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Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito.

Safely set, get and remove any property, in any object.

Say goodbye to those (ugly and unfriendly) undefined exceptions and having to probe multiple properties to get what you actually want. Let salvus handle it for you.

The default usage, require('salvus'), will bind salvus to your application's objects as a prototype, making it available everywhere.


npm install --save salvus

Default use


const soldier = {
  name: 'Persephone',
  age: 23
// Persephone'');
// undefined

// soldier is now
// {
     name: 'Persephone',
     age: 23,
     contact: {
       address: {
         city: 'Rome'

soldier.noto(['wars.fought:100', 'wars.won:97']);
// soldier is now
// {
     name: 'Persephone',
     age: 23,
     contact: {
       address: {
         city: 'Rome'
     wars: {
       fought: 100,
       won: 97
  • {}.noto(string || array) - The property to be written and it's value. Provide an array if setting multiple properties at once.

  • {}.lego(property [, refer, strict, identifier]) - The property to read.

    • refer (boolean) Identify undefined properties. Default: false.
    • strict (boolean) Only return set values. Default: false.
    • identifier (string) Prepend a custom identifier to undefined properties (refer must be set to true). Default: !!.
  • {}.erado(string || array) - Properties to delete.

  • {}.purgo() - Purge the object: '', undefined, null, {} and [] will be removed.

Function use

cons salvus = require('salvus/lib/io');
const soldier = {
  name: 'Persephone',
  age: 23
};, 'name');
// Persephone, '');
// undefined

salvus.noto(soldier, '');
// soldier is now
// {
     name: 'Persephone',
     age: 23,
     contact: {
       address: {
         city: 'Rome'

salvus.noto(soldier, ['wars.fought:100', 'wars.won:97']);
// soldier is now
// {
     name: 'Persephone',
     age: 23,
     contact: {
       address: {
         city: 'Rome'
     wars: {
       fought: 100,
       won: 97
  • salvus.noto(object, string || array) - The property to be written and it's value. Provide an array if setting multiple properties at once.

  •, property [, refer, strict, identifier]) - The property to read.

    • refer (boolean) Identify undefined properties. Default: false.
    • strict (boolean) Only return set values. Default: false.
    • identifier (string) Prepend a custom identifier to undefined properties (refer must be set to true). Default: !!.
  • salvus.erado(object string || array) - Properties to delete.

  • salvus.purgo(object) - Purge the object: '', undefined, null, {} and [] will be removed.

The object parameter always represents the object being operated on.

More examples

Take a look at the tests; tests/index.js and tests/io.js.





Silentium est aureum.