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Alberto Fanjul edited this page Sep 28, 2021 · 13 revisions

Running on raspberry pi 3

raspberry pi 3 screenshot


There's a ready to go image on raspberry pi image

To install you need to write it to an sdcard:

  • download file

  • check your sdcard dev with:

      $ df -h

If you connect by usb it should be /dev/sdb, by card slot it should be /dev/mmcblk

  • write image to sdcard

      $ sudo su -
      $ gzip -dc ~/archarm230716.gz | dd bs=4M of=/dev/mmcblk

For Windows see this

If you want to see progress install pv

    $ gzip -dc archarm230716.gz | pv -s $(du -sb archarm230716.gz | awk '{ print $1}') | dd bs=4M of=/dev/mmcblk

more info

It should run out of the box


If you have an raspberry pi 1 or 2 and a wifi-direct usb dongle you can config kernel doing:

  • edit kernel config

      $ sudo vi /boot/config.txt
  • add this line


more info

At this time raspberry has an arch arm distro with mate desktop (gtk2).

  • user: alarm
  • pass: alarm

it is added to sudoers.

For package managing I have added yaourt, a package manager for AUR (Arch linux user repository).

To update miraclecast you just need to do:

$ yaourt -S miraclecast-git

Do it at least at first install of image to stay up to date

that uses my AUR repo which is tied to master branch

See yaourt is configured to don't ask anything

It has ssh and vnc enabled from boot. You can see what net raspberry gets with:

$ nmap -p 22 --open -sV
$ nmap -p 5900 --open -sV

See 192.168.0 depends on your net config

connect through ssh or vnc is a easy way to interact with raspberry pi at this time, but you can always plug raspberry to a monitor and operate with a usb keyboard and mouse.

Once connected stop network (at this time normal Wifi setup is not compatible with Wifi Direct)

$ sudo systemctl stop networkd.service
$ sudo systemctl stop

Note this means you should connect ssh or vnc through ethernet

should be enough. Anyway, check there's no wpa_supplicant running before starting miracle-wifid with:

$ ps -ef | grep wpa_supplican[t]

Then run miraclecast commands as usual

$ sudo miracle-wifid
$ sudo miracle-sinkctl

and run the interface it detects


If for whatever reason it doesn't work check if wlan0 is not up with

$ ifconfig

and if it does bring it down:

$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 down

This is an annoying bug that makes miraclecast start wlan0 and p2p-dev-wlan0-0 but not bring wlan0 down when disconnect. Help wanted

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