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fix(api): rollback deprecated protobuf generated code
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ygrishajev committed May 14, 2024
1 parent 2ea1e63 commit 4d2479d
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Showing 135 changed files with 44,721 additions and 0 deletions.
669 changes: 669 additions & 0 deletions src/protobuf/akash/audit/v1beta1/audit.ts

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions src/protobuf/akash/audit/v1beta1/genesis.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
/* eslint-disable */
import { messageTypeRegistry } from "../../../typeRegistry";
import Long from "long";
import _m0 from "protobufjs/minimal";
import { AuditedAttributes } from "../../../akash/audit/v1beta1/audit";

export const protobufPackage = "akash.audit.v1beta1";

/** GenesisState defines the basic genesis state used by audit module */
export interface GenesisState {
$type: "akash.audit.v1beta1.GenesisState";
attributes: AuditedAttributes[];

function createBaseGenesisState(): GenesisState {
return { $type: "akash.audit.v1beta1.GenesisState", attributes: [] };

export const GenesisState = {
$type: "akash.audit.v1beta1.GenesisState" as const,

encode(message: GenesisState, writer: _m0.Writer = _m0.Writer.create()): _m0.Writer {
for (const v of message.attributes) {
AuditedAttributes.encode(v!, writer.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();
return writer;

decode(input: _m0.Reader | Uint8Array, length?: number): GenesisState {
const reader = input instanceof _m0.Reader ? input : new _m0.Reader(input);
let end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length;
const message = createBaseGenesisState();
while (reader.pos < end) {
const tag = reader.uint32();
switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
message.attributes.push(AuditedAttributes.decode(reader, reader.uint32()));
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
return message;

fromJSON(object: any): GenesisState {
return {
$type: GenesisState.$type,
attributes: Array.isArray(object?.attributes) ? any) => AuditedAttributes.fromJSON(e)) : []

toJSON(message: GenesisState): unknown {
const obj: any = {};
if (message.attributes) {
obj.attributes = => (e ? AuditedAttributes.toJSON(e) : undefined));
} else {
obj.attributes = [];
return obj;

fromPartial<I extends Exact<DeepPartial<GenesisState>, I>>(object: I): GenesisState {
const message = createBaseGenesisState();
message.attributes = object.attributes?.map(e => AuditedAttributes.fromPartial(e)) || [];
return message;

messageTypeRegistry.set(GenesisState.$type, GenesisState);

type Builtin = Date | Function | Uint8Array | string | number | boolean | undefined;

export type DeepPartial<T> = T extends Builtin
? T
: T extends Long
? string | number | Long
: T extends Array<infer U>
? Array<DeepPartial<U>>
: T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U>
? ReadonlyArray<DeepPartial<U>>
: T extends {}
? { [K in Exclude<keyof T, "$type">]?: DeepPartial<T[K]> }
: Partial<T>;

type KeysOfUnion<T> = T extends T ? keyof T : never;
export type Exact<P, I extends P> = P extends Builtin
? P
: P & { [K in keyof P]: Exact<P[K], I[K]> } & Record<Exclude<keyof I, KeysOfUnion<P> | "$type">, never>;

if (_m0.util.Long !== Long) {
_m0.util.Long = Long as any;

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