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tangrammer committed Jun 26, 2018
1 parent 9f939c0 commit d46b712
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Showing 2 changed files with 126 additions and 17 deletions.
141 changes: 125 additions & 16 deletions backend/specs/
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Expand Up @@ -31,45 +31,154 @@ Lumen is a Component Oriented System, it uses [[
Main idea behind component is ~Managed lifecycle of stateful objects in Clojure~ (IoC or DI)

;; WIP #+INCLUDE: ""
* config :config:
* config
Configuration of lumen backend is done through [[][system.edn]]
* db :db:
* db
* DELEGATED endpoints :endpoints:
* DELEGATED endpoints
CLOSED: [2018-06-20 Wed 23:28]
these endopoints functions should be specified as [[][HOF]]

;; #+INCLUDE: ""
* DELEGATED imports
CLOSED: [2018-06-20 Wed 23:28]
;; #+INCLUDE: ""
* libs :libs:
* libs
* transformations :transformations:
* transformations

* FAQs

** TODO explain where to put this stuff :) ?
explain why choose ~backend/src/akvo/lumen/specs/~ as org folder and why generated html has to live in ~docs~ folder
** FEEDBACK ~[org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0" :scope "test"]~
only reason to have this ~test~ dependency in ~prod~ side is to be able to generate samples inside custom generator

** where to put this stuff :) ?
these org files live in akvo-lumen/backend/specs as far as specs relates to backend side
the compiled clojure source is located at ~backend/src/akvo/lumen/specs/~ to be available in ~prod~ environment
and generated html documentation live in ~docs~ folder as [[][requirement]] to be available from github pages
** FEEDBACK Why is ~[org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0" :scope "test"]~ in ~prod~ dependencies?
the only reason to have this ~test~ dependency in ~prod~ side is to be able to [[][generate samples]] inside custom generator.

** DONE investigate if clojure.spec can check value returned by function spec(ed)
CLOSED: [2018-06-20 Wed 22:28]
clojure.spec only can check/instrument args in function call but no the value returned by the function.
** can ~clojure.spec~ check value returned by function spec(ed)?
clojure.spec only can check/instrument args in function call but *no* the value returned by the function.

Following this [[!topic/clojure/JU6EmjtbRiQ][thread]] is not possible (using plain clojure.spec lib) but there is other option to test it

** how to naming specs namespaces and aliases?
Specs usually live in same namespace as the data they are referring

Below a sample data inside a sample namespace

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no

(def d {:id "12345abcde"})


And a sample spec namespace that defines specs for previous namespace

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no
(ns example.specs
(:require [ :as one]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))

(s/def ::one/id string?)
(s/def ::one/d (s/keys :req-un [::one/id]))


As you can see, specs live in its own namespace (~example.specs~ in the example provided) and they refers to the data to specify using the alias namespace (~::one/....~ again in the example provided)

By default, we'll need to create a spec namespace for the ~src~ namespace to specify adding ~.specs~ suffix

** creating namespaces to solve qualified keywords spec ids
spec ids need to be [[][qualified keywords]] , sometimes this requirement we'll force us to create new namespaces to allocate the specs.
this is an [[][example of creating a ns to allocate spec]]: in this case [[][query]] as data doesn't have its own namespace but it is used from other nss as aggregation.clj

** aliasing namespaces
as you surely have realised, soon we could need a lot of typing to refere specs using qualified keywords ...

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no

(s/def (s/keys :req-un []))


so aliasing seems to be pretty important here

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no
(require '[ :as one])

(s/def ::one/d (s/keys :req-un [::one/id]))


But, a new problem appears thus if we have a medium size file, we'll soon loose the meaning of aliasing

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no
(require '[akvo.lumen.library.js.engine :as engine])
(require '[ :as one])
;; ... 100 LOC after
;; .....

(s/def ::one/d (s/keys :req-un [::one/id ::engine/type]))
;; ups, I totally forgot the origin of ::engine at this point :(


and/or we could face conflict naming problems

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no
(require '[ :as one])
(require '[ :as one])

;; ups two clj files in differents folders with same aliasing pattern


so ... following the first approach/patter to aliasing specs

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :exports code :results no
(ns akvo.lumen.specs.aggregation
(:require [akvo.lumen.component.tenant-manager :as tenant-manager]
[akvo.lumen.lib :as lib]
[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation :as lib.aggregation]
[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation.filter :as l.aggregation.filter]
[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation.pie :as l.aggregation.pie]
[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation.pivot :as l.aggregation.pivot]
[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation.utils :as l.aggregation.utils]
[akvo.lumen.specs.aggregation.pivot.row :as a.pivot.row.s]
[akvo.lumen.specs.aggregation.query :as aggregation.query.s]
[akvo.lumen.specs.core :as lumen.s]
[akvo.lumen.specs.dataset :as dataset.s]
[akvo.lumen.specs.dataset.column :as dataset.column.s]
[akvo.lumen.specs.db :as db.s]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))


+ all aliases ignore common project domain => ~akvo.lumen~
is also ignored
~[akvo.lumen.lib :as lib]~

+ if namespace contains only one or two nss then we use full nss
~[akvo.lumen.lib :as lib]~
~[akvo.lumen.lib.aggregation :as lib.aggregation]~

+ if namespace contains more than two nss then we contract parent ones

+ if namespace is a ~spec~ namespace, we ignored ~akvo.lumen.specs~ and aliasing ends in ~.s~
=> ~[akvo.lumen.specs.aggregation.query :as aggregation.query.s]~
=> ~[akvo.lumen.specs.aggregation.pivot.row :as a.pivot.row.s]~

** TODO [[][how to naming schemas ns and aliases]]
** TODO how to aliasing namespaces
the other problem to think about is how long this alias should be ... and which pattern to apply when we need to reduce naming

* tools :index:
* tools

** dev
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/src/akvo/lumen/lib/aggregation/utils.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
(throw (ex-info "No such column" {:columnName column-name})))))

(defn load-columns [data columns]
(map #(assoc % :column (find-column columns (:column %))) data))
(map #(assoc % :column (find-column columns (:columnName %))) data))

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