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NetworkLogger Methods

The NetworkLogger type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public method BeginScope(TScope) Begins a logical operation scope. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Protected method CreateOutput(LogLevel, String, String, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method creates to message text to be written. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method CreateOutput(TSettings, LogLevel, String, String, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method creates to message text to be written. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method CreateScope(TScope) Creates an instance of an IDisposable. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Public method Dispose() This method performs the object disposal. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Protected method Dispose(Boolean) This method actually does the object disposal. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Public method Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Private method FetchScope Fetches the string to be used as scope value. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method Finalize The class destructor. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsEnabled Determines if a particular logging level is enabled. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)
Private method OnLoggingScopeDisposing Handles all incoming Disposing events. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Private method OnSettingsPropertyChanged Event handler to observe settings changes. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Private method RemoveScope Removes an assigned instance of class LoggingScope. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method ResolveContext(TContext)() This method resolves the logging context. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method ResolveContext(TContext)(TSettings) This method resolves the logging context. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method ResolveScope(TScope)(TScope) This method resolves the logging scope. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Protected method ResolveScope(TScope)(TScope, TSettings) This method resolves the logging scope. (Inherited from LoggerBase(TSettings).)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Write(LogLevel, Exception) This method writes the exception into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(LogLevel, String) This method writes the message into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(LogLevel, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the exception into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(LogLevel, String, Exception) This method writes the message as well as the exception into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(LogLevel, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the message into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(LogLevel, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the message as well as the exception into the logging target using provided logging level.
Protected method Write(LogLevel, String, String, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes a logging message. (Inherited from NetworkLoggerBase.)
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, Exception) This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, String) This method writes the message for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, String, Exception) This method writes the message as well as the exception for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the message for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
Public method Write(TScope)(TScope, LogLevel, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) This method writes the message as well as the exception for provided scope into the logging target using provided logging level.
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Extension Methods


Name Description
Public Extension Method Critical(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Critical(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Critical as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelCriticalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Debug(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Debug as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDebugExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Disaster(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Disaster as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelDisasterExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Error(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Error as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelErrorExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Fatal(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Fatal as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelFatalExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method Message(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Message as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelMessageExtension.)
Public Extension Method SafeDispose Ensures a safe object disposal. (Defined by DisposableExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Trace(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Trace as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelTraceExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Verbose(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Verbose as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelVerboseExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, String) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, String, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the exception for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
Public Extension Method Warning(TScope)(TScope, String, Exception, ValueTuple(String, Object)[]) Overloaded.
This method writes the message and the exception for provided scope into the logger using Warning as logging level. (Defined by LogLevelWarningExtension.)
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See Also


NetworkLogger Class
Plexdata.LogWriter.Logging Namespace

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