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Akvo RSR ver 2.6 Conakry

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@adriancollier adriancollier released this 13 Jan 15:53
· 11213 commits to master since this release

Tuesday 13th January 2015, adriancollier

New & Noteworthy

PostgreSQL as the Database Engine

In this release we are migrating our underlying database engine from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Following on from this change, we will begin to be able to take advantage of many of the additional pieces of functionality that PostgreSQL offers us including Materialised Views.

Github issue: #813 & #753

Minor Visual Updates

We have made some minor changes to the data visualisation within RSR. Nothing large, but these should meet some of the demands we've been receiving.

Visualise Identifiers on Project Pages

If a project has additional identifiers, including an IATI ID or an Internal ID obtained from an external system, then these are now displayed on the Project page alongside the RSR ID.

Github issue: #946

Start and End dates

We are accepting 4 types of dates on a project now, start and end with both planned and actual values. We have now implemented a change to show all of these dates within the Funding page for the project.

Github issue: #936

IATI Activity Link in Akvo Pages

This is a minor fix to enhance the IATI Identifier (if existing) on the Funding page to direct a user towards an external source of further information (such as to match the functionality within RSR.

Github issue: #868

Partner Name on Akvo Pages

The Partner Name on Akvo Pages was previously only displaying the short name. We have updated this to match the layout and display of both the name and country as displayed in RSR.

Github issue: #729