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Official PrestaShop Facebook Pixel module

The Official Facebook Pixel module will help you to implement an analysis tool into your website pages and track different types of events that occur when your clients visit your website and take an action.

Those are the events tracked on your website :

  • PageView: all pages
  • ViewContent: when a product page is viewed
  • ViewCategory: when a category page is viewed
  • ViewCMS: when a CMS page is viewed
  • AddToCart: when a product is added to the cart
  • InitiateCheckout: when a customer reaches his shopping cart summary page
  • AddPaymentInfo: when a customer reaches the last step of the order funnel
  • Search: when a customer makes a search
  • Purchase: when a customer makes a purchase (success or failure)

All those events can then be analyzed in your Facebook Ads manager.


Name Link
Pixel manager Tools [Pixel manager Tools ] PlDb
FAQ Facebook Pixel [FAQ Facebook Pixel] PlGh
Pixel Helper [Chrome extension Pixel Helper] PlGd


Hay que clonar el repositorio, instalar las dependencias con composer, generar el zip e instalarlo en Prestashop desde el gestor de módulos. O en vez de comprimir el zip, subir la carpeta pspixel a ./modules para que Prestashop lo detecte, buscarlo en el gestor de módulos e instalarlo.

git clone pspixel
cd pspixel
composer install --no-dev
cd ..
zip pspixel