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A simple loop dsl for monadic actions.

  -- loop over range.
  for [(0 :: Int)..] `with` \(i :: Int) -> do
    if i == 3 then quit else lift $ do
      putStr "loop 1"
      putStrLn $ "=> " ++ show i


  • Index based looping.
  • For-each style iterates over a traversable.
  • Breaking out of loop with quit and cease.
  • While loop with while clause.
  • For-each while enumerating index.
  • Nested loop.
  • Full type inference.


An imperative loop is equipped with control flow constructs by deafult. You can loop over a block statement with effects, and you can break out at any point in the middle of the loop body with break or return. In haskell we do one thing at a time: to perform effects we use sequence or traverse on Traversable; to break out of an execution we either use ExceptT or ContT. This pattern is commonly used, and sometimes it's annoying to not have them together. The power of starting an iteration, terminate it base on some conditions, and being able to leave the state as whatever it is when it's stopped is very useful for implementing some imperative algorithms.


  • Loop breaking is achieved by stacking an ExceptT on top of the current monad, so the original action needs to be lifted.
  • Some types can't be inferred at this moment, so you need to feed the type of elements of the container and the parameter. Or you can use the monormophized version in Control.Monad.Loop.Internal
main :: MonadIO m => m ()
main = do

  -- loop over range.
  for [(0 :: Int)..] `with` \(i :: Int) -> do
    if i == 3 then quit else lift $ do
      putStr "loop 1"
      putStrLn $ "=> " ++ show i

  -- enumerating index.
  for [0..] `with` \(idx, val) -> do
    if idx == 3 then quit else $ do
      putStr "loop 2"
      putStrLn $ "=> idx: " ++ show idx ++ ", val: " ++ show val

  -- while loop
  for [(0 :: Int)..] `while` (<3) `with` \(val :: Int) -> do
    lift $ putStrLn "loop3"

  -- nested loop
  for [(0 :: Int)..] `while` (<3) `with` \(i :: Int) -> lift $ do
    for [(0 :: Int)..] `while` (<3) `with` \(j :: Int) -> lift $ do
      putStrLn $ show i ++ ", " ++ show j

  -- using `quit` and nested loops. quit is just throwError ().
  for [(0 :: Int)..] `while` (<3) `with` \(i :: Int) -> do
    if i == 2 then
    else lift $
      for [(0 :: Int)..] `while` (<3) `with` \(j :: Int) -> lift $ do
        putStrLn $ show i ++ ", " ++ show j

  -- break to the outer most loop with `cease`
  for [(0 :: Int)..3] `with` \(i :: Int) -> lift $ do
    for [(0 :: Int)..3] `with` \(j :: Int) -> do
      if j == 2 then cease else
        lift $ putStrLn $ show i ++ " " ++ show j

nQeen with loop

nQueen :: Int -> IO ()
nQueen n = do
  board <- newBoard
  nSols <- newMVar 0
  nqueen nSols board 0
  putStrLn . show =<< takeMVar nSols
    newBoard = UV.replicate n (0 :: Int)
    nqueen nSols board i = flip runContT return . callCC $ \ret -> do
      boardConst <- G.freeze board
      let nestedSearch () = lift $ do
            for [(0::Int)..GM.length board-1] `with` \col -> liftIO $ do
              GM.unsafeWrite board i col
              nqueen nSols board (i + 1)

      when (i >= GM.length board) $ do
        when (good boardConst i) $ liftIO $ do
          nSols `modifyMVar_` (return . (+1))
          printBoard board
        ret ()

      when (not (good boardConst i)) $ ret ()
      nestedSearch ()

    threaten rA cA rB cB = rA == rB || cA == cB || abs (rA - rB) == abs (cA - cB)
    good board endIdx = flip evalState True $ do
      for [(0::Int)..endIdx-1] `with` \(rA :: Int) -> do
        for [rA+1..endIdx-1] `with` \(rB :: Int) -> lift $ do
          let cA = board G.! rA
          let cB = board G.! rB
          when (threaten rA cA rB cB) $ do
            lift $ put False

    printBoard board = let loop = (for [(0::Int)..n-1] `with`) in do
      loop $ \(i::Int) -> liftIO $ do
        loop $ \(j::Int) -> liftIO $ do
          v <- board `GM.unsafeRead` i;
          putStr $ (if v == j then 'X' else '_') : " "
        putStrLn ""
      putStrLn ""


Under the hoode the loop body is in an ExceptT () m (), so for a nested loop the inner loop body has type ExceptT () (ExceptT m ()) (), which type checks even if you don't lift the action, which might leads to unintented behavior. For example, the following code is not really a double for loop:

wrong = do
  for [(0::Int)..2] `with` \(i :: Int) -> do
    for [i+1..4] `with` \(j :: Int) -> do
      liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (i, j)
      if (rB == 3)
        then do liftIO $ putStrLn "cease!" >> cease
        else return ()

-- output:
-- (0,1)
-- (0,2)
-- (0,3)
-- cease!
-- (1,2)
-- (1,3)
-- cease!
-- (2,3)
-- cease!

Instead we need to lift the inner loop body to the first except

right = do
  for [(0::Int)..2] `with` \(i :: Int) -> do
    for [i+1..4] `with` \(j :: Int) -> lift $ do
      liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (i, j)
      if (rB == 3)
        then liftIO $ putStrLn "cease!" >> cease
        else return ()
-- output:
-- (0,1)
-- (0,2)
-- (0,3)
-- cease!


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