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Simplr form CONTEXT


Data flow

React Context is used for global state management.


The following set of props passed to create new Input:

  • label:String - Label for input
  • type:String - Input type (text || email || password || checkbox)
  • hint:String - Hint inside <label/>
  • optional:Boolean - If passed, validation skipped
  • id:String - Identifier for <input id={id}/>, <label htmlFor={id}/>, validation function validate[id]()


Input instantiates useInput hook, which handles value updates and validation. useInput hook returns onChange, valid, invalidMsg.

valid:Boolean - current validation status
inValidMsg - conditionally renders red message below the input if valid === false.
onChange:Function - updates Input state with If type==='checkbox' toggles state true | false


useEffect in useInput observes value and valid changes and updates corresponding value and valid in FormContext. When value is empty, resets value and valid to null. This prevents displaying validation message render when input has no value. Validation runs with 700ms delay, to let a user finish typing. Deleay resets on every keypress to prevent timeout bubbling.


When all inputs (values) are valid, useEffect in FormContext sets allValid state property to true, which enables Submit button (and changes its bg color to blue).


On Form submit all values are logged to the console (sent to the server).


RegEx.test() used to validate following values businessName, email, password, username. For password value, function returns custom validation message according to requirements.
aaaaaa => Password should have one uppercase
aaaaaA => Password should have one digit
AAAAA1 => Password should have on lowercase
aaa => Password should have six characters

Validation functions names correspond to input's id.

Folders structure

src /
|_____components /
|    |___Component.js
|_____context /
|    |___ContextFile.js
|_____css /
|    |___index.scss
|    |___index.css
|    |
|    |___components /
|    |  |___Component.scss
|    |___partials / 
|       |___mixins.scss
|       |___variables.scss
|       |___base.scss
|_____hooks /
|    |___useHook.js
|    |___util.js


This project styled using SASS. Every component has its own .scss file. @mixins used for styles reuse, reducing repeating properties. $variables used for colors. All files then imported to index.scss which compiles to index.css.

Responsive layout | Mobile-first approach

@media queries used to achieve responsive layout.

For hi-res screens compatibility @media reassigns font-size value at root html element at 2400px and 3800px

Final Notes

  • button's initial color is gray, once all fields valid it's blue as in the design file.
  • Simplr logo on resolutons < 560px is on top of the form (mobiles).
  • on resolutions < 560px paddings and margins are different (mobiles).
  • on resulutions > 560px form size is fixed to match design file.
  • using div wrappers is avoided when possible, React.Fragment used instead.


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