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Convert Word documents (docx) to XML docbook 5.0, usign XSLT 2.0 with saxonhe9-2-1-5j and XMLPipeline with calumet.

This converter makes the transformation based on a file which makes a relationship between word styles and docbook tags.

The output will has this form:

<book xmlns="" version="5.0">
     <chapter xml:id="m0">
     <chapter xml:id="m1">
     <chapter xml:id="m2">

Elements supported: table in cals mode listitem emphasis links sect1..5 chapter book mediaobject important blockquote mathml info title preface authorgroup author personblurb footnotes


Download de code. Install java 1.6.


Execute word2docbook.bat wordfile, without extension. The process will take the document from the input folder and store it in the output folder in xml docbook format.

In the template folder there is a file with the conversion instructions: template.xml.

<t:template xmlns:t="">
   <t:style word="heading 1" tag="chapter"/> <!-- title word style -->
   <t:style word="heading 2" tag="sect1"/> <!-- title 1 -->
   <t:style word="heading 3" tag="sect2"/> <!-- title 2 -->
   <t:style word="List Paragraph" tag="listitem"/>
   <t:style word="heading 4" tag="sect3"/> <!-- title 3 -->
   <t:style word="heading 5" tag="sect4"/> <!-- title 4 -->
   <t:style word="heading 6" tag="example"/>
   <t:style word="Quote" tag="blockquote"/>
   <t:style word="Intense Quote" tag="important"/>
   <t:style word="Title" tag="title"/>
   <t:style word="Author" tag="author"/>
   <t:style word="personblurb" tag="personblurb"/>

In this file you can find the rules conversions, for example if the docx document contains a heading 1 style, this is transformed to chapter. Tables, lists and inline elements (bold, underline, sub, sup, links, ...) are autodetected.

Its important to mark, in the docx, the title, heading 1, heading 2,..., because this marks are used to generate de XML docbook structure, you can use the template/template.xml template sample.

The main XSL file is: word2docbook.xsl and you can change the input parameters:

path.unzip.word = temporal folder template.estils = template path

<xsl:param name="path.unzip.word" select="'C:/word2docbook/tmp'"/>
<xsl:param name="template.estils" select="'C:/word2docbook/templates/template.xml'"/>
<xsl:param name="codi"/>
<xsl:param name="titol"/>

##Styling word document

Steps to mark word documents:

  1. Open MicrosoftOficce Word and load a document.
  2. Mark the document title, you have to apply the style title (in the microsoft office editor) to the document title.
  3. Create sections:
  • Use title1, title2, title3, title4,... Word style to create the document structure, each of this styles will be transformed to chapter, sect1, sect2, sect3,...
  • Preface section is a title1 Style with the 'Preface' literal.
  1. You can modify the template.xml file and apply diferent style that will be tansformed to docbook tags. For example (default template):
    • Quote will be converted to blockquote
    • Intense Quote will be converted to important.
  2. Save as docx.


1)In the input folder there is a test.docx document, this document is a simple document with sections, paragraphs, tables, bold, italic, images, equations and list items. Execute: word2docbook.bat test The output will be in the output folder in XML docbook format and with the document images.

2)Sample 2: test_2.docx word with preface, author, personalblurb and footnotes.