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Coffee Shop ☕

Welcome to Coffee Shop, your go-to destination for purchasing high-quality coffee beans and coffee equipment. This React application is designed to provide users with a seamless shopping experience, allowing them to explore a variety of products, add items to their cart, and conveniently check out at the end of their shopping spree. With an intuitive interface and a focus on user satisfaction. ☕
Project LinkDemo Link

Project First Look

Home Page

* User can click on the header nav bar to smoothly scroll through the page and browse the information of the coffee shop such as About, Features, Products, Stats, Gallery, Offer, and Testimonial.

Product Page & Product Detail Page

  • User can utilize the left sidebar to filter product categories and examine product details by clicking on the image.
  • User can add the product in the shopping cart (the cart icon will display the quantity) by clicking on the plus button.
  • User can reduce the quantity of a product in the cart by clicking on the minus button.
  • User can instantly remove the product from the cart by clicking on the cross icon within the shopping cart..
  • The product price may vary based on monthly events or sales promotions for each item.

Cart Page

  • User can adjust the quantity of the product in the cart by increasing or decreasing it.
  • User can also remove the product item in this page.
  • User can return to the product page by clicking on the "Return to Shop" button.
  • User can proceed to checkout by clicking on the checkout button.

Checkout Page

  • User has the option to select their preferred shipping methods on this page.
  • The user can review the summary of each product, including subtotal price, shipping fee, product amount, and total price, displayed on the right sidebar during checkout.
  • To proceed with the checkout, the user is required to complete all the fields in the form.

Order Management Page

  • User can view their previous orders by entering their email address.
  • User can remove a previous order by clicking on the delete button.


Functions Detail URL
Navigate to home page 1. User can view the home page /*
View all products 1. User can scan through all the products in the product page
2. User can filter different categories of product through the left bar
View single product details 1. User can view single product by entering the product id number in the url
2. User can select different variant of product
3. User can add product item to cart
4. User can view all items in the shopping cart
Check items in the Shopping Cart 1. User can check all the products they added to the cart
2. User can remove product items in the shopping cart
3. User can increase or decrease the quantity of the item
Checkout 1. User can checkout by filling all the information of the form
2. User can choose different ways of shipping
Manage order 1. User can manage their order by login with their email /order_management


To run Coffee Shop locally on your machine, follow these steps:

Clone the repository

$ git clone

Navigate to the project directory:

cd coffee-shop

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the development server

npm start

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to view Coffee Shop.


Package version
react v18.2.0
react-dom v18.2.0
react-icons v4.11.0
react-router-dom v6.17.0
react-scroll v1.9.0
sass v1.69.4
styled-components v6.1.0
swiper v10.3.1


Back end

seangotjuice | TinyMurky

Front end
