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al3x's Mac iPhone client setup

Sam Kottler edited this page Nov 10, 2013 · 2 revisions

First, I moved all my email off Google with larch. It worked like a charm. Calendars and contacts were even easier: just export and then import the standard formats with your clients of choice; no issues with and

I use this setup from my Mac like this:

  • I read email in Airmail.
  • I manage my calendar and contacts via the Apple-provided and See ownCloud’s docs to get it set up.
  • I connect to the VPN via Viscosity. It has some dumb DNS bug right now so I have to point my machine to OpenDNS in order to resolve names. Despite that, it’s better than the alternative.
  • I connect to the IRC bouncer with Textual.
  • I run the ownCloud sync client for Dropbox-like file sync.
  • I manage my blog and other sites with Jekyll locally, then push the resulting builds up to the server via rsync over SSH.

… and from my iPhone like this:

  • I read email in the Apple-provided Mail app and check it quickly in Triage.
  • I manage my calendar and contacts with the built-in apps. Boring, effective. See the ownCloud docs for setup instructions.
  • I access files stored in my ownCloud instance via their app.
  • I connect to my IRC bouncer with Palaver.