two string-like solutions to the equations of motion of the low-energy effective action for the heterotic string are found, each a source of electric and magnetic fields. The first carries an electric current equal to the electric charge per unit length and is the most general solution which preserves one half of the supersymmetries. The second is the most general charged solution with an event horizon, a `black string'. The relationship of the solutions to fundamental, macroscopic heterotic strings is discussed, and in particular it is shown that any stable state of such a fundamental string also preserves one half of the supersymmetries, in the same manner as the first solution.
Strings and QCD? Joseph Polchinski 1992-10-08 Is large-$N$ QCD equivalent to a string theory? Maybe, maybe not. I review various attempts to answer the question.
Black Holes and Solitons in String Theory Ashoke Sen 1992-10-09 In this review, I discuss a general method for constructing classical solutions of the equations of motion arising in the effective low energy string theory, and discuss specific applications of this method. (Based on talks given at the Johns Hopkins Workshop held at Goteborg, June 8-10, 1992, and ICTP Summer Workshop held at Trieste, July 2-3, 1992)
Time-dependent perturbations in two-dimensional String Black Holes G. A. Diamandis, B. C. Georgalas, X. Maintas, N. E. Mavromatos 1992-10-09 We discuss time-dependent perturbations (induced by matter fields) of a black-hole background in tree-level two-dimensional string theory. We analyse the linearized case and show the possibility of having black-hole solutions with time-dependent horizons. The latter exist only in the presence of time-dependent `tachyon' matter fields, which constitute the only propagating degrees of freedom in two-dimensional string theory. For real tachyon field configurations it is not possible to obtain solutions with horizons shrinking to a point. On the other hand, such a possibility seems to be realized in the case of string black-hole models formulated on higher world-sheet genera. We connect this latter result with black hole evaporation/decay at a quantum level.}
Superstrings on Curved Spacetimes Itzhak Bars 1992-10-15 In this lecture I summarize recent developments on strings propagating in curved spacetime. Exact conformal field theories that describe gravitational backgrounds such as black holes and more intricate gravitational singularities have been discovered and investigated at the classical and quantum level. These models are described by gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models, or equivalently current algebra G/H coset models based on non-compact groups, with a single time coordinate. The classification of such models for all dimensions is complete. Furthermore the heterotic superstrings in curved spacetime based on non-compact groups have also been constructed. For many of the $d\le 4$ models the gravitational geometry described by a sigma model has been determined. Some general results outlined here include a global analysis of the geometry and the exact classical geodesics for any G/H model. Moreover, in the quantized theory, the conformally exact metric and dilaton are obtained for all orders in an expansion of $k$ (the central extension). All such models have large-small (or mirror) duality properties which we reformulate as an inversion in group space. To illustrate model building techniques a specific 4-dimensional heterotic string in curved spacetime is presented. Finally the methods for investigating the quantum theory are outlined. The construction and analysis of these models at the classical and quantum level involve some aspects of noncompact groups which are not yet sufficiently well understood. Some of the open problems in the physics and mathematics areas are outlined.
[A Conformal Affine Toda Model of 2D Black Holes: A Quantum Study of the
Evaporation End-Point]( F. Belgiorno, A. S. Cattaneo, M. Martellini, F. Fucito 1992-10-16 In this paper we reformulate the dilaton-gravity theory of Callan \etal\ as a new effective conformal field theory which turns out to be a generalization of the so-called $SL_2$-conformal affine Toda (CAT) theory studied some times ago by Babelon and Bonora. We quantize this model, thus keeping in account the dilaton-gravity quantum effects. We then implement a Renormalization Group analysis to study the black hole thermodynamics and the final state of the Hawking evaporation.
Gravitational Collapse in 1+1 Dimensions and Quantum Gravity K. Hamada 1992-10-19 We investigate the quantum theory of 1+1 dimensional dilaton gravity, which is an interesting toy model of the black hole dynamics. The functional measures of gravity part are explicitly evaluated and derive the Wheeler-DeWitt like equations as physical state conditions. In ADM formalism the measures are very ambiguous, but in our formalism they are explicitly defined. Then the new features which are not seen in ADM formalism come out. A singularity appears at $\df^2 =\kappa (>0) $, where $\kappa =(N-51/2)/12 $ and $ N$ is the number of matter fields. At the final stage of the black hole evaporation, the Liouville term becomes important, which just comes from the measures of the fields. Behind the singularity the quantum mechanical region $\kappa > \df^2 >0 $ extends, where the sign of the kinetic term in the Wheeler-DeWitt like equation changes. If $\kappa <0 $, the singularity disappears. We briefly discuss the possibility of gravitational tunneling and the issue of the information loss. (Talk given at "YITP Workshop on Theories of Quantum Fields -Beyond Perturbation-", Kyoto, Japan, 14-17 July 1992. Some misleading arguments in the preprint UT-Komaba 92-7 entitled "Quamtum Theory of Dilaton Gravity in 1+1 Dimensions" are corrected. The several remarks on the quantization are included. The difference from the other quantum theory is clarified.
The Dark Side of String Theory: Black Holes and Black Strings Gary T. Horowitz 1992-10-21 Solutions to low energy string theory describing black holes and black strings are reviewed. Many of these solutions can be obtained by applying simple solution generating transformations to the Schwarzschild metric. In a few cases, the corresponding exact conformal field theory is known. Various properties of these solutions are discussed including their global structure, singularities, and Hawking temperature. (This review is based on lectures given at the 1992 Trieste Spring School on String Theory and Quantum Gravity.)
Stringy Quantum Effects in 2-Dimensional Black-Hole Avinash Dhar, Gautam Mandal, Spenta R. Wadia 1992-10-22 We discuss the classical 2-dim. black-hole in the framework of the non-perturbative formulation (in terms of non-relativistic fermions) of c=1 string field theory. We identify an off-shell operator whose classical equation of motion is that of tachyon in the classical graviton-dilaton black-hole background. The black-hole `singularity' is identified with the fermi surface in the phase space of a single fermion, and as such is a consequence of the semi-classical approximation. An exact treatment reveals that stringy quantum effects wash away the classical singularity.
Correlaction Effects on the Band Gap of Conducting Polymers C. Q. Wu 1992-10-23 By applying the projection technique to the computation of excitation energies, we study the correlation effects on the band gap of conducting polymers. In the presence of an additional electron or hole, the correlation induces a polarization cloud around the addi- tional particle, which forms a polaron. For the excitation energy of a polaron,there is a competition between a {\it loss} of the correla- tion energy in the ground state and a {\it gain} of polarization energy. For the Hubbard interaction, the {\it loss} of correlation energy is dominant and correlations increase the band gap.However,for long-range interactions, the {\it gain} of polarization energy is dominant and correlations decrease the band gap. Screening the long- range interaction suppresses the {\it gain}of the polarization energy so that correlations again increase the band gap.A small dimerization is always favorable to the correlation effects. For {\it trans}-poly- acetylene, we obtain the on-site repulsion $U=4.4$eV and the nearest- neighbor interaction $V=0.8$ eV. The screening of $\pi$ electrons due to the polarizability of $\sigma$ electrons is quite strong. ** to be published in Phys. Rev. B
Quantum Effects in Black Hole Interiors Warren G. Anderson, Patrick R. Brady, Werner Israel, Sharon M. Morsink 1992-10-23 The Weyl curvature inside a black hole formed in a generic collapse grows, classically without bound, near to the inner horizon, due to partial absorption and blueshifting of the radiative tail of the collapse. Using a spherical model, we examine how this growth is modified by quantum effects of conformally coupled massless fields.
Is Quantum Spacetime Foam Unstable? Ian H. Redmount, Wai-Mo Suen 1992-10-28 A very simple wormhole geometry is considered as a model of a mode of topological fluctutation in Planck-scale spacetime foam. Quantum dynamics of the hole reduces to quantum mechanics of one variable, throat radius, and admits a WKB analysis. The hole is quantum-mechanically unstable: It has no bound states. Wormhole wave functions must eventually leak to large radii. This suggests that stability considerations along these lines may place strong constraints on the nature and even the existence of spacetime foam.
[Coset Models Obtained by Twisting WZW Models and Stringy Charged Black
Holes in Four Dimensions]( David Gershon 1992-10-31 We show that several WZW coset models can be obtained by applying O(d,d) symmetry transformations (referred to as twisting) on WZW models. This leads to a conjecture that WZW models gauged by U(1)^n subgroup can be obtained by twisting (ungauged) WZW models. In addition, a class of solutions that describe charged black holes in four dimensions is derived by twisting SL(2,R)\times SU(2) WZW.
[All Or Nothing: On the Small Fluctuations of Two-Dimensional
String-Theoretic Black Holes]( Gerald Gilbert, Eric Raiten 1992-10-31 A comprehensive analysis of small fluctuations about two-dimensional string-theoretic and string-inspired black holes is presented. It is shown with specific examples that two-dimensional black holes behave in a radically different way from all known black holes in four dimensions. For both the $SL(2,R)/U(1)$ black hole and the two-dimensional black hole coupled to a massive dilaton with constant field strength, it is shown that there are a {\it continuous infinity} of solutions to the linearized equations of motion, which are such that it is impossible to ascertain the classical linear response. It is further shown that the two-dimensional black hole coupled to a massive, linear dilaton admits {\it no small fluctuations at all}. We discuss possible implications of our results for the Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger black hole.
[Eluding the no-hair conjecture: Black holes in spontaneously broken
gauge theories]( Brian R. Greene, Samir D. Mathur, Christopher M. O'Neill 1992-11-02 We study regular and black hole solutions to the coupled classical Einstein--Yang-Mills--Higgs system. It has long been thought that black hole solutions in the spontaneously broken phase of such a theory could have no nontrivial field structure outside of the horizon. We first show that the standard black hole no-hair theorem underlying this belief, although true in the abelian setting, does not necessarily extend to the non-abelian case. This indicates the possibility of solutions with non-trivial gauge and Higgs configurations decaying exponentially {\it outside} the horizon. We then find such solutions by numerical integration of the classical equations for the case of $SU(2)$ coupled to a Higgs doublet (the standard model less hypercharge). As a prelude to this work we also study regular and black hole solutions to Einstein--Non-Abelian--Proca theory and as a postscript we briefly discuss the important issue of stability.
Semiclassical Extremal Blackholes Sandip P. Trivedi 1992-11-03 Extremal black holes are studied in a two dimensional model motivated by a dimensional reduction from four dimensions. Their quantum corrected geometry is calculated semiclassically and a mild singularity is shown to appear at the horizon. Extensions of the geometry past the horizon are not unique but there are continuations free from malevolent singularities. A few comments are made about the relevance of these results to four dimensions and to the study of black hole entropy and information loss.
Chern--Simons Gravity from 3+1 Dimensional Gravity G. Grignani, G. Nardelli 1992-11-03 In the context of a Poincar'e gauge theoretical formulation, pure gravity in 3+1-dimensions is dimensionally reduced to gravity in 2+1-dimensions with or without cosmological constant $\Lambda$. The dimensional reductions are consistent with the gauge symmetries, mapping ISO(3, 1) gauge transformations into ISO(2,1) ones. One of the reductions leads to Chern-Simons-Witten gravity. The solutions of 2+1-gravity with $\Lambda\le 0$ (in particular the black-hole solution recently found by Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli) and those of 1+1-dimensional Liouville gravity, are thus mapped into 3+1-dimensional vacuum solutions.
Black Hole Uncertainties Ulf H. Danielsson 1992-11-03 In this work the quantum theory of two dimensional dilaton black holes is studied using the Wheeler De Witt equation. The solutions correspond to wave functions of the black hole. It is found that for an observer inside the horizon, there are uncertainty relations for the black hole mass and a parameter in the metric determining the Hawking flux. Only for a particular value of this parameter, can both be known with arbitrary accuracy. In the generic case there is instead a relation which is very similar to the so called string uncertainty relation.
Entropy and Action of Dilaton Black Holes Renata Kallosh, Tomas Ortin, Amanda Peet 1992-11-04 We present a detailed calculation of the entropy and action of $U(1)~2$ dilaton black holes, and show that both quantities coincide with one quarter of the area of the event horizon. Our methods of calculation make it possible to find an explanation of the rule $S = A/4$ for all static, spherically symmetric black holes studied so far. We show that the only contribution to the entropy comes from the extrinsic curvature term at the horizon, which gives $S = A/4$ independently of the charge(s) of the black hole, presence of scalar fields, etc. Previously, this result did not have a general explanation, but was established on a case-by-case basis. The on-shell Lagrangian for maximally supersymmetric extreme dilaton black holes is also calculated and shown to vanish, in agreement with the result obtained by taking the limit of the expression obtained for black holes with regular horizon.The physical meaning of the entropy is discussed in relation to the issue of splitting of extreme black holes.
Gauge Field Back-reaction on a Black Hole David Hochberg, Thomas W. Kephart 1992-11-05 The order $\hbar$ fluctuations of gauge fields in the vicinity of a blackhole can create a repulsive antigravity region extending out beyond the renormalized Schwarzschild horizon. If the strength of this repulsive force increases as higher orders in the back-reaction are included, the formation of a wormhole-like object could occur.
Black Hole Remnants and the Information Puzzle T. Banks, M. O'Loughlin, A. Strominger 1992-11-05 Magnetically charged dilatonic black holes have a perturbatively infinite ground state degeneracy associated with an infinite volume throat region of the geometry. A simple argument based on causality is given that these states do not have a description as ordinary massive particles in a low-energy effective field theory. Pair production of magnetic black holes in a weak magnetic field is estimated in a weakly-coupled semiclassical expansion about an instanton and found to be finite, despite the infinite degeneracy of states. This suggests that these states may store the information apparently lost in black hole scattering processes.
Centri`fugal' Force around a Black Hole A. Y. Shiekh 1992-11-08 Besides having some very interesting perturbatively unstable orbits, it seems that for a Schwarzschild black hole, below $r=3M$, the force always increases inward with increasing angular momentum. Here this previously known result is derived with greater simplicity, and a similar analysis is performed for black holes with angular momentum and charge.
[Gauge Formulation of the Spinning Black Hole in (2+1)-Dimensional
Anti-de Sitter Space]( Daniel Cangemi, Martin Leblanc, Robert B. Mann 1992-11-09 We compute the group element of SO(2,2) associated with the spinning black hole found by Ba~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli in (2+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. We show that their metric is built with SO(2,2) gauge invariant quantities and satisfies Einstein's equations with negative cosmological constant everywhere except at $r=0$. Moreover, although the metric is singular on the horizons, the group element is continuous and possesses a kink there.
Black hole formation in $c=1$ String Field Theory J. Russo 1992-11-12 A suggestion on how black holes may appear in Das-Jevicki Collective field theory is given. We study the behaviour of a test' particle when energy is sent into the system. A perturbation moving near the potential barrier can create a large-distance black hole geometry where the seeming curvature singularity is at the position of the barrier. In the simplest static' case the exact $D=2$ black hole metric emerges.
Vacuum Polarisation and the Black Hole Singularity W. G. Anderson, P. R. Brady, R. Camporesi 1992-11-13 In order to investigate the effects of vacuum polarisation on mass inflation singularities, we study a simple toy model of a charged black hole with cross flowing radial null dust which is homogeneous in the black hole interior. In the region $r^2 \ll e^2$ we find an approximate analytic solution to the classical field equations. The renormalized stress-energy tensor is evaluated on this background and we find the vacuum polarisation backreaction corrections to the mass function $m(r)$. Asymptotic analysis of the semiclassical mass function shows that the mass inflation singularity is much stronger in the presence of vacuum polarisation than in the classical case.


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