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Face Recognition Experiments on the Face Recognition from Mugshots Database (FRMDB)

This repository contains the source code of the experiments presented in

Contardo, P.; Sernani, P.; Tomassini, S.; Falcionelli, N.; Martarelli, M.; Castellini, P.; Dragoni, A.F. FRMDB: Face Recognition Using Multiple Points of View. Sensors 2023, 23, 1939.

The paper is published in the special issue Biometric Recognition System Based on Iris, Fingerprint and Face of the Sensors journal. The paper is open access and available here:

The source code of the experiments on the datasets is contained in a Jupyter notebook, available in the “notebooks” directory of this repository. The notebook is "Face_Recognition_with_the_Face_Recognition_from_Mugshots_Database_(FRMDB).ipynb"

Specifically, the experiments are accuracy tests of two different Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), pre-trained on the VGGFace and VGGFace2 databases, on the Face Recognition from Mugshots Database (FRMDB).

The FRMDB is publicly available in a dedicated GitHub repository:

Specifically, we tested VGG16 and ResNet50, using the configurations presented in

Parkhi, O.M.; Vedaldi, A.; Zisserman, A. Deep face recognition. British Machine Vision Association 2015. PDF

for VGG16, and in

Cao, Q.; Shen, L.; Xie, W.; Parkhi, O.M.; Zisserman, A. VGGFace2: A Dataset for Recognising Faces across Pose and Age. In Proceedings of the 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), 2018, pp. 67–74. PDF

for ResNet50. Instead of running again the training on VGG16 and ResNet50, we used the weights and the models available in

Such repository includes the Keras conversion of the original CAFFE networks and weights.

Data Description

The experiments are based on the FRMDB images and videos. The FRMDB is available in the following public repository:

The database includes images and videos of 39 subjects. Specifically, for each subject there are:

  • 28 mugshots, i.e., 28 972x544 JPEG image takens from different points of views with the subject posing during the acquisition.

  • 5 security cameras videos, taken from 5 points of views. In addition, a mosaic video including all the 5 clips at the same time is available. The 5 videos are 60 fps 352x288 H.264 encoded clips (the container format is matroska - mkv). The frame size of the mosaic is 1280x720.

In the experiments we used the face manually cropped from the mugshots and from 1 frame of each security video. The cropped faces are available in the FRMDB repository.


The experiments perform the comparison the embedding of the faces of each subject in the security cameras with different set of mugshots available in the FRMDB. The embeddings are computed using VGG16 and ResNet50.

The experiments consists of 8 different tests to identify the subjects in the security camera images:

  • Test F, using the frontal mugshot (33, according to the code used in the FRMDB) of each subject for the comparison.
  • Test F-L1-R1, using the frontal mugshot (33) and the mugshots to the left and to the right of the frontal (i.e., 23 and 43).
  • Test 1, using the frontal mugshot (33) and the right profile (53) of each subject.
  • Test 2, using the frontal mugshot (33), the right profile (53), and the left profle (13) of each subject.
  • Test 3, using the mugshots of the Test F-L1-R1 and Test 2 (i.e., 13, 23, 33, 43, 53)
  • Test 4, adding the images with highest left (03) and right (63) angles to Test 3.
  • Test 5, which adds all the images 30° above the subject (i.e., 02, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62) to the mugshots of Test 4.
  • Test 6, which uses all the 28 mugshots available for each subject in the FRMDB.

The following images visualize the subset of mugshots available in each test (the image is related to the subject 031 of the FRMDB).

The sets of mugshots used in each test.

The following table lists all the mugshots available in each test for each subject as a couple (h, v) where h is the angle from which the mugshot was taken on the horizontal plane, and v is the angle on the vertical plane.

Test Mugshots
Test F (0°, 0°)
Test F-L1-R1 (0°, 0°), (-45°, 0°), (45°, 0°)
Test 1 (0°, 0°), (90°, 0°)
Test 2 (0°, 0°), (90°, 0°), (-90°, 0°)
Test 3 (0°, 0°), (90°, 0°), (-90°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (45°, 0°)
Test 4 (0°, 0°), (135°, 0°), (-135°, 0°), (90°, 0°), (-90°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (45°, 0°)
Test 5 (0°, 0°), (135°, 0°), (-135°, 0°), (90°, 0°), (-90°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (0°, 30°), (135°, 30°), (-135°, 30°), (90°, 30°), (-90°, 30°), (45°, 30°), (45°, 30°)
Test 6 (0°, 0°), (135°, 0°), (-135°, 0°), (90°, 0°), (-90°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (45°, 0°), (0°, 30°), (135°, 30°), (-135°, 30°), (90°, 30°), (-90°, 30°), (45°, 30°), (45°, 30°), (0°, 60°), (135°, 60°), (-135°, 60°), (90°, 60°), (-90°, 60°), (45°, 60°), (45°, 60°), (0°, -30°), (135°, -30°), (-135°, -30°), (90°, -30°), (-90°, -30°), (45°, -30°), (45°, -30°)

For each test, we measured the capability of VGG16 and ResNet50 to identify the subject in each image from the security cameras, by registering if the subject was included in the top-1, top-3, top-5, and top-10 most similar mugshots, and in the top-1, top-3, top-5, and top-10 nearest identities. To evaluate the similarity between a face in a mugshot and a face in the image from a security camera, we use the Euclidean distance as the similarity measure between the two face embeddings. Given such similarity criterion, we measure the accuracy as follows:

  • For the most similar identities, we compute the accuracy as the number of security camera images for which the correct subject was in the top-1, top-3, top-5, and top-10 nearest identities over the total number of security camera images.
  • For the most similar mugshots, we compute the accuracy as the number of security camera images for which the correct subject was in the top-1, top-3, top-5, and top-10 most similar mugshots over the total number of security camera images. Obviously, the top-1 identity and the top-1 mugshot overlap.

The following images shows a frame for each of the security camera videos related to the subject 031 of the FRMDB

Cam 1 example Cam 2 example Cam 3 example

Cam 4 example Cam 5 example

Source Code Release Agreement

The source code of the experiments is freely released for research and educational purposes. Please cite as

  • Contardo, P.; Sernani, P.; Tomassini, S.; Falcionelli, N.; Martarelli, M.; Castellini, P.; Dragoni, A.F. FRMDB: Face Recognition Using Multiple Points of View. Sensors 2023, 23, 1939.

Bibtex entry:

   author = {Contardo, Paolo and Sernani, Paolo and Tomassini, Selene and Falcionelli, Nicola and Martarelli, Milena and Castellini, Paolo and Dragoni, Aldo Franco},
   title = {{FRMDB}: Face Recognition Using Multiple Points of View},
   journal = {Sensors},
   volume = {23},
   year = {2023},
   number = {4},
   article-number = {1939},
   doi = {10.3390/s23041939}

The paper is open access and available here:


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