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From blog posting:

This application requires .net6 and Visual Studio 2022 (Community works).

  1. Download
  2. Download the source-code as a ZIP.
  3. Save it where you like - I tend to use c:\repos\ai{folder-name}, feel free to choose a better folder.
  4. Open the solution, and enjoy!

Any problems? Post a comment on my blog, and I will happily try to assist.

To use the trained neural network (i.e. play the game right away), copy AI\TrainedAI*.* to %appdata%\MissileDefenceAI\AIModels

Please note: This "game" was built to prove the concept of a neural network targeting system, on an Intel I7 + NVIDIA 2060 RTX, on which it runs suitably quick. I would expect developers to have a similar performing or better device.