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DSA Project

111703013 Akshay Deodhar SY BTech Computer Engineering


# generates makefile
sudo make install
# installs in /usr/bin

# runs program installed in /usr/bin


autoreconf -vfi
# generates 'configure' script
# generates makefile
sudo make install
# installs in /usr/bin

make dist
# creates a distributble tar.gz 


You can configure the program to some extent by modifying config.h in src/

Usage: ./project < OR file.fen>

Enter game mode (1 or 2) *

Enter names of player, choice of color

Moves specified as [a-h][1-8]-[a-h][1-8] (initial square and final square. This works for castling too)

Promotion of pawn spawns a separate prompt

  • entering 'C' and 'c' quick-starts a single player game as white or black respectively

The Program

Board State

Supports Forsyth Edwards Format for storing board position FEN is a format which stores the state of the chessboard as a string. The string is of form:


Each row between two '/'s represents one row on the board. The numbers act as black square padding

The program takes a filename as command-line argument.

The file is in format

Line 1: FEN line

Line 2: Player info (human or computer, names) [OPTIONAL]

The program checks whether the string is a valid FEN, converts it to board state, and starts game from that state If invalid, program exits

Alternately, if no filename is specified, game starts from default starting position of board

The savegames produced by the game are also in above format.

Game Loop

Once the game starts, the game waits for user input. The input can be

[a-h][1-8]-[a-h][1-8]: a move which specifies the initial square (from) and the final square (to)

board: prints board again

save: saves state of board in ../save/ folder (FEN + player-info)

help: prints help

quit: exits as it is

The game checks whether the move is valid- if yes, it makes the move and updates the state accordingly If invalid, the game simply goes to the next iteration of the game loop (and thus, tries again)

The state of the board and pieces is updated after each move.

At every point, the number of squares the piece can move in a direction, along with the piece occupying the LAST square in that direction is stored

When a move is made, for every piece, the program checks whether the from and to squares are in the range of the piece. It recalculates the moves of the piece in the direction from position of piece to the square. Only if the direction is a valid direction for the piece, dies it recalculate the pieces moves in that direction.

The program uses a set of number codes which represent a direction

There are static arrays which store the delta-x and delta-y for that direction (which are used for move generation)

Computer Player - Trillian

There is a way to update the state of the board and possible moves of the piece for each move made The Computer player uses the minmax algorithm, with alpha-beta pruning. Minmax uses a static evaluation function. The function has 3 main parameters-

Values of pieces

Number of squares controlled

King safety

The function uses these parameters to generate a number which represents the goodness of the position for white and black. A positive score is good for white, and negative for black. Minmax tries to minimise the score for black, and maximise the score for white. For example, for a depth-2 minmax, (assume white starts)

White tries ALL moves, and then for each move, calculates all possible moves for black. Now the score for the best move for black, is the score of that branch. Now, this is done recursively, with white doing MAX(minimise) ad black doing MIN(maximise) Alpha beta pruning eliminates those moves in search using information about best move for black or white till that point.

The algorithm works fairly fast upto depth 4, but takes more than 1.5 minutes for depth 6. Odd depths are unreliable, as do not end with opponent's move.

  • NOTE: The only interface with through 2 functions- trillian(), and a (possible- chose promotion). so the loop, generation and checking functions could be used as a library for a bot, which would directly link to the code! (though if .o are given, name will always have to be trillian)


This does NOT implement En-Passe, due to complications arising out of using en-passe to kill a checking pawn, due to the final square not being the same as the square of the piece which is killed

Uses the old rule for draws- instead of repetition of position, consecutive repetition of moves is the rule implemented

The static evaluation function gives points for number of squares controlled. This causes trillian to bring the queen into the game very early. This has been fixed to some extent using a modification which assigns penalties for not developing minor pieces in the opening

Savegame format is does not allow usernames with spaces, wheras the program does.

Possible Extension:

Build a better static evaluation function by anylisis of board position<-> win data

Interface with Xboard

En-Passe- try to find an elegant fix, rather than a lot of if-else

Some kind of lookup table for fast checking of draw by repetition of position

Variable tree depth- when situation is dynamic(king in check or exchange going on) , look ahead more (modify the code in if (depth == 0))

Use GNU Readline for user input.


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