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Visual regression testing plugin for Cypress


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Why is it archived and deprecated?

This plugin was an experiment with design system testing. Such plugins as cypress-visual-regression or cypress-visual-regression-resemble-js have predefined some pixel-level threshold by default, and you cannot change it. It means that, for example, if you want to test your background colors, there will be some tolerance for change. It's not what you need for design systems.

Unfortunately, it is a well-known issue that browsers render the same web pages differently on different systems. If you work in a team, you will get different results. This fact was the reason why resemblejs and pixelmatch have anti-aliasing detection algorithms. The only way to get stable results during visual regression is to run tests on the same environment each time, as the part of CI/CD process.

At this point it is clear that keeping screenshots in the same repo reduces transparency: if your test fails in the pipeline, there is no way to understand why. Even if your script commits the difference to the repo, you need to check it out. It increases complexity and makes the developer experience worse. In our team, we agreed that using external tools is the better way to achieve our goals.

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This plugin was inspired by cypress-visual-regression and cypress-visual-regression-resemble-js plugins.

The plugin uses pixelmatch to compare screenshots. Written in Typescript. Supports Typescript.

It was created to create the most precise visual regression test, to be run on the same environment and to track the minimal visual changes. If you want to run you visual regression on a different machines, consider using pixelThreshold option to avoid anti-aliasing problem (see "Add Command" section)

Getting Started


npm i cypress-pixelmatch-regression --save

Cypress Configuration

import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import { addPixelmatchRegressionPlugin } from 'cypress-pixelmatch-regression/plugin';

export default defineConfig({
  screenshotsFolder: './cypress/snapshots/actual',
  video: false,
  trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true,

  env: {
    pixelmatchPlugin: {
      baseDir: './cypress/snapshots/base',
      diffDir: './cypress/snapshots/diff',

  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      addPixelmatchRegressionPlugin(on, config);

  component: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      addPixelmatchRegressionPlugin(on, config);
  • screenshotsFolder is a directory where actual screenshots will be saved; cypress-pixelmatch-regression uses default cy.screenshot() command, and it saves them according to this parameter, it is required to run plugin
  • baseDir is required, it is a directory where so-called baseline screenshots are kept
  • diffDir is required, a directory with images containing rendered difference between actual and baseline screenshots
  • alwaysGenerateDiff is optional, if true, difference files will be generated even if no difference found

Add Command

You can add the command (under cypress/support folder):

import { addCompareSnapshotsCommand } from 'cypress-pixelmatch-regression/command';


The addCompareSnapshotsCommand() method takes an object as a parameter. It consists of standard cy.screenshot() arguments and also contains two additional parameters:

  • errorThreshold is a number from 0 to 1, which represents sensitivity to relative number of different pixels between actual and base image. By default equals 0 (minimal difference will cause failing the test);
  • pixelThreshold is the threshold value from the pixelmatch. Ranges from 0 to 1. The smaller the value, the more sensitive pixel-by-pixel comparison; may be useful in solving problem with anti-aliasing.

Pay your attention that sensitivity is maximal by default, you may need to configure it. The value for pixelThreshold 0.1 is used in the most libraries


// use predefined options:

// with options in command:
cy.get('#your-component').compareSnapshots('screenshot-name', {
  errorThreshold: 0.1,
  pixelmatch: {
    // ...options for pixelmatch
  screenshot: {
    // ...options for cy.screenshot()


Visual regression testing plugin for Cypress







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