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Backend API similar to Stackoverflow.

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

Backend Rest Api that includes basic functionalities that simple Q&A websites similar Stackoverflow provides.

Getting Started

To run locally with node:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. npm install to install all required dependencies
  3. Create MongoDb Cluster
  4. Get Connection MongoDb URL
  5. Set environment variables in ./config/env/config.env
  6. npm run dev to start the local server

If you want, You can run node dummy-generator.js --import to load dummy data to database

Built With




Public Operations

  • List all questions

    • Paginate and Limit number of Questions
    • Sorting Questions By Most-Answered, Most-Liked or More Recent(Default)
    • Searching Questions By Title
    • Population User Of The Question
  • Get a single question with their answers

Private Operations

  • Ask (Create) a New Question
    • Authenticated users only (Logged In Users)
    • Field validation
  • Edit a Question
    • Owner User Only
    • Field Validation
  • Delete a Question
    • Owner User Only
  • Like a Question
    • Authenticated user only
    • Only 1 Like Per User
  • Undo Like a Question
    • Authenticated user only
    • Only Applicable To Question That Liked Before


Public Operations

  • Get All Answers by Question Id
  • Get Single Answer By Answer Id

Private Operations

  • Add (Create) a New Answer To Question

    • Authenticated users only (Logged In Users)
    • Field validation
  • Edit a Answer

    • Owner User Only
    • Field Validation
  • Delete a Answer

    • Owner User Only
  • Like a Answer

    • Authenticated user only
    • Only 1 Like Per User
  • Undo Like a Answer

    • Authenticated user only
    • Only Applicable To Answer That Liked Before


Public Operations

  • List all Users
    • Paginate and Limit number of Users
    • Search By name
  • Get User Profile

Private Operations

  • Block A User
  • Delete A User


Requests are authenticated using the Authorization header and value Bearer: {{token}}. with a valid JWT.

  • Authentication Strategy : JWT and Cookie
    • JWT and Cookie Expiration : 30 Minutes For Testing Api
  • Registration
    • User can register as a "Admin" or simply "User"
    • Password Hash
    • Token includes : "id" and "name"
    • Token Are Stored In Cookie
  • Login
    • User can login with "email" and "password"
    • Everytime a user login, new Token are sent to to client and stored in cookie.
  • Logout
    • Token set to null in cookie.
  • Forgot Password
    • Reset Password Token send to client via email.
    • This token expires in 1 hour.
  • Reset Password
    • Reset Password Token can be used in 1 hour.
    • User can set a new password using this token.
  • Update User Details (Bio)
    • Users can add their bio details when logged in.
  • User Profile
    • Users can view their personal information after they login.
  • Profile Photo Upload
    • Users can upload an avatar for their profile.



  • name
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • Validation : Please provide a name
  • email
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • unique : true
    • Validation with Regex : Please provide a valid email
  • role
    • type : String
    • enum : user,admin
    • default : user
  • password
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • minlength : 6
    • Validation : Please provide a password
  • createdAt
    • type : String
    • default :
  • title
    • type : String
  • about
    • type : String
  • website
    • type : String
  • place
    • type : String
  • profile_image
    • type : String
  • blocked
    • type : Boolean
    • default : false
  • resetPasswordToken
    • type : String
  • resetPasswordExpire
    • type : Date


  • title
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • Validation : Please provide a title
    • minLength : 10
    • unique : true
  • content
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • Validation : Please provide a content
    • minLength : 20
  • slug
    • type : String
  • createdAt
    • type : Date
    • default :
  • likeCount
    • type : Number
    • default : 0
    • min : 0
  • likes
    • type : Array(ObjectId)
    • ref : "User"
  • user
    • type : ObjectId
    • ref : "User"
  • answerCount
    • type : Number
    • default : 0
  • answers
    • type : Array(ObjectId)
    • ref : Answer


  • content
    • type : String
    • required : true
    • Validation : Please provide a content
    • minLength : 20
  • createdAt
    • type : Date
    • default :
  • likeCount
    • type : Number
    • default : 0
    • min : 0
  • likes
    • type : Array(ObjectId)
    • ref : User
  • user
    • type : ObjectId
    • ref : User
    • required : true
  • question
    • type : ObjectId
    • ref : Question
    • required : true



  • Middlewares That Protect Routes From Unauthorized Access
    • getAccessToRoute
    • getAdminAccess
    • getQuestionOwnerAccess
    • getAnswerOwnerAccess


  • Middlewares That Check Entities Exist With Given Ids
    • checkQuestionAndAnswerExist
    • checkQuestionExist
    • checkUserExist


  • Middleware That Captures All Errors
    • errorHandler


  • Middleware That Provides Advance Query Functionalities
    • answerQueryMiddleware
    • questionQueryMiddleware
    • userQueryMiddleware


  • Middleware That Provides Security to Rest Api
    • limitAccess
    • hpp
    • cors
    • helmet
    • mongoSanitize

Helper Functions and Classes


  • connectDatabase
    • MongoDb Connection


  • customError
    • Customized Error Class
  • errorWrapper
    • Function that catches asynchronous errors

3rd Party Libraries

  • photoUpload
    • Helper Function That Customized Upload Process with Multer Package
  • sendEmail
    • Helper Function That Customized Mail Process with NodeMailer Package

Environment Variables and Constants

Environment Variables and Constants Can Be Set in ./config/env/config.env.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Ahmet Çetinkaya - @ahmetctnky_txt -