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A simple blogging service, written in scala and using neo4j for persistence.

A Tour of the Model

Domain Model

###Blog Service

The blogging service itself.

  • manages User
    • user creation
    • finds existing Users
  • knows about Blog
    • finds existing Blogs


Users of the blogging system, Users create Blogs and Articles.

  • can admin Blog
    • blog administrator
    • initial creator of a blog is automatically an admin
    • an admin can grant admin privileges to other users
    • an admin can grant publish access to other users
  • can publish to Blog
    • allowed to publish articles to the blog
    • initial creator of a blog is automatically allowed to publish to that blog
    • a user can publish to multiple blogs
  • is owner (of) Article
    • an article can only have one owner
  • is author (of) Article
    • an Article can have many authors
  • is working on WorkingCopy
    • for every Article, a user has a personal WorkingCopy


A place to publish Articles. Any User who "can publish to" is allowed to publish an Article to a Blog, as long as there are no un-committed WorkingCopies.

  • Article is published in The direction here could easily be reversed.


Some engrossing reading material written by one or more Users. Articles can have multiple revisions.

  • next version (of) Article
    • a more recent version of an Article
    • enables a linked-list of Articles
  • published in Blog
    • each User can publish an Article in any Blog to which they can publish This allows a single article to first appear in, say, "Kolleger Family Times" and then later get picked up by "National Geographic".

###Working Copy

An editable version of an Article, allowing Users to work on independently, merging changes upon commit. Yeah, light-weight version control that would allow for collaborative editing (if actual diffs were used).

  • User is working on
    • personal copy for each User
  • copy of Article
    • revision from which this copy started


Example blogging service using neo4j for persistence






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