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Webhook example.
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JrooTJunior committed Aug 14, 2017
1 parent ce0bbed commit f42f4d0
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
import asyncio
import ssl
import sys

from aiohttp import web

import aiogram
from aiogram import Bot, types, Version
from aiogram.contrib.fsm_storage.memory import MemoryStorage
from aiogram.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from aiogram.dispatcher.webhook import get_new_configured_app, SendMessage
from aiogram.types import ChatType, ParseMode, ContentType
from aiogram.utils.markdown import hbold, bold, text, link


WEBHOOK_HOST = '' # Domain name or IP addres which your bot is located.
WEBHOOK_PORT = 443 # Telegram Bot API allows only for usage next ports: 443, 80, 88 or 8443
WEBHOOK_URL_PATH = '/webhook' # Part of URL

# This options needed if you use self-signed SSL certificate
# Instructions:
WEBHOOK_SSL_CERT = './webhook_cert.pem' # Path to the ssl certificate
WEBHOOK_SSL_PRIV = './webhook_pkey.pem' # Path to the ssl private key


BAD_CONTENT = ContentType.PHOTO & ContentType.DOCUMENT & ContentType.STICKER & ContentType.AUDIO

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
bot = Bot(TOKEN, loop=loop)
storage = MemoryStorage()
dp = Dispatcher(bot, storage=storage)

async def cmd_start(message: types.Message):
# Yep. aiogram allow to send response over webhook.
return SendMessage(, text='Hi from webhook!',

async def cmd_about(message: types.Message):
# In this function used markdown utils for formatting message text
return SendMessage(, text(
bold('Hi! I\'m simple telegram bot.'),
text('I\'m worked on', bold('Python', Version(*sys.version_info[:]))),
text('With', link(text('aiogram', aiogram.VERSION), '')),
), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)

async def cancel(message: types.Message):
# Get current state context
state = dp.current_state(,

# If now user in any state - cancel it.
if await state.get_state() is not None:
await state.set_state(state=None)
return SendMessage(, 'Current action is canceled.')
# Otherwise do nothing

async def unknown(message: types.Message):
Handler for unknown messages.
return SendMessage(, 'I don\'t know what to do with that content type. Sorry :c')

async def cmd_id(message: types.Message):
Return info about user.
if message.reply_to_message:
target = message.reply_to_message.from_user
chat =
elif message.forward_from and == ChatType.PRIVATE:
target = message.forward_from
chat = message.forward_from or
target = message.from_user
chat =

result_msg = [hbold('Info about user:'),
f'First name: {target.first_name}']
if target.last_name:
result_msg.append(f"Last name: {target.last_name}")
if target.username:
result_msg.append(f"Username: {target.mention}")
result_msg.append(f'User ID: {}')

f"Type: {chat.type}",
f"Chat ID: {}"])
if chat.type != ChatType.PRIVATE:
result_msg.append(f"Title: {chat.title}")
result_msg.append(f"Title: {chat.full_name}")
return SendMessage(, '\n'.join(result_msg), reply_to_message_id=message.message_id,

async def on_startup(app):
# Demonstrate one of available method of registering handlers
# This command available only in main state (state=None)
dp.register_message_handler(cmd_start, commands=['start'])

# This handler available in all states in any time.
dp.register_message_handler(cmd_about, commands=['help', 'about'], state='*')
dp.register_message_handler(unknown, content_types=BAD_CONTENT,
func=lambda message: == ChatType.PRIVATE)

# You can register one handler with multiple filters set
dp.register_message_handler(cancel, commands=['cancel'], state='*')
dp.register_message_handler(cancel, func=lambda message: message.text.lower().strip() in ['cancel'], state='*')

dp.register_message_handler(cmd_id, commands=['id'], state='*')
dp.register_message_handler(cmd_id, func=lambda message: message.forward_from or
message.reply_to_message and == ChatType.PRIVATE, state='*')

# Get current webhook status
webhook = await bot.get_webhook_info()

# If URL is bad
if webhook.url != WEBHOOK_URL:
# If URL doesnt match with by current remove webhook
if not webhook.url:
await bot.delete_webhook()

# Set new URL for webhook
await bot.set_webhook(WEBHOOK_URL, certificate=open(WEBHOOK_SSL_CERT, 'rb'))
# If you want to use free certificate signed by LetsEncrypt need to set only URL without sending certificate.

async def on_shutdown(app):
Graceful shutdown. This method is recommended by aiohttp doc's.
# Remove webhook.
await bot.delete_webhook()

# Close Redis connection.

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get instance of :class:`aiohttp.web.Application` with configured router.
app = get_new_configured_app(dispatcher=dp, path=WEBHOOK_URL_PATH)

# Setup event handlers.

# Generate SSL context
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
context.load_cert_chain(WEBHOOK_SSL_CERT, WEBHOOK_SSL_PRIV)

# Start web-application.
web.run_app(app, host=WEBHOOK_HOST, port=WEBHOOK_PORT, ssl_context=context)
# Note:
# If you should start bot over nginx or Apache web server SSL context is not required here.
# Otherwise you need to set that parameter.

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