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Repository files navigation

Rick N Morty

Small app that uses []. This project demonstrates the use of modern Android development tools and techniques, including MVVM, Hilt, Room, Retrofit, Clean Architecture, StateFlow, Livedata and the Repository pattern.


  • List of rick and morty characters using pagination
  • Image loading using Glide
  • Dependency injection with Hilt
  • Reactive UI with StateFlow


The app is built using Clean Architecture principles to ensure a separation of concerns and to make the codebase scalable and maintainable. The architecture includes the following layers:

  1. Presentation Layer: Contains UI components and ViewModels.
  2. Domain Layer: Contains use cases and business logic.
  3. Data Layer: Contains repositories and data sources (both local and remote).

Libraries and Tools

  • MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern to separate UI logic from business logic.
  • Hilt: Dependency injection library to manage dependencies.
  • Room: Persistence library to cache data locally.
  • Retrofit: HTTP client for network operations.
  • StateFlow: State management for reactive UI updates.
  • Repository Pattern: Abstracts the data sources and provides a clean API for data access.

