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Akvo RSR version 3.11.3 Ouagadougou (Hotfix 3)

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@KasperBrandt KasperBrandt released this 04 Mar 08:55
· 8579 commits to master since this release

Friday 4th of March, 2016 @KasperBrandt

Bug fixes

Re-enable support center

The new 'HELP' button on the right side of any RSR page is re-enabled. We took it off after last release, since it caused Javascript conflicts on some pages, making the pages not function properly anymore. This should be resolved now.

Github issue: #2027.

Labels in project editor disappeared

We have fixed a styling bug where the labels of some inputs in the project editor partly disappeared underneath the input itself.

Github issue: #2030.

Multiple roles for one user on same organisation

It is now possible for a user to have multiple roles on the same organisation. So a user can be a 'M&E Manager' and 'Admin' at the same time, for instance.

Github issues: #2024 and #2028.

Under the hood

Upgrade to React v0.14.7

All pages in RSR that use React.js have been updated to v0.14.7. We used a lot of different versions on different pages and some versions are not supported anymore, therefore we decided to upgrade to the latest React version everywhere.

In addition, this made it possible to bring back the SupportHero plugin.

Github issue: #900.

Project update admin broken

We have fixed the project update admin, which gave an internal server error after last release.

Github issue: #2026.