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A small website for a lot of osu! resources !



  • Alt + Up/Down Arrow : Adjust volume
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S : Reload skin
  • Ctrl + O : Options sidebar
  • F8 : Open chat window
  • F9 : Open extended chat window
  • F10 : Toggle mouse buttons
  • F12 : Take a screenshot

Song select menu only

  • Ctrl + 1/2/3/4 : Switch game mode to osu!/osu!taiko/osu!catch/osu!mania
  • F1 : Open the game modifiers selection menu (mods)
  • F2 : Select a random beatmap
  • Shift + F2 : Go back to the previously random-selected beatmap (when you F2 twice and skip a banger)
  • Shift + Enter : Open/Collapse a category (or collection)
  • F3 : Open beatmap options menu
    • 1 : Manage collections
    • 2 : Delete
    • 3 : Remove from unplayed
    • 4 : Clear local scores
    • 5 : Edit
    • 6 : Cancel

Game modifiers selection menu only

  • Q : EZ
  • W : NF
  • E : HT
  • A : HR
  • S : SD
  • D : DT
  • F : HD
  • G : FL
  • Z : RX
  • X : AP
  • C : SO
  • V : Auto
  • B : Sv2

Searching beatmaps in-game (from the wiki)

Supported filters

  • artist : Name of the artist
  • creator : Name of the beatmap creator
  • ar : Approach Rate
  • cs : Circle Size
  • od : Overall Difficulty
  • hp : HP Drain Rate
  • keys : Number of keys (osu!mania and converted beatmaps only)
  • stars : Star Difficulty
  • bpm : Beats per minute
  • length : Length in seconds
  • drain : Drain Time in seconds
  • mode : Mode. Value can be osu, taiko, catchthebeat, or mania, or o/t/c/m for short.
  • status : Ranked status. Value can be ranked, approved, pending, notsubmitted, unknown, or loved, or r/a/p/n/u/l for short.
  • played : Time since last played in days
  • unplayed : Shows only unplayed maps. A comparison with no set value must be used. The comparison itself is ignored.
  • speed : Saved osu!mania scroll speed. Always 0 for unplayed maps or if the Remember osu!mania scroll speed per beatmap option is off

Supported comparisons

  • = or == : Equal to
  • != : Not equal to
  • < : Less than
  • > : Greater than
  • <= : Less than or equal to
  • >= : Greater than or equal to You may also enter a difficulty or beatmap ID number in your search to get a single result.

Multiplayer commands (from the wiki)

  • !mp make <name> : Creates a tournament room with the specified name. A maximum of 4 such rooms may be created.
    • This room is special in that it is not closed when all players have left the room, and it is password protected from players joining this room themselves.
    • When the room is finished, use !mp close to close the room.
  • !mp name <title> : Updates the room name.
  • !mp invite <username> : Invites a player to the room.
    • Note that this does not bypass any private message blocks available in the osu! client, so your tournament staff will need to tell players to disable "Block private messages from non-friends" in the osu! options.
  • !mp lock : Locks the room so that players can’t change their team and slot.
  • !mp unlock : Reverses the above.
  • !mp size <size> : Sets the amount of available slots (1-16) in the room.
  • !mp set <teammode> [<scoremode>] [<size>] : Sets various room properties.
    • teammode : 0: Head To Head, 1: Tag Coop, 2: Team Vs, 3: Tag Team Vs
    • scoremode : 0: Score, 1: Accuracy, 2: Combo, 3: Score V2
  • !mp move <username> <slot> : Moves a player within the room to the specified 1-indexed slot.
  • !mp host <username> : Transfers host to the player.
  • !mp clearhost : Clears the room host.
  • !mp settings : Displays full room details.
  • !mp start [<time>] : Starts the match after a set time (in seconds) or instantaneously if time is not present.
  • !mp abort : Aborts the match.
  • !mp team <username> <colour> : Moves a player to the specified team.
    • colour : red, blue
  • !mp map <mapid> [<playmode>] : Changes the beatmap and playmode of the room.
    • playmode : 0: osu!, 1: Taiko, 2: Catch The Beat, 3: osu!Mania
  • !mp mods <mod> [<mod>] [<mod>] … : Removes all currently applied mods and applies these mods to the room.
    • Any amount of mods can be entered.
    • mod : HR, DT, FL, HD, FI, Freemod, None
  • !mp timer [<time>] : Begins a countdown timer.
    • time is 30s default.
    • Timer announcements occur every minute, 30s, 10s, 5s and earlier.
  • !mp aborttimer : Stops the current timer (both normal timers and match start timer)
  • !mp kick <username> : Kicks the player from the room.
  • !mp password [<password>] : Changes the password of the room. The password will be removed if is not provided.
  • !mp addref <username> [<username>] … : Adds a referee to the room. A maximum of 8 referees may be added. Only the creator of the room can add a referee.
    • Referees must join the room in-game, or by entering the room's chat channel through /join #mp_<room_id> in IRC.
    • Referees can manage the room like the creator, however they cannot add or remove other referees themselves.
    • The osu!tourney client will show the room chat for referees.
  • !mp removeref <username> [<username>] … : Removes a referee from the room. Only the creator of the room can remove a referee.
  • !mp listrefs : Lists all referees in the room.
  • !mp close : Closes the room. Sending !mp help to BanchoBot will reveal the commands.

Items enclosed within angle brackets ( <> ) define "parameters" of commands. Parameters enclosed within square brackets ( [] ) are optional. Usernames must have any whitespace be replaced with underscores ( _ ). #<userid> may substitute <username> in all of the commands.



  • OpenTabletDriver : Excellent tablet driver
  • StreamCompanion : Stream overlay tool (really really great)
  • gosumemory! : Stream overlay tool (used by Tuna and CPOL)
  • KeyOverlay : Good looking key overlay
  • osu-trainer : Beatmap difficulty controls for osu!
  • FL Practice diff maker : Practice diff maker, mainly for FL players
  • Mapping Tools : All-in-one application for efficient and creative mapping in osu!
  • danser : Application to convert replay files to video
  • chat4osu : IRC chat for osu! built for referees
  • CollectionManager : Collection manager for osu! - make sure to read the tutorial before using it
  • ezpp! : Browser extension that displays pp values for a beatmap without downloading it
  • osu! Miss Analyzer : Program to analyze misses in a given osu! replay
  • Circleguard : Circleguard is a tool to help you analyze osu! replays. Either your own, or replays from someone you suspect is cheating
  • storybrew : Storyboard maker for osu!
  • Taiko Editor : External editor for taiko maps
  • Beatmap help tool : Another beatmap editing tool, mostly used for SV in o!taiko
  • Brigitta : Another IRC chat for osu! built for referees
  • Mappool Viewer : Generate a Lazer-style view of your mappool without Lazer - useful when you are streaming a tournament
  • osuplus : Web extension that adds lots of features to the osu! website, including friend and mod leaderboards, which are only available with supporter otherwise !
  • osu color changer : Web extension to change the colors of the osu! website, and other stuff
  • expand-me-page : Web extension that adds a button at the end of the "me! page" so you don't have to scroll your way through
  • PippiTrack : Twitch dashboard extension that displays your top/pinned/recent plays
  • osu! preview : Web extension to preview beatmaps on the osu! website
  • Rewind : Replay analyzer
  • osu-mutual-finder : Find who's following you in secret !
  • JKPS : Key overlay with some statistics
  • osz-cleaner : Turns any .osz file into a clean map template
  • RPCCompanion : Plugin for StreamCompanion that provides detailed Rich Presence information to Discord
  • osu! difficulty filter : Web extension to filter beatmaps on the osu! website depending on their star rating
  • osu-ahr : Auto Host Rotation bot for osu! multiplayer
  • Mapset Verifier : App which tests quantifyable issues in beatmapsets from osu!, such as unsnapped objects and unused files

Tutorials / Guides


Everything Else

Map packs

Skins and skinning


A small website for a lot of osu! resources !





