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Akvo RSR version 3.13 Quito

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@KasperBrandt KasperBrandt released this 11 May 09:40
· 8296 commits to master since this release

Tuesday 3rd of May, 2016 @KasperBrandt

New & Noteworthy

Improved IATI exports

The IATI exports page on MyRSR has been improved with several enhancements:

  • Previously, larger IATI exports (with more than 100 projects) would give a time-out. This has now been resolved.
  • A new overview of all the organisation's IATI exports and files. And the option to display a file on the organisation's page.
  • Filtering options for creating an IATI export, such as to select all projects without errors or projects that were included in last export (or a combination of the two).

Github issue: #2102.

'Add an update' button in header returned

The 'Add an update' button in the top navigation had been removed, since it was causing confusing for some users. However, it turned out that other users now could not find where to place an update, therefore this button has now been restored in its' old format.

Github issue: #2130.

Styling of social media links in organisations list

The styling of the social media links and the IATI organisation identifier has been changed in the organisations list. The old mark-up and styling did not look clean, but this has now been resolved.

Github issue: #2128.

Actual value comment in the results framework

We would display the comment on the target values in the results framework previously. However, the actual value comments did not show. Therefore, these have been added to the results framework, both on the project page as the 'My results' section in MyRSR.

Github issue: #2125.

Support for markdown in most description fields

All description fields, except for the project summary, now support markdown. Using markdown it is possible to add headers, links and images (amongst other things) to the text. The changes can be seen on the summary and full report tabs of the project page.

Github issue: #2117.

API key on the 'My details' page

In MyRSR, on the 'My details' page, users can now find their API key and a link to the support documentation on how to use the RSR API.

Github issue: #1990.

Bug fixes

Forbidden error when adding a new project

In certain cases a 403 - Forbidden error would show when trying to create a new project in the 'My projects' section in MyRSR. This was due to the fact that adding a partner to the project failed. This bug has now been resolved, and the page now has better error handling in the case it does happen.

Github issue: #2132.

Results framework for private projects

Private projects would previously not be selected in the 'My results' section of MyRSR. This has now been resolved, so that results data can be filled in for private projects as well.

Github issue: #2113.

Project count on organisations listing page

The project count on the organisations listing page would also count unpublished projects, whereas the organisation page itself only counts published projects of an organisation. This has now been resolved so that the unpublished projects are not counted anymore on the organisations listing page.

Github issue: #2038.

Under the hood

Project document category API endpoint crash

The project document category API endpoint had not been setup correctly, and would therefore crash when called. This has now been resolved.

Github issue: #2134.

General API filtering

We have extended the filter options of the /rest/v1/ API in order to support any kind of filtering that is possible in the Django framework, by making use of the "filter" parameter. For instance:{'project__partners':415,'project__keywords__label':'drydev'}.

Github issue: #2095.

Employment endpoint does not require Django login anymore

The employment endpoint, to be used by the RSR Up app in the near future, does not require a Django authentication anymore, but is extended by making use of API key authentication.

Github issue: #2074.

API date validation

Some API endpoints could crash when an invalid date was entered as a filtering parameter. We now validate these dates and return a 400 status in case the date is not valid.

Github issue: #1774.

New 404 page

A new 404 page is in place for RSR, similar to the 404 page which is used on Akvo's website.

Github issue: #1294.

Performance improvements

We have improved the performance of the project_extra API endpoint, and set a tighter limit on the number of objects retrieved by the RSS feeds, in order to improve RSR's performance in general.

Github issues: #2154 and #2155.