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Akvo RSR ver 2.3.8 Xylocarp

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@adriancollier adriancollier released this 19 Jun 08:21
· 11604 commits to master since this release

Thursday 19th June 2014, adriancollier

New and Noteworthy

Upgrade to Django 1.6

This latest release of Akvo RSR contains a wide variety of back end changes to upgrade the underlying framework that RSR runs on - Django. We were previously running on version 1.4, so we've performed a double staged upgrade to make use of the later features than have been developed with Django.

Github issue #544

Areas Modified

Separated Static and User Media assets

We have now separated the server location for static media from media that is uploaded by users. This ensures that we can manage and maintain the information in different ways if needed by the use cases of the different sources.

Github issue #564

Updated Folder Structure

The folders structure for the application was improved in Django 1.4, but we continued to use the legacy structure. We have now updated this to bring RSR in line with the latest Django folder structure.

Github issue #565

Fixed ProjectAdmin add view

We have updated the new project form to work with the improved standards bring implemented in Django 1.5

Github issue #566

Upgraded Python Libraries

We have performed updates of all dependent python libraries where possible to allow us to use the latest versions.

Github issue #570

New Markdown Solution

We have implemented a new method of managing Markdown included within Project Updates that uses django_markup.

Github issue #572

Removed SMS Code

We had in the past implemented a beta version of an SMS updating tool for RSR that was never fully functional. To tidy up the codebase, we have now removed this code and all references to this.

Github issue #574

URL Encoding removal

As part of the Django 1.6 changes, we have removed the URL Encoding from reverse() arguments.

Github issue #575

Default value for Boolean Fields

Required with the Django 1.6 upgrade, we have to specify a default value for Boolean fields within RSR. These have now been specified where previously not present.

Github issue #578

Update Django URLs

We have updated the code to ensure that the names of views in {% url %} tag are strings.

Github issue #579

Fixes for Django 1.7 Upgrade

While we are not yet planning to update the Django framework to 1.7 yet, we have already provided some updates to key libraries including Tastypie (which runs parts of the RSR API) to provide 1.7 compatibility.

Github issue #580

Rename get_query_set()

A change that takes advantage of some newer features provided in Django 1.6, we have renamed this function.

Github issue #583

Change in permission methods

We have replaced get_(add|change|delete)_permission methods with django.contrib.auth.get_permission_codename as the previous are now depreciated.

Github issue #584

Check ModelForms

As part of the Django 1.6 upgrade we have updated ModelForms.

Github issue #586

Implement ALLOWED_HOST setting

We have added a new ALLOWED_HOST setting as needed as part of the Django 1.6 upgrade.

Github issue #596