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Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovász (LLL) lattice basis reduction algorithm

    LLL(x::Array, α::Number[; return_c = false, verbose=Bool])
Return an α-reduced basis of the lattice generated by `x`, where 1/4 < α <= 1.
Handles matrices of size (m, n),  where m <= n.
If return_c is set to true, return the matrix C for which Y = C * X, 
where Y is the α-reduced basis.
If verbose is set to true, also print the reduce/exchange operations.

# Example
julia> x = [[-2 7 7 -5]
       [3 -2 6 -1]
       [2 -8 -9 -7]
       [8 -9 6 -4]]
4×4 Array{Int64,2}:
 -2   7   7  -5
  3  -2   6  -1
  2  -8  -9  -7
  8  -9   6  -4
julia> LLL(x, 1, verbose=true)
iteration 1      exchange    k=2
iteration 2      reduce      k=2     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 3      reduce      k=3     ℓ=2     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 4      reduce      k=3     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 5      exchange    k=4
iteration 6      reduce      k=3     ℓ=2     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 7      exchange    k=3
iteration 8      reduce      k=2     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 9      reduce      k=3     ℓ=2     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 10     reduce      k=3     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 11     reduce      k=4     ℓ=3     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 12     exchange    k=4
iteration 13     reduce      k=3     ℓ=2     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 14     exchange    k=3
iteration 15     exchange    k=2
iteration 16     exchange    k=3
iteration 17     reduce      k=2     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 18     exchange    k=2
iteration 19     exchange    k=4
iteration 20     reduce      k=3     ℓ=2     [μ[k,l]] = 1.0
iteration 21     exchange    k=3
iteration 22     reduce      k=2     ℓ=1     [μ[k,l]] = -1.0
iteration 23     exchange    k=2
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
  2.0   3.0   1.0   1.0
  2.0   0.0  -2.0  -4.0
 -2.0   2.0   3.0  -3.0
  3.0  -2.0   6.0  -1.0

Simultaneous Diophantine Approximation

Given a list of n distinct real numbers, the LLL algorithm allows one to find rational approximations using the same denominator.

    sda(x...; β = 2, ε = 1/100)
Input: list of real distinct numbers.
Output: list of numerators and the common denominator.

# Example
julia> sda(sqrt(2), sqrt(3), sqrt(5), sqrt(7))


Lattice reduction algorithms.







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