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feat: Sharding allocation strategy based on slice ranges (#32418)
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* for the database sharding we want to reduce number of db connections when using many Akka nodes
* allocate entity sharding by slice ranges, which is also used by the database sharding
* thereby the db connections from one Akka node will go to one database, instead of to all
* allocate by finding neighbor slices
* avoid too much reshuffling when adding/removing members
* rebalance that seems to work fairly well
* simulation
* ShardBySliceMessageExtractor
* api docs
* adjust how far to look for neighbors depending on optimal range size
  • Loading branch information
patriknw committed Jun 13, 2024
1 parent b8f201b commit 5106142
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* Copyright (C) 2024-2023 Lightbend Inc. <>

package akka.cluster.sharding.typed

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.Future

import akka.annotation.DoNotInherit
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.CurrentClusterState
import akka.cluster.Member
import akka.cluster.sharding.ShardCoordinator.ActorSystemDependentAllocationStrategy
import akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion.ShardId
import akka.cluster.sharding.internal.ClusterShardAllocationMixin
import akka.cluster.sharding.internal.ClusterShardAllocationMixin.RegionEntry
import akka.persistence.Persistence
import akka.persistence.typed.PersistenceId

object SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy {
private val emptyRebalanceResult = Future.successful(Set.empty[ShardId])

* To be used together with [[SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy]]. The slice of the entity
* is used as shardId.
final class ShardBySliceMessageExtractor[M](entityType: String, persistence: Persistence)
extends ShardingMessageExtractor[ShardingEnvelope[M], M] {

override def entityId(envelope: ShardingEnvelope[M]): String = envelope.entityId

override def shardId(entityId: String): String = {
val persistenceId = PersistenceId.concat(entityType, entityId)
val slice = persistence.sliceForPersistenceId(persistenceId)

override def unwrapMessage(envelope: ShardingEnvelope[M]): M = envelope.message

* Intended to be used with database sharding,,
* with a cluster of many Akka nodes. To avoid that each Akka node has database connections to all databases it is
* preferred to collocate entities with the same slice and contiguous range of slices to the same Akka node. Thereby
* the connections from one Akka node will go to one or a few databases since the database sharding is based on
* slice ranges.
* It must be used together with the [[SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy.ShardBySliceMessageExtractor]].
* Create a new instance of this for each entity type, i.e. a `SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy`
* instance must not be shared between different entity types.
* It will not rebalance when there is already an ongoing rebalance in progress.
* Important: Do not change shard allocation strategy in a rolling update. The cluster must be fully stopped and
* then started again when changing to a different allocation strategy.
* Not intended for public inheritance/implementation.
* @param absoluteLimit the maximum number of shards that will be rebalanced in one rebalance round
* @param relativeLimit fraction (< 1.0) of total number of (known) shards that will be rebalanced
* in one rebalance round
class SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy(absoluteLimit: Int, relativeLimit: Double)
extends ActorSystemDependentAllocationStrategy
with ClusterShardAllocationMixin {
import SliceRangeShardAllocationStrategy._

private var cluster: Cluster = _
private var numberOfSlices = 1024 // initialized for real in start

private val shardSuitabilityOrdering =
new ClusterShardAllocationMixin.ShardSuitabilityOrdering(preferLeastShards = false)

override def start(system: ActorSystem): Unit = {
cluster = Cluster(system)
numberOfSlices = Persistence(system).numberOfSlices

override protected def clusterState: CurrentClusterState = cluster.state
override protected def selfMember: Member = cluster.selfMember

private var previousRebalance = Set.empty[ShardId]

override def allocateShard(
requester: ActorRef,
shardId: ShardId,
currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, IndexedSeq[ShardId]]): Future[ActorRef] = {
val slice = shardId.toInt
if (slice >= numberOfSlices)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("slice must be between 0 and 1023. Use `ShardBySliceMessageExtractor`.")

val sortedRegionEntries = regionEntriesFor(currentShardAllocations).toVector.sorted(shardSuitabilityOrdering)

findRegionWithNeighbor(slice, sortedRegionEntries) match {
case Some(regionWithNeighbor) =>
case None =>

private def allocateWithoutNeighbor(sortedRegionEntries: Vector[RegionEntry]): ActorRef = {
val sortedByLeastShards = sortedRegionEntries.sorted(ClusterShardAllocationMixin.ShardSuitabilityOrdering)

override def rebalance(
currentShardAllocations: Map[ActorRef, IndexedSeq[ShardId]],
rebalanceInProgress: Set[ShardId]): Future[Set[ShardId]] = {
import math.max
import math.min

def limit(numberOfShards: Int): Int =
max(1, min((relativeLimit * numberOfShards).toInt, absoluteLimit))

if (rebalanceInProgress.nonEmpty) {
// one rebalance at a time
} else {
val sortedRegionEntries = regionEntriesFor(currentShardAllocations).toVector.sorted(shardSuitabilityOrdering)
if (!isAGoodTimeToRebalance(sortedRegionEntries)) {
} else {
val selected = Vector.newBuilder[ShardId]
sortedRegionEntries.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (RegionEntry(_, _, shards), i) =>
val targetSize = optimalNumberOfShards(i, sortedRegionEntries.size)
if (shards.size > targetSize) {
// Skip shards that were rebalanced in previous rounds to avoid loop of rebalance-allocate
// to same regions.
// Since we prefer contiguous ranges we pick shards to rebalance from lower and upper slices
val sortedShardIds = shards.filterNot(previousRebalance.contains).sortBy(_.toInt)
val (lowerHalf, upperHalf) = sortedShardIds.iterator.splitAt(sortedShardIds.size / 2)
val preferredOrder = lowerHalf.zipAll(upperHalf.toList.reverse, "", "").flatMap {
case (a, "") => a :: Nil
case ("", b) => b :: Nil
case (a, b) => a :: b :: Nil

selected ++= preferredOrder.take(shards.size - targetSize)
val result = selected.result()
val currentNumberOfShards =
val limitedResult = result.take(limit(currentNumberOfShards)).toSet
previousRebalance = previousRebalance.union(limitedResult)
if (previousRebalance.size >= numberOfSlices / 4)
previousRebalance = Set.empty[ShardId] // start over


private def findRegionWithNeighbor(slice: Int, sortedRegionEntries: Vector[RegionEntry]): Option[ActorRef] = {
val maxDelta = math.max(8, optimalNumberOfShards(0, sortedRegionEntries.size) / 2)

@tailrec def find(delta: Int): Option[ActorRef] = {
if (delta == maxDelta)
else {
findRegionWithNeighbor(slice, -delta, sortedRegionEntries) match {
case found @ Some(_) => found
case None =>
findRegionWithNeighbor(slice, delta, sortedRegionEntries) match {
case found @ Some(_) => found
case None =>
find(delta + 1)

find(delta = 1)

private def findRegionWithNeighbor(
slice: Int,
diff: Int,
sortedRegionEntries: Vector[RegionEntry]): Option[ActorRef] = {
val neighborSlice = slice + diff
if (neighborSlice < 0 || neighborSlice > numberOfSlices - 1)
else {
val neighbor = (slice + diff).toString

// rebalance will pick from lower/upper slices to make the distribution more optimal,
// and therefore there must be room for some overfill, otherwise it would just allocate
// without neighbor collocation when reaching full allocation
val overfill = 1
sortedRegionEntries.zipWithIndex.collectFirst {
case (RegionEntry(region, _, shards), i)
if shards.contains(neighbor) && shards.size < optimalNumberOfShards(i, sortedRegionEntries.size) + overfill =>

private def optimalNumberOfShards(regionIndex: Int, numberOfRegions: Int): Int = {
val rounding = if (numberOfSlices % numberOfRegions == 0) 0 else if (regionIndex % 2 == 0) 1 else 0
numberOfSlices / numberOfRegions + rounding


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